Brother Bonding Time

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3 more minutes. Was the only thought in Pietro's aka Quicksilver's, mind as he looked at the clock. Today was the day he got to pick up Peter from school and he couldn't be more ecstatic. He loves hanging with his little bro and since he became an avenger with Wanda, he hasn't been able to spend much time with Peter. The clock's hand moved to 2:13 and Pietro groaned.

"Why does time have to go by so slowly?!" Pietro asked frustrated and Wanda laughed.

"Dang, you aren't even this excited to see me." Wanda mentioned and Pietro smirked.

"Peter's my favorite sibling, sorry sis." Wanda gasped and with that, Pietro left; laughing as he was running to Peter's highschool. He got there just as the bell rang and the kids began to exit the school. He searched for Peter among the crowd, but couldn't see the brown haired child everyone seemed to adore. 

"Hit him!" Pietro heard from his left and saw a huge crowd surrounding what appeared to be four people through the cracks. He went to ignore it, but heard a familiar cry of pain and knew he had to break up the fight.

"Hey! Break it up!" Pietro yelled as he took a few steps forward. Some kids jumped and looked over to the Avenger with a shocked expression on each of their faces. The crowd cleared and the sight before Pietro cause his anger to flare. In front of him stood two guys holding Peter's arms and a blonde guy in front, delivering devastating blows to the small brunette. 

"You're so pathetic! This is why no one wants you!" Flash yelled as he went to deliver another blow, but his fist got caught in mid air. He opened his eyes, ready to go off on the person who dares to try and stop him, but was shocked instead.

"Leave my brother alone, got that? Or next time, I won't let you off so easily. You don't know who you're messing with and I'd hate for the others to find out about this little incident." Pietro gritted out as he tightened his grip on Flash's fist and Flash whimpered in pain, nodding. Pietro let him go and the three boys ran off. 

"P-Pietro." Peter stuttered, tears falling from relief and pain. He could barely stand or see and his face was bleeding badly. His ribs were probably messed up from the kicks Flash delivered and he was currently swaying. Pietro ran to him just before he fell and picked him up bridal style. 

"Let's get you home, shall we?" Pietro asked gently as Peter's eyes closed. Pietro ran as fast as he could to the tower and arrived in record time, carrying Peter all the way to Med bay to get checked out.

&&&&&&&&&& Time Skip Brought To You By This Adorable Prompt I Was Asked To Write &&&&&&&

"Wanna tell me what happened?" Pietro asked as Peter was curled up in a blanket eating ice cream and Peter sighed, sitting up. 

"Flash, the boy who was punching me earlier, is the bully of the school. He picks on everyone, but as long as I let him beat me up, he leaves the others alone. I know it's stupid, and I should've told someone, but if I did tell someone; he'd find someone else to bully. I-I figured with my super healing, I could take the damage. However, I never knew he would take it this far." Peter spoke as tears welled in his eyes.

He's been dealing with this since freshman year, and now that he's in his senior year, it's getting harder to handle. Today, Flash almost killed him. If it wasn't for Pietro showing up, he would've been a goner. Flash ended up breaking his ribs, and punctured his left lung, allowing blood to start flooding his airway.

"How long has this been going on?" Pietro asked quietly and Peter bit his lip nervously.

"4 years." Peter answered somberly and Pietro's eyes widened.

"Peter!" Pietro exclaimed and tears began falling. He hates when people are disappointed in him and he could tell Pietro was disappointed right now.

"I-I'm sorry." Peter whimpered as he buried his face in the blankets. Pietro sighed and hugged his brother tightly.

"I'm not disappointed in you, Pete. I'm just worried." Pietro admitted, calming his baby brother down a bit and Peter sniffled. "I'll handle things on Monday." Pietro promised and Peter nodded, a yawn escaping his lips. Pietro smiled and lay Peter back. "It's been a long day, go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up, I promise." Pietro said quietly and Peter nodded, closing his eyes and letting sleep take over.

             Word Count: 785

Ugh, this fuckin sucked. I'm so sorry, I thought this was pretty good., but like reading it over... ugh. This was requested by @skribblegermanshep hope you enjoyed

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