Another Ship No One Suspects...

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Don't hate me for this, but this is Nat's reason for revenge on Peter.

Peter was going to Nats room to ask for help with training, but when he opened the door, no one was there.

“Hey Fri, where's aunt Tasha?” Peter asked as he walked into the room and sat on the bed.

“Miss Romanoff is currently at the shield air base. She won't be back for a few hours.” Peter groaned and threw his body back on the bed. He hissed when his head hit something hard under the pillow and sat up, rubbing his head. He lifted the pillow and was expecting to find some type of weapon, but was shocked to find a book.

Should I read it? No, this is aunt Tasha's book. It would be an invasion of privacy and it's wrong. But on the other hand, she wouldn't know. Peter sighed and finally opened it. He gasped when he read the first page and his eyes widened. Aunt Tasha has a crush on Uncle Bucky?!!! Peter slammed the book closed and ran out of the room, to his own sanctuary and locked his door. He walked to his bed and thought of what to do, when his spidey sense went off, but it wasn't danger.

“Hey baby spider, what's up?” Clint questioned climbing out of the vents and took in Peter's state.

“Aunt Tasha has a crush on Uncle Bucky!” Peter announced then covered his mouth and his eyes got impossibly wider. Shit…

“What?!” Clint was freaking out and Peter shot a web at his mouth to shut him up.

“Shush! You're going to get everyone's attention!” Peter whisper-yelled and Clint nodded, picking the web off with one of his arrows. Where he got the arrow? No one shall ever know, except maybe Clint.

“So… wanna do some matchmaking?” Clint grinned and Peter was conflicted.

“I don't know… Aunt Tasha might- no WILL kill me if she finds out I went through her stuff.” Peter rubbed his arm and Clint grinned. Peter bowed his head in defeat and sighed. “Fine, but if Aunt Tasha finds out, we're both dead.” Peter walked to the living room and smiled when he saw Bucky.

“Hey Pete.” The Winter Soldier messed up his hair and Peter chuckled.

“Hey Uncle Buck, so I was wondering something…” Peter trailed off and the man raised an eyebrow.

“That something would be..?” Bucky was confused and Peter smiled, nervously.

“Well, what's your opinion on Aunt Tasha?” Bucky was surprised and didn't know what to say. Sure, he thought she was gorgeous and funny and interesting, but could he really say that to his nephew? He sighed and Peter tilted his head in confusion.

“Well, I think she's gorgeous. She's definitely smart, funny and sometimes sweet. She puts everyone in their place and doesn't give a fuck about the repercussions, but that's what makes her Nat.” Peter smiled and watched as Bucky looked dazedly into space.

“You should ask her out.” Peter suggested and Bucky snapped out of his daze.

“I can't do that! What is she turns me down?” Bucky sighed and Peter smile softly at the man.

“You won't know, unless you try.” Bucky thought about it and smiled.

“You're right Pete, thank you. Do you happen to know where she is at the moment?” Peter shrugged.

“Shield air base.” Bucky nodded and walked out of the room. Peter turned to Clint and gave a thumbs up.

~~~~~~~~~Later That Evening~~~~~~~~~~

Natasha and Bucky walked in, hand and hand. Peter smiled and held his thumbs up at Bucky who smiled in return.

“Oh маленький паук. Маленькая птичка сказала мне, что ты убедил их спросить меня, хочешь об"яснить?” (Little spider. A little bird told me that you convinced them to ask me, do you want to clarify?)

“что ты имеешь ввиду?” (What do you mean?) Peter rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and Nat narrowed her eyes, before smiling the smile that was only reserved for Peter. “Thank you маленький паук.” Peter smiled back and hugged her.
“So, does that mean you won't get me back?” He asked hopefully and Nat smirked, chuckling slightly.

“Oh no, this means war.” Nat narrowed her eyes at her nephew and he gulped.


“Language.” Steve announced his presence and froze when he saw Bucky and Nat holding hands. His shocked expression turned to a smirk and he was looking directly at Bucky. “So you finally asked her, huh James?” Bucky scowled at his actual name, but smiled when Nat chuckled.

“Yes I did and I'm glad.” For the rest of the week the Avengers teased the two, until it almost resulted in the death of Tony and Steve. Oh, she was so going to get her nephew back for this.

                 Word Count: 816

Just a sort of short cute story with Bucky and Nat together. I think they'd be cute together, tbh. Let me know what you think of this ship? Vote and comment
Also, for those of you who don't know, I have a spider-son/iron-dad type fanfic. The name of the story is 'The Child Who Changed Tony Stark's Life' and it's full of suspense and other good shit, so go check it out, if you could!

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