The Forgotten Music Room...

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Warning!!!! Might be a slight trigger warning, please read at your own risk. If you can't handle suicidal thoughts or self destroying thoughts don't read!!! Also, if shitty writing triggers you, don't read lol. Otherwise, try to enjoy this crappy chapter/one-shot.

Nothing helps heal a hurting heart like music does. Maybe that was why Peter always found himself in the music part of the tower, where there was a piano, multiple guitars, a drum set, and every other instrument you an name was in that room. Today was the worse day by far and Peter couldn't wait to get to the music room. He had a new song he had finally perfected and today is the perfect day to play it. He ran into the penthouse after a quick patrol and went past anyone who was in the living room, intent on getting to the room before anyone saw where he went. Peter never really saw anyone go into this room and was glad. When he first came across this room, it was all by accident.

~~~~~~~ Flashback brought to you by none other than the idiotic Flash Thompson (Flash: Hey! That was mean! Me: Stfu you fucktart)~~~~~~~~~~


Peter walked down the halls of the tower, a frown set on his face. May left with Liam on yet another adventure somewhere in the southeast and patrol was longer than usual today. It was a Saturday, so most of Peter's day was spent out patrolling as Spiderman. It wasn't that busy during patrol, but the criminals that were out and active were just easy and an annoying nuisance. It was pretty boring after the few criminals he stopped and went home at about 4 in the evening, leaving nothing else to do. He decided to explore the tower a bit and came across a part of the tower that looked untouched.

What's down this hallway? The curious teen couldn't help walking down to the two doors that seemed to be the only entrance on this floor. When he opened them, he saw dust and cobwebs surrounding dozens upon dozens of instruments inside. His eyes lit up when they fell upon the giant grand piano in the center of the room, causing him to nearly run to it. He cleared off the dust a little and flipped the top up, to reveal perfectly untouched keys. He lightly touched one of the keys and smiled at the note.

He ran to the supply closet and grabbed whatever cleaning supplies he could find, before running back to the room. He got to work quickly and an hour later he was done, partially thanks to his spider powers of course. The room was spotless and Peter put all the cleaning supplies to the side, opening a window to let some light into the room. It was beautiful, the way the sunlight hit off of the now shiny grand piano and all around the room; making every inch glow as if it were in a movie. You know how in a movie like Beauty and the Beast, where the Beast opens the door to reveal a gigantic library for bell and the whole room seemingly glows? Yea, like that. Nonetheless, Peter was amazed at the sight and sat down on the bench to the piano. It was his sanctuary; a place that was all his own. A place where not even Flash's taunts could get to him.

~~~~~~~~~End of Flashback brought to you by the amazing- (Tony: And Sexy) Irondad!~~~~~~~~~

Peter smiled as he sat at the grand piano and as always pressed on a key to hear the calming sound of the piano. He's been coming to this room for the past few months now and was so glad that he stumbled upon it. His sanctuary was this place and he's learned how to play at least one song on every instrument, but the piano was always his favorite. He could play several Ed Sheeran songs and mostly every Shawn Mendes song. He just perfected 'In My Blood' and grinned when he started to play the beginning notes, singing along with the music coming from the piano.

"Help me, it's like the walls are caving in

Sometimes I feel like giving up

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