Everyone Knows Now.....

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"Are you ready to get MJ, Pete?" Tony knocking on his son's door as he turned the knob and walked in. He was wearing a suit he had just designed that had his nano tech infused with it, so if needed, he could have his Iron Suit form around him. Peter looked up from the current struggle with his tie and sighed, shaking his head. He looked defeated and Tony chuckled, walking closer and fixing his tie for him. "You okay?"

"Not really. What if this is too much for her? She's never been to a Galla, no less a Galla held by Tony freaking Stark." Tony raised an eyebrow.

"You're Peter freaking Stark, if she expected something else, she chose the wrong person. I don't think that's the case, Pete. You're just overthinking things again." Tony rolled his eyes and Peter smiled at his dad.

"Alright boys, if we don't go get her now, we'll be late." Pepper announced walking in, looking stunningly beautiful as always. Peter smiled and hugged his mom.

"You look beautiful, mom." Pepper smiled at the compliment and kissed his forehead. They continued to the garage where Happy was waiting for them with a limo and they climbed in, making their way to MJ's house. Once there, Peter got out and nervously walked to the door. He knocked twice and waited, turning to his parents in the limo, who gave him a thumbs up. He turned to the door when he heard it open and was stunned into silence at the sight before him. Standing in front of was MJ with a stunning and radiant black dress that hugged her figure, a slit at bottom slightly showing off her right leg, and a slight v-neck stopping at a little cleavage reveal. Her hair was done in curls, slightly pinned up and a beautiful black rose to put it all together matching her tiny black lace roses at the bottom of the lace quarter inch sleeves on her dress.

"Um, uh- h-hi MJ. R-ready to go?" Peter stuttered, offering his hand and she smirked, the smokey eye making the amusement in her eyes pop out. She slipped her hand into his and followed him to the car.

"You're dressed properly, but still a loser." She joked and Peter laughed.

"You look stunning by the way." Peter smiled and she stopped, causing Peter turn to her.

"And there for, I have value?" She was smiling while talking and Peter's eyes widened.

"No, no. I didn't mean it like-"

"I'm kidding." MJ laughed and Peter smiled, calming down. Peter leaned up a bit and kissed her. She blushed and he dragged her to the car, blushing when Tony smirked and winked at him. They arrived to the Galla, and the paparazzi attempted to crowd them. Key word; attempted. MJ used the lessons Nat taught her and scared the paps off. She smirked at the group, before continuing to walk inside. After a while of dancing, MJ stopped and sat with Peter for a bit.

"I'm kinda thirsty. Want a drink from the punch bowl?" Peter asked standing up and stretching as she nodded, going towards the table with food and drinks. As Peter got to the punchbowl, his spidey sense went off, causing him to turn quickly and search the room for danger. Maybe it was just the- Peter's thoughts were cut short by The Green Goblin coming down from the ceiling, glass coming everywhere. Peter looked for his father, but couldn't find him anywhere. "C'mon dad, where are you?" Peter muttered under his breath. He was just about to run off and get changed, when the Goblin stopped him by speaking.

"Spiderman, I know you're here." The Goblin sang, smiling creepily and looked around. "Don't wanna come out willingly? Okay, I guess I'll have to force you." He dropped the smile and swooped down, picking MJ up in his arms. He held her with a knife to her throat. "How about this, you step forward or-" He pressed the knife into MJ's neck a bit, causing a little blood and Peter stepped forward, clenching his fists.

"Let go of her, Goblin." Peter gritted out and Goblin grinned.

"Ah, the hero. Finally." He threw MJ to the floor and flew to Peter, picking him up by the hem of his shirt. "So, Peter Stark is Spider-man, huh? Should've suspected it. But no matter, I believe we have a score to settle." Peter smirked and landed a punch to his face, causing Goblin to drop him. The iron spider started to form around and almost everyone gasped, but MJ just smirked.

"Did you just see that? I call that a score." Peter joked and Goblin stood, a smirk on his face.

"You want to fight around all these innocent people, Spider? How bold." Peter smirked as he glanced to his newly arrived father.

"Oh, I never said I was fighting you today. See, I'm kinda on a date that you just ruined. Not to mention, did you not realize whose party this was? I thought my dad made stupid decisions, but this? This is just downright asinine." Peter smirked and Tony narrowed his eyes behind the faceplate of his suit.

"That was one time kid, and I said sorry, didn't I?" Tony complained and Peter chuckled, shaking his head.

"I was a baby for a month and a half because of that one time." He replied and Goblin was pissed.

"How dare you joke right now." Tony and Peter stopped laughing, both turning to the villian.


"You're still here?" Peter sighed and shot webs at his hands and feet, while Tony made a laser rope around him, trapping him. That was when Peter realized something and looked at his dad, taking off his mask, eyes wide. "Shit." Peter cursed and looked directly at MJ who was smirking. He dropped down from the web string and went to her.

"Good job, spidey." She winked and Peter was surprised.

"Why aren't you shocked?" He asked and MJ rolled her eyes, a smirk tugging at her lips.

"I've known for a while, loser. You and Ned don't talk as quietly as you think you do, besides I'm the badass bitch who finds out everything." She chuckled and Peter hugged her.

"You know what this means right?" Peter asked after kissing her and she sighed.

"Yes. I'm dating the multi billionaire Tony Stark's son, Peter Stark who also turns out to be Spider-man." She sighed once more thinking of all the paps.

"Don't worry, I'm sure no one will mess with you after earlier." Peter grinned and MJ smiled. Tonight was just the beginning of an adventurous ride for Peter and MJ.

                                                                      Word Count: 1117

Sorry it took long. Hope you guys liked it, comment your thoughts. Added another chapter or two to 'The Child Who Changed Tony Stark's Life' earlier, so go check them out. Also, so this might be a weird question, but does anyone else watch Miraculous: Tales of Lady Bug and Chat Noir? If so, I was thinking of doing a story with that show, cause it's pretty interesting. I know it's technically a 'kid's' show, but it's really good. Idk, comment your thoughts and opinions. 

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