Aunt May And Her Fiance..

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"Come on dad! We're gonna be late!" Peter yelled running into Tony's room and he stirred in his bed. He felt bad for waking him up, since he knows his dad doesn't get much sleep to begin with, but today was the day Aunt May and her fiance was coming back from their trip to Haiti and he couldn't wait to see them. Him and Liam got along pretty well and they were more friends than anything. Liam along with May knew Peter's Spider man and accepted him for it, as long as he doesn't get hurt. They both have made several threats towards Tony if something were to happen to Peter while he was patrolling or on a mission.

"What kid? What time is it?" Tony groaned and Peter rolled his eyes at his father, sighing.

"It's 11AM, May's plane lands in an hour!" Peter exclaimed and Tony shot out of bed.

"Why didn't you wake me earlier?!" He exclaimed, throwing clothes all around to find something to wear and Peter deadpanned.

"I tried! You wouldn't get your lazy ass up!" Peter exclaimed with a 'LANGUAGE' from Cap, causing them both to chuckle.

"Fri, how long-"

"An hour Boss. Mini Boss has been yelling at you for an hour and you also threw something at him." FRIDAY responded, sass in her voice and Peter grinned.

"Thanks Fri. Now, get ready, before May and Liam murder you." Peter smirked and walked out of the room, leaving his father to get ready. Peter found out he was Tony's biological kid three years ago when he was 12 and hasn't really been away from him since. May let him move to the Tower, but makes sure they both show up on Sunday for dinner.

Except, she's been away with Liam for about a month or two now in Haiti, visiting the homeless and helping out. Liam loves helping the needy whenever he can and when he heard about the earthquake, they took a plane down immediately. May, of course, calls Peter whenever she gets the chance, but as you can guess the reception isn't the best there. Liam even updates Peter on everything and Peter has convinced his father to send donations to help the people there. All it took was for Peter to ask his father and it was done. Tony will never admit to this, but whenever his son asked for anything, it was done with a snap of his fingers. (Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good.)

"Are you ready kid?" Tony asked coming out his room, blazer over a science pun shirt and a pair of trousers underneath. Peter grinned and nodded, running down to the garage followed by Tony. He ran over and grabbed the keys, before running to his favorite car. He passed Tony the keys and got in on the passenger side. Tony shook his head and climbed in the car. Tony pulled out of the garage and his eyes widened at the amount of snow outside. He sighed and turned to his son, putting the car in park.

"What's wrong dad?" Peter asked, tilting his head.

"Sorry Pete, but I don't think May and Liam will be home today. Their plane may be delayed until the snow melts a little." Tony told his son, a frown on his face and Peter looked down at his hands.

"Okay." Peter whispered and Tony pulled back into his parking space. Peter got out slowly and trudged to his room, throwing himself onto the bed. He put his face into his pillow and began to cry. Tony got to his lab, a sour face on, wishing he could do something -anything- to make his kid happy again and sat at his table, sighing. He was working on the Iron spider suit and listening to ACDC when he got an incoming call from May.

"Tony, can you come let Liam and I in? It's cold out and the receptionist told us we can't be in the building without passes."May spoke into the phone, teeth chattering and Tony looked at the ceiling, confused.

"May? How are you here? I'm sure your flight got postponed until the snow melts?" Tony questioned. For once, our lovable billionaire was confused and it showed when he walked down stairs to in fact find May and Liam standing outside the building. Tony quickly let them in and had a million questions on his mind.

"We took a flight in yesterday. We knew about the snow, and I didn't wanna spend another dayaway from my nephew." May answered the question from before as they made their way to the penthouse. Tony smiled, nodding and got an idea.

"I'll be right back with Peter, wait in the kitchen until I say." They nodded, confused, but complied anyway. Tony walked to his son's room, trying his hardest to seem sympathetic. Which for the billionaire, wasn't really hard. He knocked on the door and entered upon hearing the groan.

"Dad?" Peter questioned and sat up, tear streaks evident on his face, causing Tony's heart to twist.

"Hey kid, I know you're upset, but how about we watch a movie and eat ice cream?" Tony suggested and Peter looked down, still upset. "We can call them later, if you want?" Tony gave a warm smile and Peter nodded, standing with his blanket wrapped around him. They walked to the living room and Peter sat down, picking a movie, while Tony walked to the kitchen. He motioned May and Liam to follow him silently. "Hey kid, which ice cream?" Tony asked from behind, causing the latter to turn around and dropped the remote in shock.

"May?! Liam?!" Peter shouted and got up so fast, he got dizzy, but ignored it as he hugged his aunt and her fiance. "What are you guys doing here?" Peter questioned as he pulled away and his smiled at him.

"You didn't think I'd miss my nephew's birthday, now did you?" His aunt ruffled his hair and they sat down talking about the new and exciting things that happened in the past few months May and Liam were away. Peter couldn't be happier to have the main people in his family with him right now. 

                                                                   Word Count: 1040

Cute one shot where Aunt May is engaged and Peter is biologically Tony's son. 

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