I Love You, M..

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“Please Mr. Harrison, don’t make me do the talent show with him.” MJ asked the drama director and the teacher sighed. 
“Michelle, as I’ve told Peter. You can’t drop out last minute. We’ve already sent out the notices with you two headlining the event. This talent show is meant to save our drama department and given the show you two put on with ‘The Greatest Showman’, you both are the only way to save our class from being terminated.” The teacher explained and MJ frowned. The two had put their act down for the show months ago when they were dating and now that they were broken up, they wanted to do separate performances. 
"But Mr. Dell-"
"MJ, you and Mr. Parker have extreme chemistry when you're on stage together, a one in a million type of performance. Please, if not for me then do it for your classmates? For the live of art and performance?" The teacher pleaded, using the same words on MJ that he did on Peter and MJ sighed.
"Fine, I'll do it." MJ said as she walked away and Mr. Dell smiled. He picked up his phone and dialed the number he never thought he would.
"The plan is on." 
££££££££ Time Skip Brought To You By The Love Of My Readers ££££££££££

"You idiot! You're supposed to catch with your arms!" MJ screamed at a worried Peter.
"MJ, I'm sorry- I-" 
"I thought your spider senses picked up on things flying towards you and advanced your reflexes?" MJ sneered and Peter looked down.
"They do, but.. it hasn't been working right for about a month now." MJ gave a worried glance while Peter was still looking down and quickly looked away as soon as he glanced up.
"This.. This isn't gonna work." MJ sighed and Peter stepped forward, before stopping. 
"M, we- we have to-"
"It's Michelle to you, and I didn't mean the performance nimrod, I meant the song." MJ stated, crossing her arms and dragging his hand down her face. "This whole routine won't work between us."  
"I-I have a song." Peter stuttered and MJ raised an eyebrow.
"Then put it-"
"Not here. F-follow me." Peter grabbed MJ's and dragged her out of the studio, towards the music room in the tower.
 MJ blushed as Peter continued to hold her hand as he opened the doors. They walked in and Peter turned on the lights, amazing MJ with the musical instruments beautifully decorating the room. Peter smiled at her, before glancing down at their hands and blushing as well. 
"Y-You didn't have to touch my hand and drag me, I'm not like one of your criminals. I might have followed." MJ snatched her hand away and Peter felt pain in his chest, but ignored it. "Anyway, why did you bring me to this room? We can't-" 
"Just- follow me to the piano." Peter cut her off and walked ahead, leaving MJ to follow. MJ felt a hollow feeling in her hand where Peter held it and saddened. Peter sat on the bench and motioned MJ to follow. She sat down and Peter opened the piano. 
♡♡♡♡♡ Scene Change Because The Song Is Saved For Later ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

