Drum roll please....... Enter Deadpool!

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Slight Trigger warning; some of the words and imagery in this one shot may cause you to be triggered. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

When Peter walked in the house after getting home from school, the first to approach him was Wanda and she noticed something off about her little brother. She watched as the lovable 15 year old walked past the lounge and kitchen, towards his room and Bucky almost ran into him, looking up at the last minute.

"Woah, sorry Pete." Bucky smiled and Peter nodded, carrying on to his room, leaving a confused Bucky and a concerned Scarlet Witch. Bucky turned to Wanda and she shrugged, walking to Peter's room as well. As she raised her hand to knock, she heard Peter's voice talk, and waited to hear what he was saying.


"Everyone's going to hate me. Why did I have to be this way? Why can't I be normal?" My heart broke as I listened to my little brother talk bad about himself and I knocked when I heard a quiet sob come from his mouth. "Please g-go away Bucky, I'm okay. Just have a lot of work to do." He said, trying to conceal his sorrow, but failing and I opened the door, walking inside. I gave him a sad smile and he looked down. "Sorry sis. How much did you hear?" He asked looking down and I wrapped my arms around him in a hug.

"Why do you think we'll hate you?" I asked, and he sighed. I would've read his mind to find out, but I refrained from doing so and just waited for him to tell me. He pulled away and looked at me with teary eyes.

"Because I'm a disgrace. Everyone will be disappointed." He cried, turning away from me and I pulled him back to me.

"Peter, no one will ever hate you here. Especially not me." I frowned when he shook his head and squeezed me, being careful to watch his strength.

"Yes you will." He whispered and I pulled him back slightly to look at him. "I'm gay and in love with a guy..." He trailed off and I smiled.

"Awe, my baby brother is in love. That's so cute! Who's the lucky guy?" I questioned and his eyes widened.

"Y-you don't hate me?" He asked and I shook my head smiling.

"I'm proud of you, actually. You're finally accepting who you are. Now... Who's this guy you're in love with?" I asked again and he smiled.

"His name is Wade Wilson, and he is the best boyfriend. Although he does have a few.... Bad habits, he is an amazing person. He's funny, cute annoying, handsome and has the most beautiful brown eyes." Peter stared off into space while talking about the guy he's in love with then brightened up and turned to me. "Come with me to meet him!" He exclaimed and I was shocked.

"You want me to meet Wade?" I asked, feeling a sense of joy and honor, knowing that I get to meet the guy my baby brother is in love with. I nodded, smiling softly and he grinned. He quickly put on a hoodie and grabbed my arm, pulling me to the door. We got out of the building and went to the subway. My nose scrunched up at the smell, but Peter appeared used to it and was still grinning. We got on the train and rode it to Downtown New York. He led me to a park and we sat down to wait.

"So, how did you and Wade meet?" I asked as we waited and he blushed intensely looking up at me.

"Well, I was out on patrol one night and was just getting finished with a robbery when someone showed up behind me. Originally I didn't know if he was good or bad, but since my spider sense didn't go off, I deemed him good and asked what he wanted. At the time, I was in an ally, with my mask in hand. He had a mask on and when he took it off, he was smirking.

"Well baby boy, I was wondering what a beautiful guy like you were doing out this late." He looked me up and down, causing me to be confused.

"How do you know what I look- Shit." I cursed and just realized my mask was off. He chuckled and I flipped him off. After that, I took off towards home. Ever since then he would meet me every night and after a while, I started to tolerate the annoying man. He started to say the most sincere and loving things to me and-"

"Are you talking about me baby boy?" Wade, I'm assuming, cut in and I looked back to a guy wearing a red hoodie standing behind Peter. Peter jumped up excited and hugged Wade, giving him a kiss.

"Hello, I'm Wanda. I'm Peter's older sister." I introduced and he finally realized I was there, pulling back from Peter and doing a half salute to me.

"Wade Wilson, aka Deadpool at your assistance." He grinned and Peter went red.

"Wade, I didn't tell her you were Deadpool." He dead panned and Wade made an 'o' shape with his mouth.

"This is where the merc with the mouth knew he fucked up." Wade spoke in third person and I was confused, turning to Peter, who shook his head.

"He does that a lot. Just ignore that." He said and I nodded, while Deadpool fake cried.

"Baby boy, you ignore me?" Peter rolled his eyes, a smile tugging at his lips. I cleared my throat as Peter and Wade had an 'argument'. They looked at me and I smiled.

"Hey Pete, can you go get some drinks from the food truck, please?" I asked smiling and pointing to a truck of food I've noticed and he nodded. When he left I turned to Deadpool and my face turned serious. "Listen, I don't care that you're Deadpool and you're unkillable, if you EVER hurt my little brother, you will wish you were dead by the time I'm done with you. Understood?" I added my powers for affect and he shuddered, but nodded, his face also going serious.

"I have no doubt about that, but trust me if anything were to happen to Peter, I'd punish myself." He looked into my eyes, love and pain dripping from each word as if the thought of Peter being hurt caused his heart to ache. I smiled and turned around as Peter returned with drinks in his hands. He tilted his head when he felt the tense atmosphere and frowned.

"Did something happen?" He asked and Deadpool opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off.

"No Pete. Just an understanding between deadpool and I, that's all. I approve of him, by the way. I will however being watching closely." I raised an eyebrow, daring him to argue, but he just smiled.

"Wouldn't expect anything less from my older sister." He chuckled and Deadpool enveloped him in a hug once again. The rest of the day was spent talking and playing on the playground. I watched as Peter and Deadpool were on the swings and smiled when I saw how happy Peter was with Wade. Now, we wait until the others find out. I grinned, this will be fun to watch.

                                                                                     Word Count: 1209

Combined a DeadpoolxSpiderman in this with older sister Wanda and I think this turned out cute. Let me know if you want one where EVERYONE finds out. Also, let me know how this turned out? 

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