Goodbye Part 3(2?)

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"Has anyone seen Peter?" Pepper asked as she walked into the living room and looked around. Tony had a cut going up and down his arm, Clint had a sling on his arm and everyone else looked horrible.
"Haven't seen him since we got back." Sam mentioned as he held ice to his burned arm.
"What happened to everyone? Is peter alright?" Pepper asked worriedly and Natasha walked in, looking unscathed.
"Peter is alright. We all put our lives on the line for him and we wouldn't ever let danger go near him." Natasha spoke and was confused. "Is he not here?" 
"He went on a patrol as soon as we got home." Rhodey announced, groaning in pain as he sat up and Tony frowned.
"We got home hours ago. Friday, what time is it?" Tony asked as Bruce finished wrapping his arm in bandages.
"It is currently 9 PM on a saturday night." Friday announced and everyone shared worried glances. Tony tapped his chest piece and his suit formed around him.
"Fri, send me the suit's coordinates." Tony took off and was confused when he came to the Brooklyn bridge. He looked around for Peter and then fear rushed over him as he looked down at the water. "Friday, zoom into the water." Tony was scared as the camera went further and further down until a very faint heat signature lit up the screen. 
Tony dove down into the water and tried his hardest to go down faster. When he reached the body, he prayed it wasn't Peter. He flew out of the water and quickly landed on one of the bridge beams. He placed the body down and was horrified. His face plate pulled up and he held his son close to him.
"C'mon Peter. Wake up. Come on." Tony tried mouth to mouth and was becoming desperate. He tried harder, before his AI stopped him.
"Sir, I'm not picking up on any heartbeats." Friday spoke and Tony lost it.
"No, no, no. Fr-Friday, run it again. He can't be gone." Tony fought the tears and continued to do CPR.
"Second scan complete. No heartbeat detected. All heat has left the body." Friday announced and Tony stopped. His face plate came down and he held his son tightly, flying back to the tower. Upon arrival, everyone stood and looked to Tony in wonder.
"You found him?" Vision asked and Tony nodded. He lay his arms straight and made sure the body was visible.
"Peter?!" Pepper yelled and ran to the two. Tony just stood and held his son. 
"Tony, is- is he-" Natasha couldn't finish as Tony nodded and Bruce hugged the Russian spy. Everyone was in tears and hugging each other upon hearing the news. 
"Wh-why? Why would he do this?" Bucky asked hugging Steve and Tony looked down at his son, face plate still making his face.
"Sir, Karen sent over a few videos everyone should see." Friday interrupted and a white screen came down with a video paused on the video.

《《《 Videos From Karen 》》》

"Karen, do you think the avengers hate me?" Peter asked into his suit in what appeared to be in a laying position. 
"Why do you ask that, Peter?" Karen responded and Peter sighed.
"It's just- I feel like very mission they only feel obligated to protect me cause I'm a kid." 
Peter explained and Tony looked over at the others from behind his face plate. Everyone was shocked and in more tears. Tony hugged his son tighter and silent tears fell.
"I am sure they do not feel that way, Peter." Karen responded and Peter sighed.
"What do you know? You're only an AI." Peter let out and his eyes widened, tears springing to them. "I'm so sorry, Karen. I-I didn't mean to say it." Peter apologized quickly.
"It's okay, Peter. I am just an AI, I can however recognize the regret and sincerity in your words." Karen acknowledged and Peter frowned.
"What is wrong with me?" Peter groaned as more tears fell and Karen stayed silent.

"It-it's my fault Karen. Mrs. Jones died because of me. MJ will hate me forever. Oh my gosh, someone just died because of me!" Peter panicked, breathing heavily and looking down at the dead body. 
"Peter, there appears to be a bullet in your side and thigh." Karen responded and Peter started to hyperventilate.
"Peter, you need to get out of here. You're losing too much blood and my scanners pick up police signals heading this way." Peter stood up and lay the body down gently. He looked at his bloody hands and shakily shot a web. He swung from building to building and landed on top of the bridge. He sat down and heaved in pain.
"Peter, it appears you are going into shock shall I call your father?" Karen asked and Peter barely heard it as he swayed back and forth.
"N-n-" Peter descended down to the water at a fast speed and just as he was about be engulfed by the water, a certain hero swooped in and caught him. 

Tony cried a bit more as the memory came back and he looked around at everyone. Every avenger could remember the night they almost lost the most precious person in their lives. Everyone had sorrow looks on their faces and it was no wonder why. Every single person in that room had witnessed death and knew what it was like the first time they lost someone in a criminal fight.

"Peter, it appears that you are in great stress and your heart rate is picking up, shall I call Mr. Stark?" Karen asked an obviously drunk spiderman and he slowly shook his head.

"N-no Karen, I-I'm fine. Just thinking." Peter slurred and the AI remained silent. Peter looked upset and in deep thought. Tears were welling in his eyes and he took another swig.
He wasn't exactly lying, he appeared to be thinking, but he definitely didn't appear as okay. He looked down at the water below him and held a breath. Tears came out faster and his vision became blurred. He let out a breath and leaned forward. A smile came to his face as the water came nearer and nearer. 
"Goodbye Karen. I'm sorry Ned, MJ, Tony, May. Everyone.." Peter whispered as he was plunged into the freezing water. His lungs began to burn from lack of oxygen as air left his lungs, but his smile remained. 

《 End Of Videos From Karen 》》

Tony looked down at his pale son and his face plate lifted, revealing his tear filled eyes. He took Peter over to his favorite couch and lay him down. He stood back and sighed, tears still falling as he took out his phone.
"Who are you calling at a time like this?" Steve asked with attitude and Tony sent him a look. 
"Fuck off, Steve. I'm calling his friends. They need to fucking know what happened to my son and the best fucking friend." Tony replied and Steve shut up, walking back to the group. Tony pressed dial and sighed when the receiver answered. 
"What's up Daddy Warbucks?" 
               Word Count: 1,195

Sorry it's short and it would kinda come before goodbye part 2. I hope y'all like it though. This oneshot was inspired by a reader and I'm so glad she asked for this tbh. fairy_tail_120 Thank you for this idea! Maybe a part 4?

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