Tony, Pepper, Rhodey and the rest of the Avengers sat at his desk in the lab and watched Peter singing with MJ. They saw how much compassion went into the singing, but they also noticed the pain and sadness within the words. Once the two were finished, both Peter and MJ were fighting not to cry.
"I-um, I gotta go. See you tomorrow." MJ quickly left the room and Peter let a tear slip.
"You guys can stop watching now, the show is over." Peter spoke slowly, but Friday picked up on his voice and everyone was worried. They watched as Peter walked to his room and the camera shut off. 
"мне не нравится, как она разговаривала с моим паучком." Natasha spoke deadly and Bucky sighed.
"Она обижена и расстроена, любовь моя. Не сердись на нее." Bucky replied and Nat nodded, still picking her nails with a knife. Everyone stared at the two and waited for an explanation.
"Steve? What did they say?" Tony asked turning to the captain and he looked bewildered.
"How the heck would I know? I don't speak Russian. Clint?" Steve asked turning to the archer and Clint gained a devilish smirk. 
"Скажи одно слово-" Natasha started, glaring at her friend and pointing the knife at him. "И я тебя убью." She finished, throwing the knife right past his cheek and nearly grazing the skin. Clint paled and Bucky shook his head, chuckling. (Guess that they said correctly and you'll get a one shot that you request)
"I- um, I'd rather not say.." Clint backed up and everyone was confused, while the two assassins concealed their smiles. 
♧♧♧♧♧ Time Skip To The Night Of The Show Because If You Know What Natasha And Bucky Said Then Yea ♧♧♧♧♧
Abraham and Cindy had just finished on stage and now was time for Betty and Ned. MJ was stuck looking around for Peter and was rushing to find him. They were going on next and everyone was already here. MJ spotted Tony out of the corner of her eye and sighed.
She didn't want to go to his family, thinking they hated her and she tried one more time to glance around, but still no luck. With a sigh and little hesitance, MJ walked over to Tony with her head slightly down.
"Do you know where your son is?" MJ asked and Tony raised an eyebrow.
"What do you mean, do I know where my son-"
"He's not here, Mr. Stark. I wouldn't be asking you if he was. We go on in 10 minutes and I can't perform without him." MJ spoke with a slight attitude and Tony sighed.
"I know where he is. Rae Jay, go get ready and he'll be here in time." Tony reassured as his suit formed around him and he took off. He landed on top of the One Times Square building where the New Years ball usually drops and spotted the Spiderling sitting on the edge, looking over the city.
"Well, this surely doesn't look like the school." Tony commented as he sat down next to his son and Peter sighed.
"I-I don't think I can do it dad." 
"What do you-"
"She hates me, dad. She hates that I'm Spiderman and that's why she dumped me. I can't give up helping people, but I love her. I can't handle performing with her and the song hurts too much. I just wish she didn't find out.." The teen mentioned as he felt tears well in his eyes and Tony held his son.
¥¥¥¥¥ Flashback Brought To You By My Suckish Stories ¥¥¥¥¥
"Stay here." Spiderman spoke to the teen he just rescued and the teen frowned.
"Do I know you?" Peter took off before anything came out and joined the fight once more, beside his family. 
The Avengers and Spiderman were currently fighting against a villain named Gloraxe, a Frost giant from Thor's world and several of his underlings. The team seemed to be doing okay, but Peter was trapped. His web shooters were jammed up by one of the underlings and three of them cornered him. He began to climb up the wall and the underlings attempted to follow, but fail. 
Gloraxe noticed the spider climbing and before Tony and Thor got him, the villain shot at the building Peter was currently climbing. The building collapsed and when the dust died down, Peter wasn't seen. The Avengers took care of the frost giant and Thor took him back home, while the others searched for the spider. MJ stood off to the side and watched in curiosity, hoping that the person who saved her was okay.
"Underroos? Where'd you go?" Tony called out, lifting his faceplate.
"Spiderman!" Captain called out, but still no response. Tony got worried and his face plate formed once more.
"Friday, scan for my son."  The heat scanner came up and Tony saw a heat source underneath some debris from the building. Tony immediately flew over and lifted the debris, seeing his son laying on the ground passed out. Tony picked him up and his face plate lifted.
"Tony is he-"
"C'mon underoos." Tony cut Wanda off and looked hopefully at his son. No movement was made and Tony frowned. "Spiderman, wake up." Tony pushed, still keeping his son's name unknown and MJ was worried watching the scene play out.
"мой паук." Natasha gasped and Bucky had saddened eyes.
"Peter, it's time to wake up. C'mon." Tony tried fruitlessly and there was still no sign of life. Wanda stepped forward and looked to Tony.
"Let me try." She used her magic and after a few seconds, there was still no response. Suddenly, Spiderman shot up and was gasping, before hissing in pain.
"Peter!" Tony exclaimed, a little too loud as he hugged his son and Peter hissed.
"D-dad, pain." Peter stuttered and Tony pulled back, narrowing his eyes. 
"Then next time-"
"Peter?" A voice came from behind the group and everyone turned to see MJ with tears in her eyes.
"I-I'm not-" Peter saw his mask in Tony's hand and silently cursed. "M-"
