So I Can Move On..

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"What-what do you mean you're in love with me, Flash?" MJ stuttered as she looked at him with a curious gaze and he sighed.
"It's the truth. Michelle, you're the most amazing girl I've ever met and you're so selfless. You brighten a room with your presence and everything about you is so different from other girls.."
"But I know you would never be mine and I understand." Flash gave her a sad smile and she took a step forward.
"Flash, I never knew you felt that way about me.." She said as she took another subtle step forward and he looked away.
"You were too busy with Stark and I know you two have feelings for each other." He confessed and she stopped in front of him. He lifted his head and made eye contact with her. "I'm sorry-" 
He was cut off by lips connecting with his and he froze. Just as she started to pull away, he kissed back and the two stayed kissing until they heard a gasp. They separated and Flash glanced at the door, eyes widening when he saw who it was.
"Sorry to interrupt." The person said with clenched fists and a fire in their eyes as they turned to leave.
"Wait-" The person continued to walk and Flash looked at MJ who looked to the floor in sadness.
"M, I'm sorry-"
"No, I am. I- uh, I'm gonna go to bed." She whispered as she climbed in and turned off the lights. Flash sighed and followed suit.

₩₩₩ Scene Change Brought To You By Flash Actually Being A Great Best Friend ₩₩₩

"Dude, did Peter tell you what happened last night?" Ned asked Flash as the two went outside and Flash frowned.
"Uh, no. What happened?" Flash asked as they arrived at the lake and Ned smiled.
"Peter and Liz broke up!" Ned exclaimed and Flash's eyes widened. "Apparently, Mr. Stark actually has his AI system hooked up to this place and Peter asked her for the footage of when MJ and her were talking. He heard and saw everything, then confronted her about it after the fact and he dumped her."
"Oh no." Flash uttered and Ned raised an eyebrow.
"Dude, shouldn't you be happy-"
"He came to MJ's and my room last night." Flash cut him off and he furrowed his eyebrows.
"So, what? Did he come to tell-"
"He walked in on MJ and I in the middle of a kiss, Ned." Flash confessed and Ned's eyes grew to the size of saucers.
"No way." He whispered and Flash sighed.
"We were talking and got caught up in the moment. I confessed my feelings for her, and she kissed me." Flash explained and Ned shook his head. "I wasn't trying to get with her, Ned! I know how much Peter loves her and I know she loves him, I'm not stupid! I just- I had to tell her, so I can move on." 
"I get it, but Peter is probably hurt and feeling betrayed right now. You should probably explain it to him." Ned responded and Flash nodded.
"I will." A figure in the woods smirked and walked back to the mansion. They knew what to do and they had to execute it perfectly, after all; the group only had two days left.

€€€ Another Scene Skip By A Mysterious Figure €€€

Flash entered the mansion with Ned after a couple hours of chilling by the lake and he immediately frowned when he saw Peter making out with Liz. He marched over to the teen and pulled him to the kitchen. Peter pulled out his grip with ease and leaned against the counter as he glared at the teen who pulled him in there.
"What are you doing?" Flash asked with narrowed eyes and Peter shrugged, still glaring.
"Just chilling with Liz." 
"Really? I was told you two broke up after what she said to MJ and it seemed like you were eating each other's faces in there, not "just chilling"." Flash said heatedly and Peter's eyes darkened as he pushed off the counter. 
"Not like it should matter to you, seems like you and MJ were doing the same thing last night when I walked in, right?" Peter started to walk forward and just as he brushed shoulders with Flash, his elbow was grabbed.
"Look Stark, that was just a misunderstanding-"
"Don't lie to me, Flash. I know what I saw and heard. I know how you feel-"
"We were caught up in the moment-"
"I don't care!" 
"You should! Peter, she loves-" Flash was cut off by a fist connecting to his cheek and he let go of the curly haired child.
"Do what you want, and say what you feel; but don't ever lie to me." Peter said in a cold tone and left the room, walking back to Liz. Flash stood as he held his cheek, and clenched his teeth; both in anger and in pain.
"Damn it, Stark." He muttered as he spit blood into the sink and left the kitchen, entering his and MJ's room.
"Flash, can you- oh my gosh, what happened?" MJ gasped as she saw his cheek and he shook his head, walking to the bathroom.

◇◇◇ Time Skip Brought To You By Peter's Anger ◇◇◇

"Okay guys, what should we do tonight?" Peter asked as they gathered in the living room and Abe grinned.
"We never finished our game of Truth or Dare, so we could do that while roasting marshmallows and drinking cocoa?" Abe suggested and the others nodded, smiling as well. Everyone gave a questioning glance at Flash regarding his bruised cheek and he chose to ignore the stares.
"Okay, sounds good. Let's get the cocoa and stuff for s'mores, then meet outside in ten." Peter sighed and everyone dispersed. 
Some went to make hot cocoa, others went to get the s'mores kit while Peter and Liz went out to start the fire. MJ frowned as she stood and Sally stepped in front of her.
"So M, did you ever get over your fear?" She whispered as she leaned into her ear and MJ's eyes widened. Sally pulled back and smirked, laughing as she left.
"M- are you okay?" Ned asked as she sat frozen and she shook herself from the fear.
"Um, yea. Was just- thinking." MJ answered and Ned gave her a suspicious nod. Just as Ned went to talk, everyone was going outside and the two followed. 
"Okay, who wants to go first?" Cindy asked and Ned smiled.
"I will." Ned announced and looked to Charles. "Charles, truth or dare?" 
"Is it true that you and Cindy are a thing?" Cindy blushed as Charles smiled proudly.
"Of course, and I'm the luckiest guy in school." The two kissed and the others laughed.
"What would Captain America think of this PDA?!" Ned exclaimed as he looked to Peter and the teen doubled over in laughter.
"Okay, Flash. Truth or dare?" Charles asked and Flash looked at his marshmallow that was now on fire.
"Is it true that you and MJ are a thing?" Flash gripped his stick tighter and continued to watch his marshmallow burn.
"Not at all. Just really good friends." Flash lifted his head and looked at MJ. He frowned when he saw her staring at Liz and Peter in sorrow. "MJ, truth or dare?" 
"Dare." MJ muttered and Flash smiled, looking at Peter who was glaring.
"I dare you to kiss Peter." MJ looked at Flash with wide eyes and Liz gasped.
"You can't be serious!" Liz exclaimed as Peter stood and walked over to the beauty known as Michelle Jones.
"M.. it's up to you." Peter said softly and she stared into his eyes. 
He smiled softly at her and she gave a small smile along with a nod back. They closed the distance and kissed for a few minutes, the world consisting of just the two of them. They pulled back slowly and stared into each other's eyes. At some point during the kiss, one of Peter's arms wrapped itself around MJ's waist and his other arm was in the air, hand caressing her cheek.
"MJ, your turn." 
                     Word Count: 1,370

Guys, I'm obsessed with this idea and like, so many ideas. Part 3? Also, please vote and comment your opinions.

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