I Hate Him..

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"I told them, I told them not to bring a kid. This is exactly what I said would happen and now look at us." Mr. Stark complained as he crossed his arms and I looked down.

"Tony, you can't blame-"

"I can't blame who, Steve? I can't blame the kid who just messed everything up?!" Mr. Stark exclaimed as he slammed his hand on the table and looked around. "Loki will be back soon, with his army. If this child hadn't stupidly let him go, we wouldn't be in this predicament." 

"It wasn't his fault! He didn't kno-"

"Oh yes steve, trust someone who you only just met. You've done it before. Or are you just gonna try to kill me again? You're famous for that as well." Mr. Stark cut the captain off and turned to the door. "I'm not helping if the kid is included in this fight." I looked down and frowned. A tear dripped down my face and I was happy I had my mask on.

"I-I gotta go." I responded as I left and free fell for a little. I made a web parachute and landed gracefully on a building. I made my way home and locked my door. This can not get worse. 

♧♧♧♧ Time Skip Because Ya'll are gonna hate me for this one shot and the overly used idea ♧♧♧♧

"Dude, are you ready for the surprise trip today?" Ned asked excitedly and I gave a weak smile.

"Yea, Ned. This is gonna be.. great." We walked to our seats and Flash pushed me to the floor, causing my head to hit off multiple desks and I got a nosebleed. My head was killing me as I stood up, and continued to my seat.

"So, I met-"

"Parker, Leeds if I catch you talking before we leave, you will stay here. Understood?" I sighed and nodded, looking forward. I watched the teacher talk about whatever for a little bit, before the announcement went off.

"Students of Mr. Dell's class, please excuse yourselves to the commons for dismissal." Ned and I stood up, with Flash and MJ following. We left the classroom and I turned to Ned.

"I met Tony Stark, aka Iron Man last night." I said slowly and Ned's eyes widened.

"Woah, what happened?" Ned asked excitedly and I looked down.

"I don't think he likes me." I responded and Ned couldn't answer as the teacher cut in.

"Okay students, now time to announce where the trip is to!" Mr. Dell yelled, causing everyone to quiet down. "We got a field trip to Stark Tower, thanks to Mr. Parker's win at the Decathlon 2 weeks ago!" Everyone talked excitedly about the trip as they boarded the bus and I frowned.

♤♤ Time Skip Because This Idea Is Overused ♤♤

"And this class, is one of Mr. Stark's first inventions." An intern pointed out and took us throughout the memorabilia hall. We walked to the elevators and took it to the 3rd floor. We got off and grunting was heard in the halls as we walked off the elevator. We made it to a gym room and inside were all the Avengers, excluding Thor, Scarlet Witch and Vision. We walked in and some of them stopped fighting, turning to the class. I saw Mr. Stark and he had a devilish look in his eyes.

"Hello students of Midtown. Today, we are going to tests your strengths. You each will go up against Natasha or I. Guys against me and females against Natasha and we expect you to give it your all." Mr. Rogers explained as everyone got in lines. I stood off to the side and Mr. Stark continued to stare at me with narrowed eyes. I sighed and watched as no one could take Ms. Natasha and Mr. Rogers down.

"Mr. Parker, it is important to participate, seeing as this will be a part of your grade." Mr. Dell spoke and I nodded. I walked up to the line and only one person was left to go before me. 

Finally it was my turn and Mr. Stark smirked as he stepped forward. He whispered something to Mr. Rogers and the Captain nodded as he stepped back, but held cautious eyes. 

"Alright kid, I want part of the fun. Let's go." Mr. Stark said and I frowned, shaking my head. I couldn't use my strength and though Mr. Stark usually wears his armor while fighting, he was pretty good at hand to hand. "Let's go, I won't hurt you." Mr. Stark smirked and I looked to Mr. Dell, who nodded.


"Class, let this be a lesson. Always keep your guard up." Mr. Stark cut me off as he knocked me down. I frowned and got back up. I threw a punch at him with less force and he dodged. He brought his leg up and hit me full force, causing me to bite my tongue in pain. 

"Okay, that's enough-"

"Here, kid." Mr. Stark held his hand out to me and I grabbed it. He used that time, to flip me over his shoulder and I landed with a loud crack on my back. "Another lesson; never trust someone you just met." Mr. Stark looked to Mr. Steve and I lay on the floor in pain for a few more minutes. 


"I'm going down to my lab. Enjoy the rest of the tour, kid." Mr. Stark walked off and the captain walked up to me.

"Sorry about that, Peter. Are you okay?" He asked holding his hand out for me to take. I ignored the hand and stood on my own, choking back the screams of pain.

"I-I'm okay, Mr. Captain America." I responded and walked over to my class. Ned gave me a concerned look and I shook my head. We finished the tour and I laid on my bed once I got home. Why does he hate me

♤♤ Scene Change Because Y'all Told Me Not To Write This ♤♤

"That was very wrong, Tony." Steve reprimanded and I took a swig of my bottle.

"Listen Steve, I didn't ask for this lecture." I spoke and Steve frowned.

"You're drinking again?" I glared at capsicles and he walked out. I turned back to my table and grabbed my alcohol, taking more back.

"Why did you do that to Peter?" Natasha asked as she crossed her arms and I narrowed my eyes.

"First Steve, now you? Can't I just be left alone? I have my reasons and I don't need to tell either of you shit."

"Why don't you like him?" Natasha asked and I chuckled.

"Oh Natasha, it's not that I don't like him. It's the fact that I hate him." I hissed and downed the rest of my bottle. She kept quiet and walked out, but not before looking back at me.

"You know, Tony. You might think you don't have to tell us anything, but soon you will. You can't possibly hate Peter." Natasha said and shut the door as I opened another bottle and began to down the contents of it.

"But I do hate him. I hate him more than anyone will ever know." 

               Word Count: 1,200

I know y'all told me not to, but in not good at listening. This probably turned out like shit

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