"I-I can't believe you- I had my suspicions, but-" MJ couldn't form a complete sentence and Peter forced himself up, holding back a cry from the pain.
"I'm sorry. I should've told you, but I didn't know what your reaction would be." Peter got with in reach of his girlfriend and MJ flinched back.
"You-you could've been killed!" MJ screamed and Peter froze.
"But I'm fine." Peter stated, reaching out to her again and MJ stepped back.
"I can't be with you." MJ said as tears began to fall and Peter frowned.
"Thank you for saving me, but I must go." With that she left and Peter was left there with his body hurting and a broken heart. 
■■■■■ End Of Flashback Because I'm Sure Everyone Is Dying To Read Their Performance ■■■■■
"So, what are you going to do, kid? Let all your classmates down and have her hate you even more, or are you going to get on that stage and show everyone what you can do?" Tony asked and Peter frowned.
"Can you fly me back to the school?" Peter asked and Tony smiled.
"Of course, kid. Hold on tightly." Peter nodded and Tony took off, arriving at the school with three minutes to spare. Peter pressed the center of his suit, causing the nano tech to go back into the arc on his chest. He rushed into the building and went straight to MJ, tugging on his suit.
"Where have you been, idiot? We have-"
"Please welcome to the stage.. Michelle Jones and Peter Parker!" Mr. Dell announced and the two sighed. Suddenly, every light was turned off in the theater and Peter sighed, walking on stage with MJ following. Peter sat on the piano bench with MJ and slightly smiled in the dark at how close he was to MJ. Peter started to play the opening and a spot light came on, showing the two contestants. 
"I'd like to say we gave it a try, I'd like to blame it all on life." MJ started to sing beautifully in tune with the tempo and Peter played nicely, not missing a single note. "Maybe we just weren't right, but that's a lie, that's a lie." MJ stood and looked out to the crowd, while Peter's eyes were focused solely on her. "And we can deny it as much as we want, but in time our feelings will show." MJ sang from her heart and fought to not look at Peter and looked down instead.
"'Cause sooner or later, we'll wonder why we gave up. The truth is everyone knows." MJ sang beautifully and everyone watched with amazement. Peter was still watching her with adoration.
The crowd watched the two sing and even people who have no idea what was going on could tell they belonged together. Tony looked at the other Avengers and saw something surprising, but smirked and looked away. Everyone watching could hear the pain and lust in MJ's voice and could see the pain and sadness on Peter's face.
"Almost, almost is never enough, so close to being in love. If I would have known that you wanted me, the way I wanted you. Then maybe we wouldn't be two worlds apart." At this, MJ stole a glance at Peter and her heart hurt. Peter was staring down at the piano intently as he played and MJ could see the slight glimmer of oncoming tears. "But right here in each others arms. Here we almost, we almost knew what love was, but almost is never enough." MJ let out, nearly choking on her tears and she turned around before anyone noticed. She walked back to the piano and the light shined on the two. 
"If I could change the world overnight, there'd be no such thing as goodbye." Peter began, closing his eyes and MJ looked down. 
She knew he was talking about Spiderman and couldn't get over the idea of almost losing him, but then lost him completely on her own doing. She pushed him away and decided to protect herself now, than later.
"You'll be standing right where you were, and we'd get the chance we deserve oh. Try to deny it as much as you want, but in time our feelings will show." Peter sang, now looking into MJ's eyes and MJ let a tear slip.
"'Cause sooner or later, we'll wonder why we gave up. Truth is everyone knows." The two voices matched perfectly and everyone was captivated by the sound. 
"Almost, almost is never enough (Is never enough, babe), We were so close to being in love (So close). If I would have known that you wanted me, the way I wanted you, babe." MJ was now sitting on the bench and leaning her head on Peter's shoulder while he played.
"Then maybe we wouldn't be two worlds apart, but right here in each others arms. And we almost, we almost knew what love was." The two sat closer and everyone watched, waiting to see what would happen. 
"But almost is never enough." The two whispered, nose to nose and breathing heavily. Everyone was silent and for a moment, it was just MJ and Peter. They stared into each other's eyes, tears welling in both of their eyes and panting.
"I-im sor-" MJ was cut off by Peter kissing her passionately. Everyone clapped and cheered, while the two felt as if they were the only two there. Peter pulled back, touching his nose to hers and staring into her teary eyes, wiping some strays away.
"I missed you." 
"I missed you too." MJ responded breathlessly and Peter smiled softly, cupping her cheek. 
"I love you, M." 
                Word Count: 2,487

I know you guys told me to take a break, and I appreciate it. However, making you guys smile makes me feel better and I love reading your reactions. Thank you all so much, I've never felt so cared for 💙 Part 2? Also, please vote if you enjoyed and comment your opinions! Love y'all!
Ps. Updating "A Once In A Lifetime Opportunity" next, so stay tuned.

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