The Multi Billionaire Cries..

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It was a bright sunny day out in New York and the multi billionaire walked around his tower making sure everything was going how it was supposed to be. He walked down to the Avenger’s memorial center that was built into the tower so many years ago, everything going through his mind as a blur. He stopped in front of the Spider-man exhibit and gazed at all the past suits, remaining there for the longest time. He looked over the tech, the suits, the gadgets and all the pictures.

“Sir, the meeting is ready to start.” A voice interrupted the multi billionaire’s thoughts and he looked away from the glass. He nodded and walked to the spot the meeting would be held in.

“Good day, gentlemen. Sorry to keep you waiting. Shall we begin?” The men in the room silently agreed and the meeting commenced. As the meeting drew on, the billionaire was no longer listening and the main stock investor noticed.

“Stark, are you even listening?” The investor asked incredulously and the billionaire put down the thing he was currently fiddling with, his glasses.

“Huh? Oh yea, I’m sorry. I stopped listening a while back.” The billionaire admitted and the investor nearly blew up.

“What do you mean you haven’t been listening?!”

“Exactly what I said.” The billionaire replied as he put his glasses on and placed his feet on the table.

“Howard would never-”

“Don’t you dare mention that name.” The billionaire placed his feet on the ground and glared. “I don’t give a damn what that man would never do. I’m head of the company, and you are to leave. Now.” The billionaire stood and walked to the door, leaving the investor and other gentlemen in shock.

“Sir, you have another meeting at 12pm-”

“Do me a favor Sheri, and move that back for me?” He flashed a billion dollar smile and walked to the elevator. He knew exactly where he wanted to go and no one would stop him. He walked to the lab and pressed his hand on the scanner. Upon opening, he walked to the table and placed himself down on the chair. He began tinkering with the Iron Man suit, rebuilding and repairing it as best he could.

~~~~~~~~~~Flashback Brought To You By My Life Falling Apart~~~~~~~~~~~

Tony and Peter were dancing around the lab to ACDC when all of a sudden Tony stopped the song and Peter froze mid step.

"Hey Pete, I wanna show you something." Tony walked out of the room and Peter followed closely behind. They arrived in the living area and Peter looked around confused. Tony smirked and shook his head.

"Um, dad, I don't see anything."

"Karen, turn off Camouflage mode." Peter gasped as he gazed at his upgraded suit and his eyes lit up as he turned to Tony.

"Really?!" Peter exclaimed and Tony smiled, nodding his head. Peter let out a sound of glee and hugged Tony tightly, but not tight enough to hurt him.

"Happy birthday, kid." Tony whispered and Peter's smile widened.

~~~~~~~~~End Of Flashback Brought To You By A Sad Realization~~~~~~~~~~~~

That was 10 years ago and the multi billionaire still couldn't stop the oncoming tears. If only everything didn't end how it did. If only he was still here. The billionaire couldn't help the tears that poured from his eyes, nor could he ignore the gut wrenching pain and loss he felt. He's always tried to conceal his feelings and emotions, but when it came to the memories, it was hard. He got up and drove to the burial yard where he was buried. As he drove there, he couldn't stop the memories from pouring into his head.

Tony's and Peter's first Christmas together. Their first battle. The times Tony and Peter would just dance around his lab. Everything was hitting him full force and when he finally pulled into the cemetery, the tears ceased a bit. He walked to the grave and looked at it glumly. Why did it have to end this way?

"Hey…. I know it's been a while.. 10 years ago today was when I lost you… When I lost the most important person to me.. The company has skyrocketed even more and Happy misses you.. We all miss you.. If only it were me instead… But I know you wouldn't want that.. Dad… It's been really hard to be here without you.. MJ's pregnant, by the way.. It's a boy and we already agreed to name him after you and Uncle Rhodey… Anthony James Stark.. Our daughter Natasha is doing great.. We made sure she knew who Aunt Tasha and you were.. I finished MIT with high ranking and took over the company just as you wanted.. Mom misses you, but always makes sure she is around for little Nat and Uncle Rhodey is doing okay as well.. I-I just miss you.." Peter broke down as he kneeled on the ground in front of Tony's grave. He looked to the ground as tears poured from his eyes and he could barely breathe. He realized he was hyperventilating, but couldn't calm down. That is until-

"I'm always with you. No matter what." Tony's voice resounded in the back of Peter's mind and he glanced up quickly, looking around with blurred vision. Right above Tony's grave, in the cloudy sky; he could see a faint, but smiling Tony. The sun peeked out from the clouds just then and Peter was showered in sunlight.

"Thanks dad." He whispered, a small smile gracing his lips. The tears came to a slow stop and Peter stood. He sadly smiled again at the grave stone, before getting in his car and driving home to his family.

                      Word Count:955

Okay, so this was requested by ASupremeOverlord and I liked the prompt she gave me. I hope I did your prompt justice and I hoped you liked it. Please vote and comment your opinions.

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