The Prank Gone Too Far.. Again?!

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Shuri, T’Challa, Nakia, and Okoye were in New York half visiting, half here for political business. The group were staying for a few weeks and Tony invited them to stay at Stark/Avengers Tower. Currently, Shuri and I were sitting in my room, eating pizza when an idea came to me.
“Hey, Shuri.” She hm’ed, her mouth currently full of pizza and I smirked. “Wanna do a prank on Tony and T’Challa?” She swallowed her mouth full of cheese and nodded, grinning.
“Katniss, wanna help prank Tin Can and the Kitty Cat?” I asked looking up at the vent on the ceiling and he climbed down.
“Sure, Mini Stark, what’s the plan?” I told the two of them and Clint saluted. “It was nice serving you Peter, but T’Challa is going to kill you.” He scurried off and I grinned at Shuri as we waited for Clint to come back. As soon as I heard all three’s footsteps coming from down the hall, I picked up my plate, signaling Shuri it’s starting.
“I like you.” I announced when I heard them by the door and smiled widely, as I realized they stopped. This was perfect. Shuri’s back was in the shot of the doorway when you peak in you can only see my head, unless you walked further into the room. “I know we just met recently, but I really do like you.” I announced and watched Shuri struggle to hold in her laughter. “Ok, I lied..” I trailed off and pretended to sigh. “I love you..” I made a kissing sound and the door was kicked all the way open by none other than the King of Wakanda himself. To say he was infuriated, was an understatement and Shuri burst out laughing as I joined her after chewing my bite of pizza.
“YEET! That was glorious!” Shuri exclaimed and I sat up, smiling at both T’Challa’s and Tony’s faces. I stood up and walked in front of them.
“I know what it sounded like, but it’s not what happened. This however, is exactly what it looks like.” I kissed Shuri and looked back at the elders. Tony looked ready to pass out and T’Challa had his suit form around him.
“Run Peter!” Clint shouted, laughing and I ran out of the room as fast as I could. 
“STARK!” T’Challa yelled and ran after the younger billionaire. Natasha, who was sitting in the kitchen with Bucky and Steve, jumped to her feet, along with Bucky. 
“What’s going on?” Nat asked a frantic Peter and he smiled at her sheepishly.
“Tony and T’Challa just found out about me and Shuri and I. T’Challa isn’t happy.” I explained briefly, before continuing to run for my life.
“Don’t hurt my kid, T’Challa!” Tony came out in his suit, following behind T’Challa and everyone laughed. I ran back to my room and told F.R.I.D.A.Y. to put it in lockdown. I walked over to Shuri, wrapping my arms around her and kissing her.
“That went great in my opinion.” I laughed and Shuri jokingly pushed me away. 
“Stark, you better not be touching my sister in there!” T’Challa yelled through the door causing Shuri and I to blush and laugh. 
When T'Challa finally made it into my room, he picked me up by my feet and hung me upside down. I looked to Shuri from upside down and raised an eyebrow. She giggled from the side and did nothing to help me.
"Why, hello Mr. T'Challa. If this is your new way of greeting people, I'd take a rather different approach." I said in a British accent and he narrowed his eyes at me.
"What are you doing with my sister?" He asked in his all mighty accent and I tilted my head.
"What do you mean, sir King?" Shuri chuckled and T'Challa shook me.
"What is wrong with this child?" T'Challa asked as he turned to my dad and he shrugged.
"We're still convinced he had stupid disease." I gasped and found my way out of T'Challa's hands, falling on my head. I jumped up and pointed to him.
"You sir, are rude- owwww." I groaned as realization kicked in that I had just fallen straight on my head.
"My point exactly."
"Young Stark, I asked you a question and I want an answer." I turned to T'Challa, then looked to Shuri and she grinned.
"Sir, she is the cheese to my pizza, the jelly to my peanut butter." I spoke and Shuri smiled. 
"That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard someone say about me." She swooned and the king turned to my dad.
"Do you understand any of this?" 
"He's pretty much saying he likes her and they're together." T'Challa turned to me with narrowed eyes and I smiled. 
"Haven't you two only just met-"
"Um, actually, brother. We met online a few years ago." Shuri corrected and my dad's eyes widened.
"Is she the one you say stupid memes with?!" My dad facepalmed and I grinned.
"I don't memes do memes-"
"But when I do, it becomes marketing success." Shuri finished and T'Challa turned to my dad with a horrified look.
"They do that together?" Dad nodded and he shook his head. "It's already bad enough with her doing it, but him too?" 
"I know, it's terrifying. I have a place we can hide." 
"Please?" They both left and I was once again left alone with Shuri.
"If you do the naughty, wear a condom! I'm too young to be a grandpa!" My dad exclaimed and I blushed.
"Don't seem too old to me!" Shuri yelled back causing me to chuckle and she winked. She shut the door and started making my bed hit the wall.
"What are you-"
"Sh.. start moaning." I blushed a deeper shade and she chuckled. "We're going to trick them." I hesitated, but nodded and started to softly moan, before getting louder. I locked the door and minutes later, the two over protective adults came barreling at the door.
"Come out here right now!" They both yelled at the same time and I held in a laugh. 
"Peter, I will take away your suit again!"
"I'll just have another building fall on me then!" I yelled back and then covered my mouth.
                   Word Count: 1,051

Rewrite cause I added more to this one shot. Part 2? Always, let me know what you think of this? Please vote and comment your opinions

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