I Missed You..

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It's been a miserable two months and it's just getting worse. I know it's my fault, but I don't even know where my son is and it's killing me. None of the team will talk to me and I don't blame them. Thor and Loki haven't come to visit in awhile, but that's not really concern to me.

"Strange, I need your help.." I spoke into the phone and I heard noises in the background. A portal opened and Stephen Strange stepped out in all his glory. He looked me up and down, a concerned expression taking over his face.

"Tony? What happened to you?" He asked, referring to my face which was messed up from the missions the team and I went on. I couldn't really focus on the tasks and would get distracted thinking about my son. It would end with me almost getting killed for being distracted, but I luckily (or unluckily, really) always had another teammate to help me. I didn't really care that I was injured and honestly, didn't take care of my wounds or anything else.

My hair has gotten longer, and you could probably put it in a hair tie. My goatee is long and unkempt and I haven't taken a shower in weeks. I was aware of how horrible I looked and smelled, but couldn't care. Pepper hasn't acknowledged me for two months and it honestly kills me. I resisted calling Stephen for the longest time, but everyone was getting tired of my moping and almost getting me as well as themselves killed on missions. Nat forced me to call him to find Peter and if I didn't call him, she would and expose my secret to him.

"I fucked up." I spoke bluntly and he blinked.

"What?" He asked and I sighed. My voice was hoarse and sore for not talking to anyone and barely staying hydrated or fed.

"I went off on Peter for being gay..." I trailed off and he got a hurt look, but quickly masked it.

"So, did you mean to go off?" He asked and I groaned, standing up and running my hand through my hair.

"No. It's just- I don't want him to get hurt, like..." I trialed off, eyes widened as I had almost told him I'm bisexual.

"Like what, Tony?" He pushed and I sighed, looking down.

"Like I was.." I replied and glanced up at him. He looked confused and had a perfect eyebrow raised. "I'm bisexual, Strange. I'm married to Pepper, but I date guys on the side, and she understands that. Her and Natasha have a relationship on the side as well, seeing as she's bisexual as well. Pepper, however, won't talk to me and the only reason I called you is because Natasha threatened me." I explained and he looked happy at first, but then frowned.

"Oh. So, uh, what'd you need my help with?" He asked, a saddened expression on his handsome face and I wanted to ask why he was sad, but had to focus on Peter.

"I need you to help me find Peter." I spoke determined and he raised an eyebrow.

"Thor and Loki didn't tell you?" It was my turn to raise an eyebrow and he sighed. "They're in Asgard." Suddenly, a conversation with Loki popped in my head.

"If I ever see him mistreated, I will take him with me, whether you like it or not."

"I doubt that would ever happen."

"Strange, open a portal." Time to go face two gods and get my son back.


"Uncle Loki, I wanna go home." Peter announced as he stood up and I sighed.

"Are you sure Pete?" Father interrupted and Peter turned to him with a sad smile.

"I'm sorry Grandpa, I love being here, but I miss my friends and family at home. I'll come to visit whenever you want, but I have to get back. I think my soulmate is down there." My father nodded and smiled. Peter was in fear at first to tell my father he was gay, afraid of him doing the same thing that bastard Stark did, but eventually told him. My father was very accepting, after all the Valkyrie are lesbians. Even if my father was against LGBTQ+, he would've accepted Peter in a heartbeat. He loves the 15 year old as much as Thor and I, possibly more.

"Okay my boy, but if anything happens, you are always welcome here. I will be having Thor and Loki watching out for you." My father announced as he gave my brother and I both stern looks. Peter was directed to the bifrost and waved goodbye to everyone as Heimdall sent him on his way. Minutes later, a portal appeared before us and Stark stepped through.

"Loki, where is my son?" He questioned and I narrowed my eyebrows, ready to go off on him, but my father interjected.

"Who are you and why are you talking to my son in such a manner, mortal?" Tony raised an eyebrow as Strange walked out of the portal, standing beside him.

"Lord Odin, we come to find Peter, Tony's son? Assuming he is still here?" My father's eyes narrowed and he stood, crossing his arms

"So, you are the mortal who has made my grandson upset." Tony was even more confused and backed up some. "Listen here, scum making that boy upset was a major mistake. I would take your life, but Peter loves you too much. Be grateful my grandson loves you, or you would be dead. That boy is too pure and innocent for earth, but insisted to go back. If I hear from Thor or Loki you mistreated him again, I will kill you; regardless if Peter still loves you or not."

♡Brown Eyed Beauty♡

Now, time for the story, I'm sure you all have waited for; the reason MJ and I aren't together anymore. Instead of just describing it, how about we do a flashback, shall we? Fourth wall break hehehe. Deadpool: Hey! That's my job Spiderman!)

♧♧♧♧♧Flashback Brought To You By All The Readers Wanting To Kill Tony's Stupid ass♧♧♧♧♧♧

I've been dating MJ for a few weeks and I didn't know what to do. She's a great friend, but how do I tell her I'm bi? Will she hate me? Where is she anyway? I searched the entire tower and was surprised when I walked in on her and Shuri kissing.

"Uhh?" I cleared my throat and they both jumped. Shurus eyes widened while MJ's saddened.

"Peter, I'm-" I cut her off with a smile and a hug.

"I was just coming to talk to you about breaking up, honestly." She frowned and I mentally facepalmed. "Look MJ, you're my best friend, but I'm interested in Wade." I looked down and she lifted my head, smirking.

"I get it loser. I'm in love with the princess over there, myself." I grinned and pulled out of the hug.

"So, Shurichelle, huh?" I raised my eyebrows and she punched me in the shoulder. I hissed and held my hands up in mock defense. "Woah, chill M. I was joking. I'm glad you two are together and I hope you guys last."

"Thanks Peter." MJ gave me a genuine smile and I smiled back, hugging Shuri.

♤♤♤♤♤♤♤End Of Flashback Brought To You By The Readers Success In Killing Tony♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤

MJ and Shuri have been together for about 2 years now and couldn't be more in love. Even though Shuri still lives in Wakanda, she come out whenever she can to visit and MJ does vice versa. Once I was back on earth, the first thing I did was go see Johnny. I walked up to his compound and knocked. To my luck, it was the man himself who answered, and let me just say, he didn't look that good.

"P-peter?" He stuttered and hugged me. "Oh thank goodness you're okay." He whispered and I smiled hugging him tighter. I stayed with him for a few hours, before leaving. Just as I was getting ready to leave, he pulled me to him and I looked up at him.

"Johnny, what are you-" I was cut off by his lips attacking mine. My movements followed his and we kissed until we needed air.

"Go out with me." Johnny said breathlessly and I smiled, nodding. I kissed him again before leaving back to my tower. It was only a couple minutes away, but I was nervous. Does dad hate me now? What happens when I see-

"Peter!" I was cut out of my thoughts by mom running to me and wrapping her arms around my body. I held tighter and felt tear drops fall on my shoulder. "I missed you." She whispered.

                                                                        Word Count: 1460

So? What did ya'll think? By the way, this story has TWO THOUSAND votes!! Thank you so much, I appreciate everyone who reads and votes and comments. I enjoy reading every joke and anything you all have to say. Part 6? Also, Shurichelle, what do ya'll think? This one-shot just keeps getting more and more interesting in my opinion. Hope ye'll liked it, vote and comment your opinions.

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