Peter Stark, Huh?

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I tried to sneak into class, but the stupid door squeaked and everyone's attention was drawn to me. I shut the door behind me, before standing awkwardly in the doorway and the teacher crossed her arms in front of her chest.

“Glad you finally decided to make an appearance, Mr. Parker. What would your excuse for being late be this time?” Mrs. Turner asked and I looked around at my mildly amused classmates.

“I-I was late getting back from Stark-"

"That's the 10th time you've used that excuse since the beginning of this month. I've entertained everyone long enough. I will not have this lie go on any further. Take the pass and go to the office." Mrs. Turner cut me off and my eyes widened. This was the 9th time I've been sent to the office and I will undoubtedly receive yet another detention. I sighed in defeat and walked slowly to the office. Once I got there, the secretary rolled her eyes as always and just handed me the slip. I went to text my dad that I'm going to be late again, but my phone was confiscated by the principal.

"Mr. Parker, your lates has been racking up and I'm afraid if you come in with another falsified excuse with a forged signature from Tony Stark, the police will be involved." Mr. Morita said shaking his head and my eyes widened.

"Mr. Morita, I'm not forging signatures. If you just call-"

"I don't want to hear it Mr. Parker. You will not be getting your phone back until the end of the day, after your detention." He left no room for argumentation and I held in a groan, not wanting to get into more trouble.

Classes flew by and I was dreading the awaited detention. I looked down at my slip and my eyes widened drastically. I have an extra half hour of detention?! I dragged my feet to detention and sat there annoyed. Suddenly, my watch started to go off and I knew it was my dad. Mr. Terry cleared his throat and gave me a disapproving look.

"The watch, Mr. Parker?" My eyes got impossibly wide and I shook my head.

"I-I can't take this off-"

"Hand it over or I'll make the detention longer Mr. Parker." I didn't want to be here longer, but I could not take off this watch. I shook my head in defiance. "Another hour it is then. Hand it over now, or I will make sure you have detention for the rest of your two years in this school."

"Sir, I can't-"

"That's it. Detention for the rest of your highschool years Mr. Parker." He finished as he snatched the watch off my wrist, breaking it in the process. My eyes became excessively bigger and I wanted to argue, but knew I couldn't.

■■■■■■■■■■Point Of View Change Brought To You By The Overly Protective Tony Stark■■■■■■■■■■


Where is the kid? He's late by three hours and his watch stopped tracking. Is he okay? Did something happen to him? I couldn't help, but to worry about Peter. He's been late the past week, but never late by this three hours. He was supposed to help me with updating Natasha's Widow Bites and Clint's arrows. I looked towards the elevator as it opened and was glad to see my son standing there, but he looked troubled.

"Hey, Pete." I greeted and he just walked to the kitchen. "Everything okay, kid?" I persisted as I followed him to his room. He threw his bag on his bed and turned to me, looking annoyed.

"I got another detention." He stated blandly.

"For what?"

"Being late. Again. In fact, I have detention for the rest of my highschool years!" He exclaimed and I narrowed my eyes. "Actually, I got threatened with the police as well." My eyes widened and I was shocked.

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