Michelle Jones

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Slight Trigger warning; some of the words and imagery in this one shot may cause you to be triggered. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

I invited my girlfriend Michelle aka MJ over for the weekend so I could introduce her to my family. Her and Natasha got along great, which scares me considering Nat offered to train her *Involuntary shudder*. Steve liked her and offered to train her as well, along with Bucky in strength since Nat was teaching her stealth and accuracy. Clint liked her and offered her training in shooting a bow and arrow. Thor let her attempt to lift Mjölner and she moved it a bit and Thor's eyes widened, but he relaxed when it didn't move anymore.

Wanda absolutely loved her and they started scheming on pranks to do. Loki had respect for her, saying she reminded him of himself. Bruce was shocked at her smarts, but shrugged it off and figured I'd go out with someone who's as smart as me, which caused me to blush at his compliment. Pepper already knew her and was already teaching her how to become CEO of Stark's industries since I was taking over on my 18th birthday. Tony and Michelle bickered over everything, but had mutual respect for each other since they both cared for me. The only one who seemed to have a problem with her was Sam, who was skeptic of her and thought she's only dating me because I'm being adopted by Tony.

"Sooooo Michelle, where do you live?" Sam questioned and I face palmed, already knowing her response.

"With my parents." She responded, smirking causing him to roll his eyes.

"Where do your parents live?"

"With me." She replied in a 'duh' tone and he frowned.

"Where do you all live?" At this point everyone was paying attention to the conversation going on, and I looked at Michelle, who still had a smirk set on her face.


"Where is your home?"

"Next to my neighbors house." She shrugged and Sam began to get frustrated, while the team held in their laughs.

"Where is your neighbors house?" He asked, sounding irritated.

"It's a secret. Will you not tell anyone?"

"No, I won't!" He exclaimed, already fed up with this game she was playing, and she motioned him to lean in closer.

"Next to my house." She whispered and he threw his arms in the air, yelling in aggravation.

"Your girlfriend is impossible!" He yelled, pointing at me and I just laughed while MJ stuck her tongue out at him. Everyone laughed while Sam just glared at MJ. "You little bitch. I know you're just using Peter for his money and-" I cut him off by shooting a web at his mouth. The team were now all wide eyed and MJ looked upset and angry. I took dangerously calm steps towards Sam till I was standing right in front of him.

"Call my girlfriend one more thing, and it will be the last fucking thing you do." I whispered to him and his eyes widened, but narrowed into a glare as he pulled the web off his mouth.

"Pete, why can't you see that she doesn't really love you?" Sam questioned and I looked dead at him with my fists clenched as I saw Michelle with teary eyes out of the corner of my eye.

"That's the thing Sam, you don't know her! This girl, right here-" I gestured to Michelle, then directed my attention back to him, "is the best thing to ever happen to me! I'm lucky to have her, considering I don't even deserve her!" I shouted and his eyes widened, but I wasn't done. "She was the only one there for me when Ben died. She helped me when I've had multiple anxiety attacks and never asked for anything in return. She keeps me together, and I'll be damned if I let you- or anyone, talk badly about her. That girl is the love of my life and I don't give a fuck what you think about her. She's saved my life and for that I could never repay her, but I'll have you know she is the most smartest, most sweetest, most caring person I know and if you can't understand that, then don't bother talking to me." I finished breathing heavily and walked over to Michelle, pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you Peter." She whispered, burying her head into my shoulder and I kissed the side of her head. "I love you too." She whispered pulling back, and I smiled widely, kissing her lips.

                                                                           Word Count: 742

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