Stupid Mute Boy..

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I looked around the almost empty, white room. There were two beds, two night stands, two desks, two closets, and a door to the bathroom. I walked over to the window and looked out at the view as I watched nothing, but people walking while cars passed by. I sighed and turned to the nurse who showed me my room. She gave me a smile and I returned a forced one.
"I'll let you get settled before we have breakfast and then group." She shut the door softly and I sighed yet again. I couldn't help, but pick at the scabs on my arms and new cuts that haven't healed yet. 
I guess I zoned out, cause when I came to, the same nurse was standing at the door. She was holding cleaning stuff and had a sympathetic smile. I looked down and realized my arms were now pouring out blood. I sighed and shook my head; utterly disappointed in myself. 
After getting cleaned up, she led me to a room with a huge flat screen TV and people around my age or younger. They turned their attention towards me when the nurse announced I was new. A curly haired brunette with deep brown eyes had caught my attention, although he seemed a little withdrawn. I walked over to his table, seeing as the seat across from him was the only open one, and introduced myself to the table. I hoped he'd introduced himself as well, but to no avail.
"My name is Kyle." Someone smiled at me, he sat next to Mr. Grumpy and had an adorable smile. His looks weren't that bad; brownish/orange hair, hazel eyes, and freckles, though I can't help thinking he's a little different; if you know what I mean. But of course there's nothing wrong if he was.
"My name's Laura." I turned to the girl next to me and she had a dimpled smile, dark brown hair, tan skin, very skinny, and glasses.
"And this guy over here is Peter. He's not really talkative, more grumpy if you ask me. He hasn't said a word to anyone, besides one nurse." Kyle explained and I continued to look at who was now known as Peter, but he just stared out the window.
I sighed as I just pushed my food away from me, not feeling the slightest bit of hunger. Laura looked at me and so did Kyle.
"What? Aren't you going to eat?" Kyle asked and I plastered a fake smile.
"Nah, I'm not too hungry." That seemed to peek Peter's interest a little, as he shook his head.
"Another fuckin anorexic." I heard someone whisper behind me and saw Laura tense from the corner of my eye. I looked down then looked behind me at the guy who stupidly whispered that to his friend.
"Oh great, another fuckin dumbass." I smirked coldly, and he gasped. I slammed my hands on the table, pushed my chair back and stood up, tightly gripping the table as I did so. "Look here asswipe, we're all here for a reason. You don't have a fuckin right to body shame anyone." I said through gritted teeth and turned to the nurse who I first met when I got here. 
"You can go to your room MJ, I'll get you when the group starts." I nodded and walked out, before I did something I'd regret. 
I knew there'd be fucked up people in this mental hospital, but for someone so fuckin narrow minded like that asswipe to judge other people when he's in the same place; to get help? Unacceptable. I was so angry, I punched a wall and cracked open my knuckles. I felt no pain, just numbness, as always. I lost the feeling of pain years ago, when that happened and I don't think I'll ever feel it again. I shivered at the thought and turned when I heard a noise from the side of me. 
There stood Peter, leaning against the wall and looking at my now bleeding hand. He sighed in agitation and walked away. Moments later, the nurse came out and gasped. She looked concerned, yet confused and slightly happy. I was confused myself, or at least I was; that is until I passed out from blood loss.

♡♡♡ Peter♡♡♡

I looked boredly at the people that were in the room, not really caring if they thought badly of me. I wasn't in the mood to talk and I sure as hell wasn't in the mood to be bothered by drama. I heard the nurse Selene come in and listened while looking out the window. 
Selene was the one and only person here that I actually listened to and communicated with. I've known her for years, and she's the only one who didn't annoy me in this place. I traced one of my tattoos as Selene announced a new patient and sighed, knowing the only free chair was across from me. The person walked over and sat down.
"Hi, I'm MJ." She introduced herself and I heard the other two also introduce themselves as well.
"And this guy over here is Peter. He's not really talkative, more grumpy if you ask me. He hasn't said a word to anyone, besides one nurse." I heard the guy next to me and rolled my eyes. No one here knows anything about me, so they can all go fuck themselves. 
"I-I'm not hungry." I heard y/n say, and shook my head. I heard some ass say something about anorexics and clenched my fists.
"Look here asswipe, we're all here for a reason. You don't have a fuckin right to body shame anyone." MJ responded and I looked at her from the corner of my eyes. She was a petite looking girl, with dark brown curly hair and creamy chocolate eyes. Her lips were plump and she had glasses as well. She was angry and shaking, that was when Selene spoke up.
""You can go to your room MJ, I'll get you when the group starts." MJ nodded stiffly and got up, walking out. I followed, not wanting to be in here and nodded at Selene to tell her to get me when the group starts. 
As I walked into the hall, I saw MJ punch a wall and blood pour from her knuckles, she didn't make a sound of pain. My eyes widened a fraction and my mouth opened, but then shut as I sighed. She turned toward me and her eyes widened. 
I walked back in the room and motioned Selene to follow me and pointed out in the hall. She nodded, a small smile on her face, but I heard a gasp from her as she walked out. I stepped in the hall when the nurse Jen walked in, and saw MJ, passed out on the floor.

¥¥¥¥ Time Skip Brought To You By Peter Finally In A Mental Hospital ¥¥¥¥

"I'm sorry!" I jumped slightly as I heard MJ yell and looked at her. She was thrashing around, tears and sweat rolling down her face. Her hair was all over the place and her clothes were obviously disheveled, but somehow; I couldn't help thinking she was beautiful.
"MJ." I spoke softly, surprising me, but I knew I had to wake her. "MJ!" I yelled and shook her as she wasn't breathing right. She shot up and her arms wrapped around my waist. I was initially shocked, and felt more shocked as my hands moved on their own accord, running through her hair. "Shhhh. It's okay, MJ. It was just a dream." I whispered and she pulled back, eyes wide.
"D-did you just t-talk to me?" She stuttered, a blush spread across her cheeks and I rolled my eyes, even though I was surprised too. Considering I have been a mute for over 12 years, and it took this girl that I've only known a few hours to get me to actually talk. She looked at me expectantly and I raised an eyebrow at her. She opened her mouth and shut it several times, before finally shaking her head. "Selene you can come in now." I said and heard her gasp.
"P-Peter, you-you just t-talked."

♧♧ Time Skip Brought To You By Peter Being A Mute ♧♧

"Peter, are you telling Morgan how we met, again?" MJ asked, walking into the room and seeing Morgan's amazed face.
"I preferred it when he didn't talk." I heard her mutter and narrowed my eyes. I chased her and finally tackled her. We stared into each other's eyes and she stuck her tongue out at me. "Stupid mute boy."
"Love you too, my shining light." I kissed her lips. 
             Word Count: 1,459

Okay, so.. I know what you're thinking.. Is Peter Secretly Grumpy from Snow White And The Seven Dwarves?

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