Something You Would Never Expect..

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It's been four days since the eight teens arrived at the cabin(mansion) and so far, it's been horrible for Peter. MJ still refuses to talk to him or even acknowledge his presence, Flash and Ned have been distant as well, and Liz won't stop smothering Peter. She would go and hang out with Sally, but would come over every few seconds. 
"Babe, do we have any soda left?" Liz whined and Peter gave a smile. 
"I can go check?" He offered and Sally smiled.
"Get one for me as well." 
"Dude, get me one too?" Abe chimed in and Peter nodded.
"Bro, I want one!" 
"Same." Ned shrugged and Peter nodded.
"I'll help you. The dude only has two arms people!" Flash laughed and Peter smiled, nodding. The two went into the kitchen and Peter walked to the fridge.
"Stark, I need to talk to you." Flash said in a serious matter and Peter shut the fridge, all eight bottles of soda in his arms.
"What's up?" Peter questioned as he placed the bottles on the table and opened one.
"It's about Liz and MJ." 
"What about them?" 
"MJ was told something by Liz that made her upset." Flash tried to be vague and Peter shook his head.
"Nah, man. MJ is just going through a break up. I think it's very wrong to accuse my girlfriend like that." He crossed his arms and Flash sighed.
"I'm not-" 
"What's going on here?" Liz asked with a smile as she entered the kitchen and grabbed Peter's arm. "Is there enough soda?" Flash looked to Peter with a raised eyebrow and sneered at Liz, who was staring at Peter.
"Um, no- I mean yes. Yea, there's enough soda. Was just trying to figure out who gives a bottle to what person." Our curly brown haired child excused as he stared back at Flash and the teen shook his head.
"I'm just gonna bring them to Ned, MJ and Abe." Flash said as he grabbed the necessary amount and started to walk away. "After all, at least they would believe me over some bitch." Flash muttered so only Peter would hear and Peter clenched his fists. 
"What's wrong, Peter?" Liz asked as she touched his cheek and he sighed.
"Nothing, just wondering how I got to be with someone as amazing as you." He forced a smile and she kissed him.
"I'm the lucky one." The two walked out to the living room and Peter looked over at his three best friends. MJ seemed to be glaring at Flash and Ned seemed to be trying to calm her down. 
"Hey, how about a bonfire?" Abe asked and everyone agreed, walking to their rooms and getting changed. 
They walked out to the firepit and Liz dragged Peter to sit next to her. MJ sat between Ned and Flash, while Sally sat next to Liz. Abe sat next to Charles and Cindy sat next to him. Everyone started to tell scary stories and Liz held onto Peter tightly, scared.
"Okay, how about we don't tell scary stories?" Peter suggested and Abe frowned.
"How about we play truth or dare?!" Cindy shouted and everyone agreed. First up was Charles and he smiled.
"Flash, truth or dare?" 
"Dare, man." Flash smirked and Charles smiled widely.
"I dare you to kiss MJ." Flash's eyes widened along with MJ's and they looked at each other.
"It-it's fine." MJ blushed and Flash smiled. He leaned in and they closed distance. When they pulled apart, MJ looked down blushing and Flash looked over at Peter. The curly haired brown hair teen forced a smile and looked at Liz.
"Awe! You two would make such a cute couple!" Cindy exclaimed and Flash's smile widened.
"Why don't you two date already?" Liz commented and Sally nodded.
"Maybe." Flash smirked and Peter clenched his fists. "Liz, truth or dare?" 
"Um, truth." 
"Is it true that you black mailed MJ?" 
"Flash." MJ hissed as she frowned and elbowed him.
"Why-why would you think that? I-I thought we were friends." Liz asked as tears came to her eyes and Peter stood.
"Look, I don't understand what you're trying to do here Flash, but stop assuming things and accusing people." Peter said as he hugged Liz to him and Flash frowned.
"Peter, I wasn't-"
"Let's just go to bed. MJ, you stay with Flash tonight since you two are obviously a thing." Peter said with a tone to his voice that was indescribable and MJ frowned, but nodded. 
"Can-can I stay with you tonight?" Liz asked crying and Peter nodded.
"Of course. Sally, you're with Ned." 

♧♧♧ Scene Change Because I Don't Know Where I'm Going With This Story ♧♧♧

"Just don't, Flash. I told you to leave it alone, yet you didn't." MJ said annoyed and Flash frowned.
"I wasn't just going to leave it alone, M. He shouldn't be with her after what she said to you." Flash clenched his fists and she frowned.
"Why do you care so much?" She questioned and he sighed.
"Look, after what I've put you, Ned and Peter through I feel like I owe you three. I care about all three of you and I care for Peter like a little brother, especially after the times he saved me and my mom. I could never repay him, but seeing him with someone he's not meant to be with, I can't let it continue. Especially when the girl he's wanted all along is in love with him." 
"Flash, what are you-"
"He's in love with you MJ and I know for a fact you're in love with him because you always smile when he's around. You glow when you're in his presence and I know it hurts you that he's with her. I see the frown on your face and the breaking in your eyes when they kiss." Flash said as he stared into her eyes and her lip quivered.
"H-how do you know all this?" She questioned and he smiled sadly.
"Because I've watched you every time. When you smile, when you frown, when you focus and when you're hurting." 
"Because I'm also in love with you, Michelle Jones."
                 Word Count: 1,039

So, uh. I might've done something reckless in this one shot.. Flash and MJ, anyone? This was never asked to be made a ship and uh.. y'all probably hate me. However, will MJ end up with Flash? I don't know. Please vote and comment your opinions.

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