Coming Out To The Team.... This'll Be Exhausting...

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Peter Stark, known to most as Peter Parker, other's know him as Spider-man, but to Deadpool? Peter was his baby boy and Peter wouldn't have it any other way. For so long, Peter had been hiding the fact that he was gay until he met his merc with the mouth and felt okay with it. Deadpool, aka the merc with the mouth, made Peter feel okay with being gay and is the cause of Peter's acceptance with who he is. That doesn't mean it made Peter any less scared to tell the rest of the family. Of course he was glad he had Wanda, and she supported him and Deadpool more than anything.

"Wanda, I'm scared." Peter whispered as he and Wanda were walking towards the lounge, where everyone was gathered. Wanda smiled and stopped him, making him look at her.

"You'll be fine Peter, no one will hate you." Wanda tried to reassure and he sighed, nodding. He offered a small smile in return and took a deep breath, now standing in front of everyone. Clint was playing Mario Cart against Sam and getting scolded for his 'language' by Cap, while everyone else was in a conversation. He walked to the middle of the room and cleared his throat loudly, causing everyone to stop what they were doing and face him.

"Can I have everyone's attention, please?" Peter asked, trying to keep his voice leveled, but failed at the end and concern looks went around the room.

"What's the matter Peter? Did something happen at-" Peter cut Tony off and shook his head rapidly.

"No, no dad, I'm fine. I just an announcement to make.." Peter nervously bit his lip as the Avengers all looked at him, urging him to continue. Peter looked towards Wanda and she smiled, nodding. He took yet another deep breath and silently prayed, hoping everything would go right. "Okay, so you know how you don't really have a choice of how you're born? Like when you're received they determine you as male or female? Well, I think that's actually-" Peter's rambling was cut off by Tony.

"What are you trying to say Underroos?" He asked, more concerned than before. For Peter to be nervous and rambling, it wasn't going to be good. He's trying to procrastinate.

"I'm-I'm gay!" Peter exclaimed, immediately covering his mouth as the Avengers, Pepper and Rhodey all froze. He looked at Wanda, tear in his eyes and Wanda frowned. "I knew they wouldn't accept me.." Peter whispered, turning to leave when he was pulled into a hug by Tony.

"It wasn't that we don't accept you kid, it's just we were all shocked. I'm proud of you either way, and nothing will change that, you're my son." Tony hugged his son tighter and Peter smiled as Pepper hugged him as well. Soon everyone was in a group hug and telling Peter they still love and accept him. Once the group hug ended, Tony smirked and looked at his son.

"So who's the son of a bitch who has the heart of my son? They must be a great guy to have you." Peter blushed and looked away, mumbling under his breath causing everyone to roll their eyes.

"A little louder Pete, the three old people in the room can't hear so good." Sam pointed at Bucky, Clint, and Steve causing a choruses of 'HEY' and chuckles. Peter turned bright pink and sighed.

"I'm dating..."

"Baby boy!"

















"DEADPOOL!" Everyone exclaimed, grabbing their weapons and glared, watching Deadpool's arms wrap around the boy in front of them. Deadpool ignored and paid attention to Peter.

"So baby boy, how'd telling the fam go?" Deadpool questioned and Peter looked up, flustered.

"Wade, I told you to wait for me at the park." Peter hissed and he pulled back, folding his arms.

"Baby boy, are you mad at me?" Deadpool asked and Peter could just picture his puppy dog eyes and his pout.

"Wade, look around." He lifted his head and finally noticed the deadly aura towards him, then spotted Wanda who was laughing.

"Hi Wandnifico!" Deadpool greeted the scarlet witch with a cheerful voice and everyone deadpanned.

"Hi wade!" Wanda got out through her giggles and waved. Everyone else was confused and turned to Wanda.

"You knew?" Wanda smirked and nodded.

"Of course I did, this is my little bro's first boyfriend, of course I'm gonna be the first to know." Wanda then went serious. "Look, I know how everyone feels about Deadpool, but I've seen how he treats Peter. Peter gets treated like a prince and wouldn't ever put him in danger. So, please give him a chance?" Wanda asked and everyone relaxed, except Tony.

"Deadpool, how did you get in my building?" Tony asked, arms crossed and a frown set on his face.

"I don't know, ask the author." Deadpool broke the 4th wall, causing everyone, excluding Peter and Wanda to be confused. "Anyway, I have to go, so I'll see you later baby boy." He kissed Peter and jumped through the window, breaking it and falling from the 100th floor. Everyone started freaking out, while Peter smiled and Wanda laughed.

"Deadpool!" Tony yelled, finally coming out of his shock and realized his now broken window.

"Well, that went better than I expected." Peter thought out loud and everyone laughed, except the fuming Tony, who was complaining about his son dating a delinquent and his now broken window.

                                                                             Word Count: 906

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