Finding Nemo

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I walked down the road with Harley's hand in mine. His slightly smaller hand felt soft and warm compared to my cold, rough one. His smile could light up the entire block and his laugh was like an indescribable melody; one that I could listen to all day long.
"Peter, why are you staring at me like that?" Harley questioned, pink tinting his cheeks and he had a brighter smile than before. I smiled softly and shook my head. I opened my mouth to reply, but was cut off by a squeal.
"Omg it's Peter Stark!" A girl exclaimed running towards Harley and I.
I felt Harley let my hand go and sent him a questioning look. More girls came over and blocked my view of Harley. When I finally spotted him, I saw someone push him and felt myself get angry. I pushed the girls aside gently and walked to Harley; helping him up.
"Which one of you pushed her?" I asked angrily, pushing Harley behind me and felt him hold my hand from behind. Almost all the girls looked confused, as if they hadn't seen him before, except one who looked disgusted.
"I did." Her voice was high pitched and she was glaring at my boyfriend.
"Why?" I asked through gritted teeth and she turned to me, batting her eyelashes.
"Because he was looking at you like he wanted to kiss you; he's such a fag." She finished, smirking and I felt Harley stiffen behind me.
"Don't talk about him that way." I clenched my fist and glared. 
I pulled Harley from behind me and my heart broke as I took in his appearance. Tears were building his ocean blue eyes and he was shaking. I lightly pulled him to me and I connected our lips. I cupped his cheek and wiped away a tear that started to fall. 
"Awe." Most of the girls said and I felt Harley smile as we continued to kiss. I pulled back and placed my forehead on his.
"I love you." I whispered and he smiled softly, looking at me with shining eyes.
"I love you too." He whispered back and I grinned, kissing him. "Wanna go to my place and watch a movie?" He nodded and continued walking. 

♡♡♡♡ Time Skip Brought To You By Yet Another HarleyxPeter ♡♡♡♡♡

"Could we watch Finding Nemo?" Harley asked as soon as we got settled on the couch and I raised an eyebrow.
"Why do we always watch that when we spend time together?" I asked and he looked away. His cheeks were tinted pink and I held back a laugh.
"Because... When I was little and my mom would tell me the story of when her and my dad would watch Finding Nemo. My dad would always say to my mom "You're my Nemo. If you ever get lost in the great, big ocean, I'll find you." That's what I think of when I'm with you. If you ever get lost, I'll never stop looking until I find you." He finished and I smiled, kissing his cheek.
"I don't think anyone else, except you can find me if I get lost." He looked up and pulled me into his arms. 
"I love you to the moon and back, you know that?" He asked with a wide smile and I blushed.
"I love you past the moon and back." I responded and Harley narrowed his eyes.
"There's no way you love me more." He said with challenging words and I narrowed my eyes back.
"Oh, there is because I do." 
"No, I love you more." I pulled back and sat upright, crossing my arms. 
"I would die for you." I responded with a look daring for him to beat that.
"I would step on a lego for you." He said smugly, and I looked at him adoringly.
"Marry me?" I asked and he grinned.
"Gladly." He replied and we burst out laughing.
"I really do love you." 
"I still love you more." He grinned and I punched his shoulder lightly. "Shut up." He chuckled lightly as I smiled.
"Watch?" My dad, Uncle Loki, Aunt Tasha, Uncle Steve, Uncle Bucky, Uncle Rhodey, and Uncle Clint finished the sentence one at a time. I looked over and blushed when I saw everyone in my family standing at the entrance to the living room. 
"Awe, you two are cute together!" Wanda, the only sensible one obviously, announced and smiled. 

♧♧♧♧ Harley ♧♧♧♧♧

"So.. when's the wedding?" Natasha smirked and Peter frowned.
"Aunt Tasha, we're only 18! We haven't even graduated highschool yet!" He exclaimed and I kept quiet. It's true that we're only 18 and still young, but we've been together ever since Tony introduced us. I'm already close to everyone his family and they all care for me. They're glad that Peter is with someone like me.
"Oh please, lots of people get married when they're your age. Besides, you graduate on Tuesday!" Wanda chimed in and I looked at Tony. He had a smile on his face and he winked at me.
"Let's just drop the subject. Tony, can we go work in the lab? After all, I still have that internship, besides dating your son." Tony raised an eyebrow and nodded. We walked down to the lab and once inside, he turned to me with a questioning look.
"Tony, Mr. Stark sir.. As you know, Peter and I graduate Tuesday and we've been together for a while. You know when you find the one and you know that you never be able to replace them-"
"You have my blessing." Tony cut me off and I was shocked.
"I-I do?" I stuttered in shock and he smiled one of his genuine smiles.
"Look kid, I never have to worry about you hurting him and I know how happy you make him. I couldn't see him with anyone better than you." Tony responded and I smiled.
"Thanks so much, Mr. Stark-"
"Harley, it's still Tony. You've known me for a while and just because you want to marry my son, doesn't mean you have to address me as anything else." Tony rolled his eyes and I smiled.
"Thank you, Tony."

♡♡♡ Another Time Skip Brought To You By So Much Fluff ♡♡♡♡♡

♡♡♡♡ Peter ♡♡♡♡♡

"Wanda, are we there yet?" I asked as she led me blindfolded.
"Peter, quite whining." She groaned and I laughed.
I heard her laugh and raised an eyebrow, only to realize seconds later that she couldn't see it because of the blindfold. I went to say something, but stopped when I walked into a pole instead. 
"Ow!" I exclaimed and expected her to say sorry or something, but instead I was met with silence. "Wanda!" I exclaimed, but still got nothing.
I got scared after that, but didn't dare take off the blindfold. Last time I took the blindfold off, she hit me with a stick and it didn't feel too good. It was only when the blindfold was removed from my eyes, that I covered my eyes because of the light. 
I went to yell at her, but instead was surprised to see Harley, on one knee in front of me with a diamond ring in his hand. I covered my mouth and he smiled.
"Peter Stark, we've been together since Freshman year, before you got famous. Before people hung out with you and actually paid attention to you. You were with me throughout highschool, when you obviously could've went to the cool crowd. I love you with all my heart and I don't want anyone else in my life. Peter Stark, will you marry me?" Harley asked as he grabbed my hand and I looked at, only to find her recording the entire thing. She nodded and I looked around to see my family slowly move towards us.
"Harls, I- I don't know what to say.." I whispered.
"Say yes!" Everyone yelled and I laughed, a tear of happiness falling down my face.
"Of course I will Harley!" I yelled and he slipped the ring on my finger, while everyone around us cheered in happiness. He stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me to him. 
"I love you." He whispered, his forehead pressed against mine.
"I love you too." I whispered back and kissed him. 
                 Word Count: 1,396

Thought this would be adorable and it's just, too much fluff 😂😂 depressing ones to come..

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