The Victims... Part 1

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"Okay, Spider. Are you in position?" Clint asked quietly into the coms as he scouted out the area.


"Target sighted." Natasha spoke and everyone quickly went into action. Magnets were thrown, silly string was sprayed and a loud shriek resounded in the room. Bucky stood in the kitchen, magnets all over his metal arm and silly string hanging from everywhere. The best part was yet to come. A web grenade was thrown in and exploded all over the super soldier.

"Are you ok- Woah. What happened to you?" Steve asked holding in a laugh while looking at his best friend. Bucky narrowed his eyes as he turned to the three culprits who came out of hiding. All three fell to the ground, clutching their stomachs in laughter.

"W-welcome to t-the prank war!" Peter sputtered out between laughs as Steve shook his head and walked to the coffee machine. He picked up the coffee pot and liquid went everywhere. The three pranksters laughed even more as Steve's face drained from all color.

"That's two down, four more to go." Natasha smirked as the three retreated to their quarters.

Once there, they began to plot their next prank. After deciding how to prank the others, the three rolled out. Their third victim was none other than the Scarlet witch herself. They watched as she walked out of her room and going to the training room. Each of them grinned as she opened the door and glitter was thrown everywhere. A ray of light was seen and there stood Wanda, surrounded by glitter, but protected by her powers.

"Prank war?" She asked turning to the three who were disappointed, but suddenly Peter jumped up.

"You wanna join in?!" He exclaimed and Wanda smirked.

"Who is left to prank?" Her accent came out thick as she turned off her powers and the three grinned.

"Uncle Sam, Uncle Rhodey and dad."
"Tony's for last." Clint added and Wanda nodded as they moved onto their next victim; Sam. They walked to his room and Peter walked up to Red Wing.

"Hey buddy." Peter smiled softly and Red Wing snuggled his head against Peter's touch.

The other three marveled his closeness to the bird, seeing as Red Wing only liked Sam. However, Peter had this connection with every animal to the point that animals trusted him. There was one time where Clint was surrounded by wolves when hiking with Peter and as Clint went to shoot a wolf, Peter stopped him and befriended the pack. (30 votes and 20 comments for this one shot XD)

"We need your help with something." Peter said softly as Red Wing perched up. It seemed as though Peter could understand the bird and he smiled. "Great. We're planning on pranking Sam, can you help?" The bird nodded and flew onto Peter's shoulder, perching on top. Peter turned to the three amazed Avengers and smiled.

"Let's go." They followed him out and Peter whispered to Red Wing the plan. They walked to the living room and smirked when they saw it was empty.

"Sam! Come quickly! Red Wing is injured!" To add effect, Red Wing telepathically told Sam something was wrong. Sam came running into the room and ran straight into the strongest web Peter had created. Wanda smashed a whipped pie in his face and all of them busted out laughing, even Red Wing seemed to be enjoying the entertainment. Sam groaned as he tried to become unattached to the web, but failing miserably.

"Its April 1st, isn't it?" He muttered and Peter smiled, stepping forward.

"Yup, and you've been pranked! Have fun being stuck for two hours!" Peter giggled as the others followed him out of the room.

"Why aren't we pranking Vision?" Wanda questioned and Peter frowned.

"He'll just fade through whatever we plan and probably warn the others. We can't risk the operation being blown." Wanda nodded as they went to Rhodey's office. Thankfully it was empty and they got to work. Half an hour later, everything was set up, just in time for Rhodey to return. They crept up into the vents and watched the prank unfold.

Rhodey sighed as he crashed into his chair, but fell when the legs gave out. He groaned as he got up and eyed his chair. He opened the drawer, only for a firecracker to go off and scare him. He fell back and slipped on a banana peel, causing him to slide right into a plate full of strawberry filling. Then a Widow bite fell onto him and zapped him lightly, causing him to jump and face plant once again into the filling.

The four masterminds grinned and moved onto their last victim; Tony. For this prank, they had the master of trickery and illusions help out. They walked to the empty lab and grinned when all they saw was a snake.

"Uncle Loki!" Peter exclaimed as Loki transformed back to his original form and hugged the God.

"Hello young one. Now, what's the plan?" Loki smirked and the others filled him in. An hour later, Tony came down to his lab and sat in his chair.

"Fri, turn on the soundtrack." Despacito started playing and Tony looked up confused.

He walked over to his holographic screen and as soon as it turned on, he jumped back. On the screen was a picture of IT. He was even more confused when the lights shut off, and the music turned to a creepy soundtrack. He turned to his screen, but nothing would work. Suddenly, a light shined as if it was a spotlight and there was Peter, or what he thought was Peter.

"Kid, what are you-"

"Hello Tony." The light went to somewhere else in the room and illuminated a dark silhouette of a figure. He raised an eyebrow.
"Who are-" The light went back to Peter and he was now tied to a chair, looking terrified. Tony took a step forward, but stopped when the voice spoke again.

"One more step, and he dies." The voice spoke and Tony was scared.

"Alright, what do you want?" He asked, voice staying strong, but weakening towards the end.

"I.. want.."

"What is it? I'll give you anything. Just let my son go." Tony rushed. Peter looked so terrified, it broke his heart. He really would give up anything for his kid, as long as his kid was okay. That's all that mattered. His kids safety.

"Ice cream."

"Okay, I'll give you- wait. Ice cream?" Tony asked confused, before groaning. "Friday, what day is it?"

"It is April First, 2019." She responded and the lights came on, revealing a glitter cannon that blew pink glitter at Tony along with pink feathers.

"April fools!" The four exclaimed as Loki chuckled. Tony wiped his eyes and they widened to the size of saucers. In front of him was his new suit, covered in pink paint with glitter and magnets. Unicorns were painted with rainbows and Tony gasped.

"My suit! My beautiful suit! What have you done?!" He exclaimed, hugging his suit and Peter chuckled.

"Happy April Fools, Pops." Peter grinned and Tony turned to him, the image of him in a chair coming back to his mind. He let go of the suit and immediately hugged his son.

"That wasn't funny Peter, you scared me." He whispered and Peter frowned.

"I'm sorry." He whispered back, hugging his dad back. Tony pulled back and smirked.

"Pink really is your color." Tony grinned as Peter groaned.

"Dang it! I should've known." He was ashamed as Tony only hugged him to cover him in the paint from his suit.

"All of you should watch your backs." Tony smirked, walking out of the room and everyone gulped. This was not going end well.

               Word Count: 1296
Prompt given by MJclingingsmith I hope y'all liked it. As you can see, there will be a part two to this as well. I hope the notification issue gets fixed soon. This shit is annoying. Please vote and comment your opinions.

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