A Performance Of A Lifetime...

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Italics- MJ singing/acting

Bold- Peter acting/dancing

Bold and italics- Both acting/dancing

Tonight was the night. Now, let me clear something up real quick about why Peter was so nervous. Not only did he have to kiss MJ twice, but Midtown High goes above and beyond with their musicals since they only have one every year and they were such a prestigious school. They had actually rented out this huge building that had a gigantic room where there was a stage, and a very large amount of space between the stands and stage. Everything for the trapeze scene and shit was hanging up and looked kind of like a real circus, minus the animals.

Everyone was backstage waiting for the crowd to finish filling in and watching out for their parents or guardians, making sure they showed up. Peter and MJ were the only ones who weren't looking and instead were rehearsing a bit. MJ wasn't interested to watch who comes since her parents came with here and Peter already knew no one was coming.

Peter had brought it up to May, but she has work and he understood, so he wasn't that upset. He would've invited Tony and the other Avengers, but didn't wanna bother them, so he expected to be performing for no one, except maybe Ned's mom.

"What's your act Mr. Carlyle?" Peter went to respond, discarding his book and looking at MJ. As he went to respond, Abe gasped and soon others followed.

"The Avengers are here!" Peter perked up at the mention of his extended family and rushed to look out from behind the curtain. True to his word, Tony and the others were sitting, second row with May and were all chatting as the surrounding people stared on in shock. Peter smiled and Mr. Williams clapped his hands.

"Okay people, showtime." After the announcement was made about the show, it began.

●●●●●●Scene Skip By Loki Who Only Came To See His Ex-kidnap Victim●●●●●●●●●●●●

"Anne, they're small minded people." It was right after the whole theater problem and they were now back at the 'circus'. Peter was bent to MJ's sitting height and was looking intently at her. "Why do you care what they think?" MJ was fiddling with her ribbon on her arm and sighed.

"Its not just that." MJ shook her head and finally looked up. "You've never had someone look at you, the way your parents looked at me. The way everyone would look at us." She glanced down, before hopping up and walking to the rope. Peter got into a standing position, looking to MJ and started to sing.

"You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide
I know you want me-" Peter started to walk towards MJ and she shook her head, continuing to fold the rope in her hands. "So don't keep saying our hands are tied
You claim it's not in the cards
But fate is pulling you miles away
And out of reach from me
But you're here in my heart
So who can stop me if I decide
That you're my destiny? What if we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine
Nothing could keep us apart
You'd be the one I was meant to find." MJ continued to walk to the center of the room, rope in hand and Peter grabbed her waist, twisting her to face him slightly.

"It's up to you
And it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
So why don't we rewrite the stars?
Maybe the world could be ours
Tonight." Peter stroked MJ's hair and twirled her slightly as he sang. MJ wrapped the rope around her arm and pulled it down so she'd be brought up into the air. Peter looked around in amazement (half fake, half real) and MJ dropped down slowly, holding only her upper half slightly onto a round hoop tied to the rope.

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