My Suit!!!

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"Kid, time to get up." I groaned as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I still had my suit on from last night and my mask was somewhere thrown across the room. I looked up to my dad and leaned my head back, groaning.

"Can't I just stay home?" I whined and he crossed his arms, shaking his head.

"You've already missed enough school, besides it's Friday."

"Exactly! It's Friday! C'mon dad, please?" I begged and he shook his head.

"Breakfast is on the table and Happy will be waiting for you in the garage." He left and I groaned loudly. I threw on a sweatshirt over my suit along with sweatpants and ran my hand threw my hair, before grabbing my bag and heading to the kitchen. I grabbed some toast and glared at my dad, while he watched me with amusement and a smirk plastered on his face. I sent a smirk of my own and shot a web at his hand that was gripping his cup, then shot his other hand that was on the counter.

"Have fun being stuck in here for 2 hours." I chuckled as I headed out and heard him cursing. I made my way to the car and hopped in, as a headache started. Everything was so loud and I was so distracted, I didn't realize I was at school. I headed inside and groaned at the large crowd in the commons. I tried to squeeze through, but had no luck and got annoyed. My headache was getting worse and I finally decided to use my ace in the hole..






I climbed up the wall. I don't think anyone noticed, until Abe pointed me out. Everything went silent, but I didn't care. I continued on my way to class and put my bag down, then went to the bathroom. As I was in the bathroom, the bell went off and I groaned for like the billionth time today. I walked out and luckily, the halls were empty. I got to my homeroom, and all the seats were taken.

"Mr. Parker, we have a new student and unfortunately he had to take your seat. I can-"

"It's okay, I got this." I cut her off and climbed up the wall. I grabbed my bag and stuck my stuff to the ceiling, getting seated and comfortable. I sat upside down and waited for the lesson to start.

"You're-you're Spiderman?!" Flash exclaimed and I noticed he was the only one who was freaking out.

"Why isn't everyone freaking out?" I asked and the teacher chuckled.

"We already knew Peter."

"The only one who didn't know was that imbecile." MJ motioned toward Flash and I chuckled as Flash became red.

"Now, on with the lesson." Mrs. Lee started teaching and I just stayed content where I was. I sat on the ceiling in every class and only a few other people were surprised, but not many. By the time I was out of school, everyone in the school knew I was Spiderman and it was awesome.
I got to the car and drove home happily, until I remembered this morning. Now, I was terrified of going home and seeing my dad. It's not fear of anything bad, more so fear of the payback he no doubt has planned. We pulled in way too soon for my liking and I cautiously got out of the car, trying to think of a battle strategy. However, I still don't know what to be expecting, so I couldn't prepare much.

"Dad?" I cautiously called out, upon entering the penthouse.
I looked around, but couldn't find him. I walked into the lab and was astounded. I looked over to my dad and he was laughing his ass off. I looked back at my new suit, and it was pink! It had glitter all over and unicorns with rainbows covered it.

"My-my suit!" I exclaimed in horror. I ran to it and looked at the hot pink paint can. Permanent?!!

"Do you like your suit?" He tried to suppress his laughter as I glared at him. "Don't worry. I'll make you a new suit.." I sighed and placed my hand over my heart, calming down. "For your 18th birthday." He added and my eyes widened.

"I only just turned 17 two months ago!" I exclaimed and he smirked.

"Next time, don't stick me to the counter for 4 hours. It didn't dissolve in 2 hours, like you said it would." He glared and I smiled at him sheepishly. He walked out and I just looked over my pink suit. I sighed and went to my room. Now my entire class knows I'm Spider man and are gonna make fun of me for my new pink suit. Worst timing ever. 

                                                                   Word Count: 799

Okay so, this was pretty funny. This prompt was given by datcrazycatlady Please vote and comment your opinions.

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