You Can't be serious!

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"What? You're kidding-"
"Kid!" Tony yelled as he watched his son go flying into a building and raced after the spider in one quick turn. Tony helped the spider steady himself and Peter shook his head.
"Dad, you've never watched or read Harry Potter?!" Peter exclaimed as they both jumped away from a blast aimed directly at them and Peter swung to a building. Spiderman took on a fight with one of the deadly robots as Tony on the other one and Peter continued to talk about the movies/books. "How could you have-"
"Now's not the time, kid. Incoming, three o'clock." Peter dodged another blast and took out the robot he was battling.
"Now is definitely-" Peter was shot back to the ground and stood quickly. "Not the time. We'll finish this later." Peter corrected himself and Tony rolled his eyes, focusing on the fight at hand.


"Harley! Dad's never read or watched Harry Potter!" Peter exclaimed as the team walked into the compound tiredly and Peter seemed to be the only lively person out of all of them. 
The arachnid felt bad and looked to the ground. He knew it was because of him that the team had to fight extra hard and he was feeling pretty useless. 
There was even a part of the fight that Peter missed out on since Bruce or should I say The Hulk jumped down and carried Peter to safety. It took a lot of convincing for The Hulk to let the spider join the last of the fight as the battle let up and everyone kept an eye on the kid the entire time.
"What?!" Harley yelled as he ran to the room and the Avengers dispersed into their respected rooms, leaving the father son trio.
"I know, right!" Peter forced out, still feeling guilty about the tired and beat up Avengers.
"Should we start with the movies or books?" Harley asked and Peter went to answer, but Tony cut him off.
"How about we watch the movies? There's what, three movies?" Tony questioned and both teen's eyes grew to the size of saucers. 
"There's 7-"
"Technically 8 to some who have to watch the first and second part separately when it comes to the Deathly Hallows." Peter supplied and Harley stuck his tongue out at his older brother. Tony sighed and nodded.
"Alright, where do we start?" Tony asked and the teens pulled the billionaire to the couch, excitement taking over.
"Should we start with the fantastic beast?" Harley asked and Peter shook his head.
"Nope. He has to start where the rest of us started; the first Harry Potter movie."


"What is that thing?" Tony questioned as him and Peter relaxed on the couch, currently watching the second Harry Potter movie. 
Harley got annoyed during the first one as he had to explain to Tony several times who Voldemort was and why Harry was so special; to which, he still didn't fully comprehend. Somehow, Peter had enough patience to stay and watch/explain the movies to his father. Currently, they were watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
"Fawkes. It's a Phoenix." Peter sighed as they continued to watch the tv and the bird caught on fire. 
"He does know the Phoenix will just be reborn, correct? And why would they name the-"
"Dad, you may be a genius, but I agree with Harley.. Watching and explaining movies to you, ruins the fun." Peter explained as he stood and shook his head. "I'm going to bed.. goodnight, dad."
"Goodnight Pete, love ya." Tony responded as he turned the tv off and stretched. 
He stood and hugged his son, before heading down to the lab. He sat at his desk and started to tinker with his suit. Not even 20 minutes later, the multibillionaire stopped what he was working on sighed.


"Honey? What are you still-"
"Sh.." Tony cut his wife off and Pepper looked at the tv.
"Oh gosh, they got you stuck watching Harry Potter?" Pepper chuckled as she situated herself on the couch and lay her head on Tony. 
The male of the two put his hand on Pepper's bloated stomach and smiled, not taking his eyes off the television. Hours passed with everyone coming into the living room and leaving after an hour of watching one of the movies. 
"Hey dad-"
"Sh…. I think this is the part where Ron and Hermoine finally show their affection for each other." Tony gushed his kids and Harley shared a shocked look with his brother.
"Were you up all night watching Harry Potter?" Peter asked in shock and Tony stayed silent, staring at the screen.  The last scene played out and the boys joined their father on the couch. 
"I knew it!" Tony yelled as they watched Harry, Ginny and his kids 19 years after his fight with Voldemort, which he came out on top. Ron and Hermione were seen causing Tony to smile widely.
"Dad, what if I am out in slytherin?" Harry's son asked as the two were far from there family and Harry let out a soft sigh, bending down in front of his son.
"Albus Severus Potter, you were named after two headmasters at Hogwarts, one of them was a slytherin and he was the bravest man I've ever known." Harry explained and Tony smirked.
"Of course he named his son after those two." Tony shook his head and smiled, while Harley and Peter held back a laugh.
"But you say that I am.."
"Then Slytherin house will have gained a wonderful, young wizard. But, listen. If it really means that much to you, you can choose gryffindor. The sorting hat takes your choice into account." Harry explained and his son smiled.
"Really." Harry confirmed as the two looked at the yelling patrons for the train and Harry turned back to his son.
"Ready." They shared a hug and his kid got on the bus, ready to leave for Hogwarts with all the other children. The movie ended and Tony stretched.
"Alright, boys. I'm going to bed. Old man needs some sleep with your sister on the way." Tony winked and left the room, leaving the boys in shock.
"He-he actually watched all the Harry Potter movies." Peter grinned and Harley smirked.
                 Word Count: 1,053

This was the Harry Potter one shot. The butterfly one shot needs about 50 something more votes before I write it, so go comment! Also, please vote and comment your opinions

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