Major Sensory Overload... Without Tony?!

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"Friday, where's dad?" Peter groaned as he rolled over in his bed, groan escaping his lips.

He woke up feeling like complete shit and he couldn't get up. His body felt like it was burning, the lights were way too bright and the game in the living room was excruciatingly painful to his ears. He couldn't focus on anything except the pain and he tried to listen for any sign of his dad being home, but the game was the only noise he could hear at the moment, along with the chatter of the other Avengers.

"Boss went out this morning with Dr. Banner to the SHIELD helicarrier." She replied and he groaned. He got up, stumbling slightly and slowly walked his way to the living area.

"Hey Pe-"

"Shhh." He whispered and he covered his ears. "Too loud." He whispered, pain mixed in his strained voice.

"What's wrong Peter?" Natasha asked concerned and Peter held his head tighter.
Peter suddenly couldn't breath as he grabbed his throat and gasped for air. He fell to his knees and continued struggling to breath as the others freaked out and tried to get Tony or Bruce on the phone. The lights and noises made Peter wanna curl up and die.

"Peter, it's okay." Loki whispered as he got on his knees to look in his nephew's eyes.
He lowered the blinds and turned off the lights, causing everyone to shut up. Loki brought Peter into him and created earphones to block all sound. He also put sunglasses over Peter's eyes. He carried the kid to his room and lay him down on the bed.

"T-thank you, Uncle Loki." He stuttered and Loki gave a genuine smile.

"Anytime, Peter." He left Peter in his room and walked out to the kitchen, searching for some food to feed Peter later, after his sensory overload was finished.


"Shush, you foolish mortal. Peter is okay, just a sensory overload. He is currently in his room, calming down." He glared at the buffoon before him and Tony narrowed his eyes.

"You calmed down my son?" He asked and Loki nodded, overly annoyed with this dipshit.

"Yes, now move you insolent human. I'm taking food to my nephew." Loki pushed past him with the food and walked to Peter's room.

He opened the door and Peter was already asleep. Loki smiled and put the plate on his bedside table for him when he wakes up. He kissed Peter's forehead and walked out, ignoring the shocked and amused faces of the Avengers.

Word Count:424

This prompt was given by @HPlover1313 and the idea of Loki knowing what to do was given by Therian_girl hope y'all liked it. Sorry it's short. Please vote and comment your opinions.

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