My Tower, My Son..

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"Where are we going, loser?" MJ asked, blushing as Peter held her hand dragging her down a deserted hallway in the tower. Peter had invited her over earlier during lunch, and might I say, it was extremely awkward and funny.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flashback brought to you by Clint's stupidity~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Peter was nervous and it showed. The way he was distracted in class, how he didn't care when Flash was bullying him and the way he feel on his way to lunch. Normally his spidey sense picked up danger, but since he was so distracted, he didn't notice his senses warning him of the foot sticking out until it was too late. He was flat on his face and everyone was laughing, but he ignored everyone, too busy looking for the one person he wanted to find. He spotted her walking to the exit and quickly got up to follow.

He ran after her and followed her across the street to the park. She sat down at the fountain and pulled out a book to read. Peter walked up and leaned against the fountain looking down at the other teen, for once. He grinned and his hand slipped, causing him to fall in. MJ looked up with a smirk and glanced at Peter.

"Once a loser, always a loser." She closed her book and Peter seemed to mutter under his breath, something along the lines of 'as long as I'm you're loser..' and if MJ heard him, she didn't let him know. "What'd you want?" She questioned as he stood up and was soaked head to toe. His head snapped up and he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to my place after school..?" Peter asked nervously and MJ shrugged as the bell for lunch ending rung.

"Sure." She walked away and Peter wanted to jump in place and momentarily forgot where he was. He slipped as he jumped and fell back in, but he didn't care. MJ was coming over today and he would finally get to tell her how he felt about her, well sing to her how he felt.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of flashback brought to you be the amazingly awesome Black Widow~~~~~

Peter finally reached the doors and opened them, not dropping MJ's hand once inside, but she didn't say anything. She looked down at him slightly and raised an eyebrow. He pulled her to the piano and lifted the top.

"I- uh- wanted to tell you how I feel about you, and um- this was the best way I knew how, so... Listen, please?" He asked nervously and MJ nodded, smiling a small smile.

"Okay..." Peter sighed and began playing 'Life Of The Party' by Shawn Mendes.

I love it when you just don't care

I love it when you dance like there's nobody there

So when it gets hard, don't be afraid

We don't care what them people say

I love it when you don't take no

I love it when you do what you want cause you just said so

Let them all go home, we out late

We don't care what them people say

We don't have to be ordinary

Make your best mistakes

'Cause we don't have the time to be sorry

So baby be the life of the party

I'm telling you to take your shot it might be scary

Hearts are gonna break

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