True Love..

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I watched as Nat paced in the room as all of us were getting ready. I've never seen her so stressed and Pepper tried to calm her down.

“What if he changes his mind and leaves me?” Nat asked worriedly and Pepper giggled.

“I know how you're feeling, I felt the same way when Tony and I were getting married, remember?” Pepper went back to fixing Natasha's hair and makeup.


“What if she finally realizes she can do better?” Uncle Bruce stressed and I smiled, walking to him.

“That's nonsense Uncle Bruce, and you know it is. Aunt Tasha loves you for the way you are and doesn't want anyone else. She wouldn't have agreed to marry you if she wanted someone else.” Bruce smiled gratefully and fixed his tie while I helped him with his hair.

I exited the room and looked to MJ who smiled and grabbed my arm as the bridesmaids and groomsmen lined up. Tony was the best man while Pepper was the maid of honor.

We walked in and lined up on our designated sides. We watched the door as we waited for the bride to walk down. Aunt Tasha was walked down the aisle by Uncle Fury and instead of a white wedding dress, she wore a black dress, sort of resembling her outfit as a spy. Uncle Bruce had on a black suit, but a green tie, resembling the Hulk. After the priest said his speech, it was time for the vows.

“I believe the bride and groom have made their own vows. You may recite them now.” The priest stepped back and the two walked forward, holding hands.


I looked at Bruce and smiled, slight tears in my eyes. I never thought I'd find someone who loved me for me and not what I look like, but then I met Bruce. Bruce cleared his throat nervously and got ready to speak.

“Natasha, when we first met, I thought you'd never go for a nerdy guy like me, especially with the big guy. But then we got closer and I thought maybe. I finally got the courage to ask you on a date and it was the best decision of my life to take you to that arcade. We played and laughed, not caring about anyone else around us. Sure, people might say going to an arcade at our age is childish, but that's where I fell in love with the woman standing in front of me who will be my wife after today. I'm just glad I'm not on your bad side.” The crowd laughed and I giggled through the tears that started falling. “Natasha, Nat, my gorgeous angel, I vow to love you forever. I vow when your sad, I'll do my best to make you feel better. I vow to always cherish every moment I get to spend with you. I would vow to protect you, but I'm pretty sure everyone here knows you are perfectly capable of protecting yourself. I vow to be your rock and always be there for you, no matter the situation.” Bruce finished and I pulled my hand away from his to lightly wipe the tears away. I put my hand back in his and he placed the ring on my finger. I took a deep breath and smiled.

“Bruce, I've never met someone as amazing as you, except maybe Bucky.” Everyone laughed and I winked at Bucky, cause him to burst out laughing. Bruce chuckled a little, but appeared kind of jealous causing me to giggle. “But I don't want bucky, no offense robot arm.” Bucky stopped laughing and glared, but then smile and chuckled. I looked back into Bruce's eyes and saw nothing, but love. “I don't want anyone except you. You've brought joy into my life, and I could never repay you, so I'll just love you past death. I vow to always be faithful. I vow not kill you when I'm angry with you-” cue laughs, “-I vow to never keep secrets from you. I vow to always make you happy to the best of my abilities. I love you, Bruce Banner.”


“You may kiss the bride.” I grabbed Natasha by her waist and kissed her deeply. Everyone cheered and I pulled back, looking into my wife's eyes.

“I love you, Mrs. Banner.” I whispered and Nat smiled.

“I love you too, Mr. Banner.” Everyone awed and we left to the reception hall. Nat got changed into her slim, black, short party dress and we danced. The song ‘Perfect’ by Ed Sheeran came on and Peter walked up to us, MJ beside him.

“Mind if I interrupt?” He asked and I smiled.
“Not at all.” Pater danced away with Natasha and I turned to MJ, bowing slightly and danced with her.


“Congrats мама паук.” Peter smiled and I smiled back at him as we danced.

“Thank you ребенок паук.” I smirked as I noticed his eyes on a certain girl in the room. “You love her, don't you?” I questioned and he grinned.

“More than anything. I wanna marry that girl someday.” he replied and I smiled. I could see it now and I know they'll be together.

Bruce interrupted and Peter returned to MJ, while Bruce held me to him. The night went by quickly and the last thing to do is throw the bouquet. I faced my back to all the ladies and threw it, turning around as soon as it left my hands. It landed perfectly in MJ's arms and I smiled at her, as Peter smiled brightly. It was the perfect wedding, and I couldn't have asked for more.

                   Word Count: 947

Okay, so I just had to make this a spideychelle as well, I'm sorry. It was just too tempting and the perfect set up. I hope you enjoyed. Vote and comment your thoughts and opinions

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