You Deserve To Be Locked Up! (Last chapter)

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"Harley, you're- you're a murderer!" Tony heard Peter cry from inside their room and a spark of interest went off.
"I'm sorry, Peter. I swear it was an acci-"
"She's dead because of you. She'll never open her eyes again. Never see her family again. You killed her!" Peter exclaimed as tears fell from his eyes and Harley looked upset.
"It was really just a-"
"I don't talk to murderers." Peter huffed and Tony opened the door slowly, hoping it was just a game they were shouting about. The sight in front of Tony made the adult confused and he raised an eyebrow.
"Alright kiddies, what happened?" Tony questioned and Peter turned to his father with teary eyes.
"Dad-dad, Harley killed someone." Peter cried and Tony tilted his head.
"Rightttt, in one of you games-"
"No! In real life!" Peter cut his father off and the billionaire turned to his other son who was crossing his arms. Harley rolled his eyes and shook his head.
"I said I was sorry, Peter. I didn't see the ladybug-"
"Nonsense! You stepped on her!" Peter exclaimed and Tony sighed.
"Peter, a ladybug isn't-" Tony was at a loss for words when Peter looked up at him with the most innocent face and Tony couldn't believe what came out of his mouth next. "How about we throw a funeral for her?"
"As long as the murderer doesn't show up." Peter glared at Harley and the teen rolled his eyes, shaking his head in disbelief. His older brother was such a kid at times, but it was always amusing.

₩₩ Time Skip Because Harley Is A Lady Killer ₩₩

"Hello everyone, thank you for coming to the service. It was short notice, but I think we all appreciate Ladybugs. As sad as we all may be, no one was more affected by the death than Peter. I believe he has a speech prepared, so come forward young Stark." Clint announced into the microphone and tried not to laugh.
All of the Avengers, plus Loki, Pepper and Rhodey were gathered in a clearing and we gathered around the tiniest coffin known to man. After Tony had shown the video to the others, everyone decided to help and couldn't just let their spider remain upset.
"Thank you, Uncle Clint. As we all stand here today, I hope everyone appreciates the lives we live, for Anne's death is an example that we never know when we'll die. Anne loved life and her beauty was ever natural. She will be missed, but never forgotten. I want to thank you all for coming, and-" Peter stopped with a small sob then cleared his throat as Pepper rubbed his back. "Sorry, I promised myself I wouldn't cry for Anne." Peter apologized and everyone died at his cuteness.
They finished the ceremony and Peter went back to the quinnjet crying and everyone stayed where they were for a few moments, as he had asked to be alone. Everyone looked around and Clint finally spoke his mind.
"Who the fuck was Anne?" Clint asked and everyone shook their heads.
"It was the Ladybug I stepped on, by accident-"
"Murderer!" Peter yelled out from the jet, but remained inside and Harley sighed.
"I told you it was an accident!" Harley yelled back as the team chuckled.
"Tell that to Anne! Oh wait, you can't because you killed her in cold blood, you murderer! Someone should lock you up!" Peter yelled back and Harley shook his head.
"Which one of you is older again? I forget." Tony joked and Natasha smacked him upside the head.
"Leave my ребенок паук alone, Stark." Natasha hissed and Tony raised his hands in surrender.
Word Count: 616

Okay, so.. this was the last one shot of this book! Sorry it wasn't that long, this was just kind of an end of book thing that I thought was funny and cute. Anyway, imma start my next book and will hopefully have the first one shot out tonight, so stay alert! Also, please vote and comment your opinions!

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