Instant Kill Mode..

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Trigger warning; some of the words and imagery in this one shot may cause you to be triggered. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

It wasn't supposed to be this way. Why her? All she ever did was try to help me, and now she's gone. It's all my fault. If I didn't waste time- if I were only quick enough, I-I could've done something to save her. I looked down at the girl in my arms, that I love more than myself and sobbed. A soft touch to my cheek caused my eyes to snap open and and I was looking into her half open eyes. She had a smile on her face, blood dripping from her lips and she was shaking.

"D-don't blame yourself." She uttered out as she struggled to breath.

"Please- please don't leave me." I watched as she took her last breath, her hand going limp in my own and I screamed in agony, looking up at the sky. Tears fell and gradually got heavier, but I stayed there with her in my arms. (Before you continue to read, leave a comment on who you think she is! First to comment correctly gets to choose the next ship, of whoever you choose. Who it is won't be revealed until the next chapter so no can cheat. Options; Nat, Wanda, MJ, or Shuri.)

♤♤♤♤♤Flashback Brought To You By Tony The Playboy (Tony: I'm not just a playboy, I'm a multi billionaire playboy philanthropist, thank you very much.)♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤

I was doing my usual patrol, just swinging from roof to roof and looking for any crime while talking to Karen. Shuri was visiting and hanging out with Wanda, Nat, and MJ, so I had to find another way to entertain myself, seeing as the other Avengers and Tony were all busy. Ned was out of town for the weekend visiting family, so I had nothing to do and no one to hang out with. I swung to the next building, and landed gracefully on the top of the roof. I sat on the ledge and looked out over the city.

"Peter, you have an incoming call from MJ." Karen interrupted my thoughts and I raised an eyebrow.

"Answer it, please?" The call connected and blasts were heard on the other end, along with heavy breathing. "M? What's going on?" I asked, fully alert and standing. I hoped it was just a movie, considering she has Nat, Wanda and Shuri with her. Not to mention, MJ was taught to fight by the Avengers, so there shouldn't be much of a problem to where Peter was contacted.

"P-peter. They-they appeared out of nowhere and we're surrounded. We're all fighting, but we're overpowered." The call disconnected and I had Karen get their location.

"Ah, so, Spiderman has arrived. I knew if my crew and I attacked you four, he'd show." The lead guy, I'm guessing, spoke and I rose an eyebrow behind my mask.

"Gee guys, I know I'm considered a hero, but I didn't know I had such obsessive fans, not to mention really old fans." I joked, shooting a web at two of his goons and turned back to the main one. "I'm sorry, but I'm not signing autographs if-" I was cut off be a blast coming from the main guy's mechanical arm and dodged.

I fought him for several minutes and once I finished him off, I shot a web at a guy standing in front of me. I was distracted with another guy when my spidey sense went off at the same time a gun did. I pivoted around and felt tears form at the sight. All sound faded out and my eyes zoned in on the girl on the ground, the guy above her pointing a gun to her head; finger on the trigger. I shot a web and hit the weapon out of his hand before uttering the words I never thought I'd say.

"Karen, activate instant kill mode." I made my way to her and ignored the bodies dropping to the ground, lifeless. I fell to my knees and carefully placed her head on my lap. I looked at the wound and realized the guy had shot her in her lung.

♧♧♧♧♧Flashback Ended By Peter's Tears Drowning The Rest Of the Events♧♧♧♧♧♧

One of the girls walked up to me, but I wasn't paying attention to who it was, not that I cared anyway. I held her closer to me and sobbed into her hair. I couldn't breath, too much was happening and my head was spinning.

"Kid, what's going on?" Tony's voice came through the suit, but I couldn't respond. Tony kept trying to get my attention, but to no avail. Karen must've contacted him about my condition and moments later, I was pulled away from the lifeless body in my arms and pulled into a chest. I looked up and saw Tony with blurry vision.

"She-she's gone Tony. She's dead and it's my fault." I cried and my breathing picked up once again. Tony tried to calm me down, but I ended up passing out from lack of oxygen. Her smiling, but bloody face was the last thing I saw before darkness took over. 

                                                             Word Count: 840

Sorry it's short. Hopefully I didn't make people cry. Leave a comment for who you think this is about and the winner will be chosen tomorrow morning.  The choices are obviously Nat, Wanda, Shuri, and MJ, so go guess and vote! Also, I will be updating my other story later tonight, so make sure to check it out, it'll be a very wholesome and adorable chapter, filled with overprotective Tony, Pepper and Rhodey, a new introduction, and new family member added.

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