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The Song of the Chapter is... I'll Sleep When I'm Dead by Set It Off

"Um, hi. I-I'm Peter P-Parker. I'm meant to be here to s-see-" Peter spoke nervously, but was cut off by the secretary at the front desk. The lady sighed and looked up from her paperwork.

"Look kid, I don't have time for this right now. You're not the first kid to-" Footsteps approached the front desk and the billionaire pulled down his glasses.

"What is going on here?" Tony asked and the secretary stood quickly.

"Sorry Mr. Stark, it's just another kid trying to-"

"Kid, Happy didn't bring you up to me?" Tony asked and Peter shook his head.

"T-Tony. The kid walked in faster than me." Happy spoke breathlessly entering the building. Tony smirked and chuckled.

"I'm sure he did, hap." Tony turned to Peter and raised an eyebrow. "Follow me, kid." Peter nodded and tried to mask his nerves as they walked. Every thought possible was flying through Peter's head and before he knew it, the elevator opened to the top floor.

"Woah." Peter let out a soft breath and Tony smirked.

"We're going to my lab to talk," Tony spoke and Peter's eyes widened. Peter was extremely nervous and his nerves slipped through his mask. Tony raised an eyebrow but shook it off, and soon they made it to Tony's lab. They walked in and Peter was in awe.

"Now, what I wanted to talk to you about-"

"I'm so sorry Mr. Stark, I-" Peter started and Tony said his hand, cutting him off.

"Kid, what are you apologizing for?" Tony raised an eyebrow and Peter froze. He looked around and panicked.

"I'm so sorry, I uh, touched your desk. My hand slipped and hit it." Peter thought quickly and mentally facepalmed.

"Righttttt. So, anyway. Earlier on the tour, when we gave you tools to invent something and we weren't expecting anything that advanced. What I want to know is, how did you manage to make it extremely advanced and what you meant by putting an AI in it-"

"Her." Peter interrupted and Tony raised an eyebrow. "I-INO is a girl, M-Mr. Stark."

"Right, her. I wanted to know what you meant by putting an AI in her like my building has if you had more time." Tony raised both eyebrows and Peter chuckled nervously.

"Well, you see M-mr. Stark-"

"Call me Tony, kid. Mr. Stark was my father."

"The system of an AI is pretty easy to create and put into a machine. It really comes down to the right coding and development. For most people, it would take months to make, and for me, it took two weeks to create." Peter rambled on proudly and Tony narrowed his eyes.

"What did you make with an AI in it that it took you only a week to create?" Peter's face fell and he felt panic once again. I can't tell him I'm spiderman.

"A-an alarm clock! I-it uh, wakes me up with the date and stuff announced. It's connected to my watch, so if I'm in trouble I can call out to it and get help faster." Peter exclaimed and Tony seemed impressed.

"Hm, let me see."


"Let me see the watch-"

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