The New Intern..

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⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️ ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

"Hey dad, I just wanted to- oh, who is this?" Peter asked as he entered his father's lab and Tony looked up at the teen.
"Hey Peter, glad you're here. Harley, this is my son Peter. Peter, this is my new intern. His name is Harley Keen and he'll be helping in the lab." Tony explained and Peter smiled.
"Hey Harley, great to meet you." Peter held out his hand and Harley just stared. Tony raised an eyebrow, turning to Harley and smirking when he saw his face. "Um.. okay then… Anyways, dad I just wanted to let you know that MJ is coming over and we're going to be in my room to go over some decathlon questions." Peter explained as he forced his eyes away from the teen he had just met and Tony nodded.
"Okay, I'll be in the lab with Harley." With that, Peter left and Harley tried to focus on what he was doing with Tony. 

□□□□□ Time Skip Brought To You By A This Being My First One Shot With Harley □□□□□□

"What's wrong, dad?" Peter gasped between laughs as Tony stood with a piece of his suit glued to his hand, glitter and paint running down his face and body.
"Wh-what? Why do you three always do this to me? Steve-"
"We already took care of him." MJ cut Tony off and before the multibillionaire could answer, the elevator door opened to reveal a veteran war hero with his hair half shaved and his shield glued to his stomach. 
"I was sleeping. Never. Again." Steve said as he sighed and dragged his hand down his face. Harley looked between everyone and his eyes stopped on the laughing beauty who seemingly lit up the room with happiness. 
"I could ground you." Tony said as he narrowed his eyes and Peter sobered up, grinning.
"But you wouldn't." Peter said matter-of-factly and Steve raised an eyebrow.
"But I would." Steve answered and Peter froze.
"Pops, I- it's their fault! They dragged me into this! They're evil." Peter accused turning on his two companions and MJ gasped.
"How dare you accuse me!" She joked and Peter smiled.
"How dare you assume I'm accusing you." Peter faked being offended and Tony sighed.
"Are you sure you two aren't dating?" Peter froze and took a step back.
"Me? Date that-that thing?!" Peter asked over dramatic and Clint chuckled, wrapping his arm around his nephew.
"He's your son. I don't think that's possible. Besides, MJ has young Shuri-"
"Speak one more word-" MJ spoke, grabbing his shoulder and his face paled. "And I'll end you." MJ flipped Clint on his back as she tried to hide her blush and Peter chuckled.
"Dad, you already know it's not like that." 
"Kid, I'm just saying-"
"You need someone! You're always complaining about not having a gu-"
"Pops!" Peter exclaimed flushing red as Harley looked to the teen and Peter ran out of the room embarrassed. He didn't know if Harley was gay or not and now that he knows Peter is, it changes everything. What if-
"Hey, are you okay?" Harley asked as he stood behind the upset teen and Peter looked up with a red face.
"Y-yea. Sorry about that." Peter apologized and Harley smiled, causing the other teen to be amazed.
"It's fine. You're cute when you're happy." Harley confessed and then blushed a deep red.
"Thanks, you're cute yourself. Would you maybe wanna see a movie sometime?" Peter asked blushing deeper and Harley smiled brightly.
"Sure. How's later? Say… 7pm?" Harley asked and Peter nodded.
"Great. See you later then." Peter agreed and walked back to the room as Harley left the building. As he reached his father's lab he ran to MJ and was freaking out.
"M, I need your help!" Peter yelled and the girl raised an eyebrow.
"Look Peter, I already explained that I can't help you with your problems. I don't think anyone can." MJ laughed and Peter frowned, before groaning.
"I have a date tonight and-"
"Why didn't you start with that, loser? Let's go. You need A LOT of work."
"Hey!" Peter exclaimed as MJ chuckled and dragged her best friend out of the lab, leaving behind three confused and concerned men.
              Word Count: 704

Okay, so I know this is short. However, part 2?

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