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I couldn't stop shaking and could barely lift my head. A migraine started as I walked into the school and my spidey senses have not stopped going off since. When Ned and MJ walked up to me as I stood at my locker, I tried to smile, but failed and grimaced.

"Hey Peter, are you okay?" Ned questioned, concern lacing his tone.

"I-i'm fine." I stuttered and jumped when the bell rang for first period. I sighed and grabbed my stuff, making my way to History.

"Mr. Parker, are you paying attention?" It's been 25 minutes since class started and the spidey senses were still going off like crazy.

"Mrs. Fisher, I think Peter needs to go to the nurse, can I take him?" There was a long pause and I heard her turn around on her feet.

"Very well then." Once in the hallway, I nearly fell on my face from lack of balance and Ned caught me, barely holding me up.

"Dude, what's wrong?" He asked seriously and I sighed as he set me down.

"S-spider sense going off."
"Why?" He questioned and glanced around cautiously.

"I-I don't know." I responded. Ned opened his mouth to answer, when a gunshot resounded in the halls. I jumped up and forced myself to take action. I told Ned to run and I took off in a different direction. I went to my history class, where the gunshot came from and saw everyone cowering in fear as one of Flash's victims, Nate stood there with a gun. Flash was on the floor, holding his wounded leg and I kicked the door in.

"Ah, Parker. Finally on time to see Flash's downfall. Our revenge will come today." Nate smiled and I frowned.

"Nate, put the gun down. This isn't right." I voiced and it was his turn to frown. Nate was Flash's bully way before high school, but when Flash met me, I became his new target as I stood up for Nate and Ned on my first day in Freshman year. Now, Nate, Ned and I were pretty good friends, but Nate was always a little creepy.

"No. I won't let him continue to run-" I shut him up by shooting a web at his mouth and shooting the gun out of his hand. Once the gun was picked up by MJ, my spidey senses calmed down and I could finally focus. Everyone was shocked and didn't move as I called an ambulance and MJ put cuffs on Nate.

"P-peter's spiderman?" Abe stuttered out as we waited in silence for the ambulance.

"Uh, surprise?"

                                                                            Word Count: 432

My writing is still not up to the standards I want it to be and I couldn't come up with a good story for this one, I'm so sorry. I know this is shit, but I promise I'll try harder and hopefully after the next few, my writing will be a little bit better. Though all my writing is shit, so I can't say they'll be good. This prompt was given to me by sparkle129  

Spider-Son/IronDad One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now