Ross and Eyepatch..

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No. It can't be. This-this isn't him. My Peter died. Peggy and May said so. This has to be a different Peter with an Aunt May. H-how is this possible?

"Tony?" Bruce's voice snapped me back to reality and I looked to him. He looked concerned and panicked. "His heart is failing." My eyes widened and I moved quickly. No, no, no. The formula is wrong. They messed up the chemicals. It's the same way mine was the first time I 'fixed' my heart reactor. I-I need my equipment. That's the only way I can-

"Stark, we're losing him!" Bruce exclaimed and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Make this go faster. I need my equipment and he needs to be hooked up while I work in my lab to fix the part in his chest." I announced and Clint put the quinjet into hyperdrive, racing to get home. Once there, Peter was rushed to Medbay as I ran to my lab, Steve following behind, as well as Natasha. I worked quickly and Steve decided to ask me questions while I worked.

"Why did you space out on the ship and tense when Peter's age and aunt was mentioned?" He demanded and I sighed, but forced myself to continue as I replied.

"Harley isn't my only kid. My biological kid was said to be dead and he would be 8 right now. It was a one night stand and I found out she had my child a year after, but his aunt told me he was dead. Sarah disappeared and my son did as well. Sarah's corpse was found 7 years ago somewhere outside Germany and I was contacted by her sister, who said my son was nowhere to be found. I had thought he was dead, but if I'm right, that kid is not only your grandchild... He's my son." I revealed and smiled when I finished the part that was needed to stabilize the reactor.

I rushed to medbay and helped Bruce save the kid. Once stabilized, we checked every other body part to make sure nothing else was messed up. His arm was replaced with a metal vibranium arm like Bucky's and he seemed to be okay otherwise. As we waited for Peter to wake up, I took a small tube of his blood and had Jarvis run a scan on the DNA, matching it against my own. I made sure he was stable before leaving the room and going to my lab.

"Dad?" I looked up to see Harley entering and smiled.

"Hey Harls, what's up?" I questioned and he smiled back.

"That boy you're saving.. Is he your son? Your biological one?" He asked and I frowned.

"Who told you that?" He shrugged and sat on the desk in front of me.

"No one, but he looks a lot like you. Besides, you seem worried and distracted, it's just something I've noticed. So, is he?" I sighed and picked him up, sitting him on my knee.

"He might be. Jarvis is running the DNA scan right now.We'll know-"

"Sir, the results are in." Jarvis interrupted and I looked at my son on my knees. He had his head tilted and a curious expression on his face.

"What are they, Jarvis?"

"50% match." Jarvis replied and Harley smiled sadly. For the first time since I adopted him 4 years ago, I saw a saddened expression on the 6 year old's face.

"Guess you'll be paying more attention to your actual son, huh?" He asked looking down and I frowned. I nudged his head up so he was looking at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Just because he's my biological son, doesn't mean you're anything other than my son, Harley. Don't think I'm going to ignore you. If you ever think anything else, besides the fact that I love you, I'll give you a knuckle sandwich. Don't ever think I love you any less just because I have Peter." I said honestly and he smiled brightly.

"I love you too, dad. Does this mean I have a brother?!" He exclaimed excitedly and I nodded, smiling. He dragged me to Medbay and I brought him to the room Peter was residing in. He walked over to the bed and looked down at his new brother, eyes shining as he landed on his chest. "He has a reactor like you." He looked up at me and I nodded. He looked at his metal arm and smiled. "Cool, he has a metal arm."


I woke up in an unfamiliar room and sat up quickly, hiding my wince from the pain in my chest. I looked around and figured I was in a medical room. I looked to my side and was confused to see another kid maybe a couple years younger than me.

"Wo ist der Kommandant?" I asked expecting him to speak German, but he just tilted his head in confusion. I looked to the other side of my bed and saw a man raising an eyebrow at me.

"English, kid."

"Where is the commander? Who are you?" I asked, a little accent coming out from speaking German for so long. I of course knew english, I was taken when I was three, but I already knew how to speak at that age. I was tortured until I spoke German, which took about two years. I still remembered how to speak english since I read some english books in private while on the base.

"We rescued you from the base. As for who I am, Peter. I'm your father." My eyes went wide and the machine I was hooked up to started to go off. "Peter, calm down. You're putting too much stress on your heart." He said in a calm voice as he pushed me back down and I tried to regain my breathing.

"Stark, I'm here to take the kid. We need to do research on him and we were informed of how well he did against the Avengers. We're taking him into our military." A guy commanded as he walked in through the door and the guy who was revealed to be my 'father' stood up, fists clenched.

"The hell you are, Ross. Who let you into my building?" He asked annoyed and this 'Ross' guy smirked.

"I can and will take him, Stark. You can't stop me."
"What's going on in here?" Another guy in a khakis and a blue shirt asked walking in asked and my 'father' looked to him.

"Ross here, thinks he's taking Peter." The guy in blue narrowed his eyes at Ross and stood in front of my bed.

"Like hell you are." My dad gasped and covered his mouth, almost mockingly.

"Did the Captain of Righteousness, just-" He was cut off by Ross aiming a fist at him. My body reacted before I could process what was happening, and before I knew it, I was on top of Ross. His arm was behind his back, bent in a weird position and I was on top of him.

"Attempt to harm my family again, and I'll kill you." I whispered into his ear and he struggled against my hold.

"What in the hell is going on in here?" A guy with an eyepatch and trench coat exclaimed as he entered the room and I looked behind me to the two shocked faces, then back to eyepatch.

"Ross is trying to take my great grandkid, aka Tony's son." Captain was the first to speak and eyepatch narrowed his eye.

"Well, this kid is under the protection of SHIELD, directed by the president. Ross has no business here. Uh, Stark, can you get the kid off the general?" Eyepatch asked and my dad nodded.

"Peter, he won't attempt to harm me. Get off him, kid." I nodded and stood. Ross got up and glared, enraged.

"What do you mean he's under SHIELD's protection?" Ross asked eyepatch and he smirked.

"Don't believe me? Call Mr. President." Eyepatch raised his eyebrow and Ross pulled out his phone. After a short conversation he left angrily and Eyepatch looked to my dad and my newly revealed great grandfather. "I expect the kid on the helicarrier no later than tomorrow, or I'll let Ross take him. Understood?" He asked pointing at the two and they nodded.

"He'll be there." My great grandfather answered and eyepatch nodded, before leaving. I was filled in on everything, from my dad thinking I was dead to how I was related to the captain. It took awhile for me to grasp, but gradually understood. I also became close with the kid named Harley, who I found out is my younger brother. 

                    Word Count: 1454

The end! Okay, so the ending wasn't exactly what I wanted, but oh well. So, what do you think? Peter being Tony's son? He's also Steve's great grandson? Harley is also Tony's son? A lot went on in this one shot. Please vote and comment your opinions.

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