Bucky and Steve Reunited..

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"Are you in position?" Steve spoke through the coms to Natasha. They were currently right outside the base of HYDRA and everyone had a specific spot to be, before they moved in.

"Yes. There's about 4 guards outside the base and a clear entrance on the west side." Natasha reported back and Steve nodded, looking towards the others who were either in the sky, in the trees or in the surrounding area.

"Okay, Nat, you're the distraction. Falcon fly over head just in case she needs back up. Everyone else, follow my lead when Natasha gives the signal. Everyone clear on the plan?" After he received an okay from the team, Natasha moved in with Falcon following her lead. Steve motioned for everyone else to move in and they carefully made their way to the base.


"Steve, the kid is out in the courtyard!" Sam, aka Falcon yelled into the coms and I finally took care of the person I was currently fighting, making my way over to where the kid was spotted.

"Hey kid, I'm-" I was cut off by the kid running at me full force and backed up.

"Did the kid just try to attack you?" Sam asked from overhead and I went to answer, but couldn't when I was tackled by the kid. For a child, he was pretty strong. I used my shield to push him back and stood up. He remained in place, eyeing me up and down.

"Hey kid, I'm Captain America. I'm here to-" I was again cut off, but this time by a different agent trying to attack from behind. "Falcon, get the kid." I managed to yell into the coms and continued my combat with the current agent.

"Cap, you might wanna check this out." Clint said into the coms and I quickly took down my opponent, before running to my team. I stopped short when I saw what had happened. The kid was in the middle of the field, a whole in his chest and his arm almost completely torn off; barely hanging on by some of his flesh. I looked at Sam in horror and he looked completely speechless.

"What happ-" I couldn't finish as a huge explosion went off and the kid disappeared. The team and I were blasted back as the explosion filled the area. After the smoke cleared and the fire died down some, I stood up. "Is everyone okay?" I asked concerned as I couldn't see anyone and coughed a bit from the smoke filling my lungs.

"Y-yea Cap, we're all okay. What happened?" Natasha asked and I sighed.

"I-I don't know. Sam, what happened to the kid?" I asked hoping for a response and was thankfully graced with luck.

"He was shot by an agent and his arm was ripped off by some type of machine. I can't be too sure, but he seemed to be alive. He seemed somewhat emotionless though, as if the pain didn't phase him." I cursed under my breath and threw my shield to the ground.

"Still the same dumbass from Brooklyn, huh Steve?" My eyes snapped up and I was shocked to see my best friend James Buchanan Barnes standing behind me, one arm being made of metal.

"B-Bucky?!" I exclaimed and he smiled at me. I pulled him into a hug and I felt a tear slip from my eye as I realized he was actually here.

"It's been a while, pal." Bucky whispered and I nodded. I pulled back and smiled at him.

"Steve, back up!" Natasha exclaimed as she got in her combat position and Clint got an arrow ready to fire.

"Guys, it's okay. This is my best friend. He won't harm anyone." I reassured and they hesitantly lowered their weapons. I looked back at the now destroyed base and sighed. "We lost the kid."

Natasha got on a call with SHIELD and we were picked up in no time. We all relaxed on the ride back, patching up whatever wounds we received in the fight and I sat next to Bucky. We were catching up, when I mentioned the kid.

"It's a shame we couldn't save that kid." I said bummed and he looked down.

"Steve.. There's something you should know.." Bucky sighed and I raised an eyebrow.

"What is it Buck?" I questioned confused and he looked me in the eye.

"Did you know Peggy was pregnant after you went missing?" He asked seriously and I looked down.

"Oh.. She found someone else?" I asked bummed out and he smacked me in the back of the head.

"No, you idiot. Gosh, you become the face of war and shit and you are still this dumb? How are you not dead yet?" He asked and Natasha smirked, as she was over hearing the conversation.

"We all wonder how he's not dead. Careful cursing around Mr. Sparkles over here, he might lecture you." I glared at her and stood up.

"That was one time! Anyway, what do you mean no?" I asked turning to a grinning Bucky and he sighed once more.

"It was your child, Steve." My eyes widened and my mouth fell open.

"He has a kid?" Natasha asked as I was too shocked to say anything.

"He had a kid. He also had a grandchild. His kid died years ago when they tried to give him the recreation of the serum Steve was injected with. His kid, James, had a child named Sarah. Sarah was taken about 8 years ago and was killed in combat. I'm sorry Steve." Bucky apologized and I sat on my seat. I put my head in my hands and Natasha rubbed my back.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered and I just stayed how I was, tears falling from my eyes.

"That's not all..." Bucky continued and I looked up, tears still falling. He looked saddened and didn't seem like he actually wanted to tell me.

"What is it, Buck?" I asked, my voice cracking and he sighed, for like the twentieth time today.

"That kid.. He-he was your great grandchild. Sarah asked me to hide him when she was taken and I did. I thought they wouldn't find him halfway across the world, but they probed my mind. I'm-I'm sorry Steve." He apologized and tears rolled down faster. I couldn't take it. They killed my child who I never got to meet, killed my grandchild and took my great grandchild. "He's alive. The kid was moved to another base. I know where it is." Bucky said as we landed on the hellicarrier and got out of the hovercraft. We walked inside and were faced with Fury.

"I'm going to guess you didn't get the kid?" He asked and I just walked past him to the meeting room.

                                                         Word Count: 1133

So,  yea. Part 3? I know I'm dragging this out, but I love keeping you all in suspense tbh. Please vote and comment your opinions. Also comment what you think will happen. Next part will probably be the last part, Idk yet. We'll see how it plays out.

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