He Was My Father!

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Warning!! You all are going to hate me. Don't read if you haven't watched Infinity War or have PTSD from that movie.

I sighed as I watched the snake slither around my room and fell back on my bed. It's been about 2 months since... That day... Uncle Thor was the one who told me when I was back on earth and I'll never forget that day..

~~~~~~~Flashback Brought To You By The Oncoming Tears Of Readers Once They Read The Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up and looked around to see I was still on Titan. Dr. Strange was looking around and the guardians who were on Titan were slowly standing up. I looked around and frowned.

"Dad?!" I called out, but still didn't see him. Dr. Strange walked over to me and held his arm out to help me up. I grabbed it and he pulled me to him.

"Thank god you're alright. If your father and I lost you, I don't know what we'd do." You can probably guess, but my dad and Dr. Strange are an item. They started dating a few months before all this happened and that's why he sacrificed the time stone for his life.

"I'm glad you're okay pops. Can we go home now?" I asked hopefully and he smiled sadly.

"I wish we could Pete, but I no longer have the time stone. Without it-" He was interrupted by a ship landing on the planet and the door opening. He shoved me behind him and stood defensively in front of me.

"Stephen! Peter!" Dad yelled as he ran to us and my pops met him halfway. Rocket and Groot stepped off, the rest of the guardians running to the two.

"Where's Gamora?" Rocket asked and Peter looked down.

"Thanos killed her.." He answered and all of them looked disheartened. I looked towards the ship for anyone else, but no one was there.

"They're all waiting for you on earth in the tower kid." Dad spoke hugging me and I smiled. That means he's there. We all got back on the ship and set out for home. Once we touched down, I was the first off and ran inside, looking around worriedly. I spotted uncle Thor and ran to him.

"Ah, man of spider. I'm glad you're okay." His tone was sad and I was scared to ask, but knew I had to.

"Where-where's Mr. Loki?" I asked and he looked down at me, tears in his sad eyes.

"He-he's dead. Thanos killed him." I froze. No one could get me to respond as the words repeated in my head. He's dead. He's not coming back.

"N-no. He-he can't be. He'll come back. He always does. He can't be dead." I couldn't- wouldn't- didn't want to believe it. He's 'died' plenty times before and always came back. He can't be dead this time. He just can't.


"No! He can't be dead!" I exclaimed and I was pulled to Tony's chest.

"It's okay-"

"No it's not!" I interrupted and pushed him away.

"Why are you-"

"Because he was- is my father!" I shouted at Dr. Strange as he tried to touch my shoulder, but I moved away from him. Everyone was in shock and I ran to my room, locking my door. I dropped my transformation and fell to my knees sobbing. He's really gone this time.

~~~~~~~~~~~End Flashback Brought To You By All Of You Sobbing In Random Places As You All Read About Peter's Breakdown~~~~~~~~~~~~

I summoned the dagger he gave me and it hovered over my palm, light glimmering off of it.

"Please, please come back to me papa." I cried as I now held the blade in my hand instead of having it hover. The snake slithered up my bed and rested next to me, nuzzling it's head against my side. A knock at my door drew my attention away from the dagger and I wiped my eyes.

"Yes?" My voice was hoarse and the door opened to reveal Tony.

"Hey kid.." He said softly and he looked at me sadly. I probably looked a mess, but couldn't find it in me to care.

"How long?" I asked the one question I could never find myself asking. My thoughts have been clouded with memories of me and my actual dad. I was brought here when I was a baby and my father had put a spell on me until I was old enough to learn how to transform myself. He had given me the dagger when I was 5 and it was the only thing I cherished. When Tony adopted me, I was told by my dad that it would be okay if I called him dad as well. He knew how much I cared for the man and didn't mind it, since he knew I loved him more than anything.

"How long what, kid?" Tony asked confused and I looked him in the eyes, all seriousness.

"How long was I in the soul stone for? ....How long has he been... Gone?" I hesitated and he sighed, frowning.

"2 years.." I covered my mouth and he walked to me, wrapping his arms around me. My snake seemed displeased and slithered behind me.

"2-2 years? He's been gone for 2 years?" I asked more to myself and Tony held me tighter.
"I'm sorry kid." He whispered and I cried into his shoulder. "We're going out later, did you wanna come?" I shook my head and he sighed, pulling back. "Peter, I understand you're in pain, but you need to leave the tower and get fresh air. I don't think Loki- your father would want you become sick." He tried to reason, and looked at me for a response. After not receiving one, he sighed once more and stood up, walking to the door, but stopping in the doorway gripping the door. "Please, just think about it?" I nodded and he walked out, shutting the door. I used my magic and locked it, going back to looking at my dagger.

"2 years.." I looked at my snake and then looked down. I had actually found that snake on the ship when Tony came to Titan and kept it. I don't know why I kept the reptile or why it was on the ship, but when I looked at it I got a familiar feeling. It was as if I knew the snake. I clenched the dagger tighter as my thoughts drifted back to my dad and my hand began to bleed. I closed my eyes and tried to clench tighter, wanting the pain. As I tried to hold it tighter, I felt a hand on top of mine and a presence next to me. I released the pressure in my hand and opened my eyes. I couldn't believe who it was.

"My son.." He whispered and tears welled in my eyes.

"P-papa? I-is it really you?" I stuttered and he smiled, nodding. I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back equally as tight.

"It's really me, my boy." He whispered and I pulled back a little.


"The snake you saw."

"That was you? I knew you would be back.." I hugged him once more and a knock was at my door.

"Nephew?" I unlocked my door and opened it from my spot on the bed, pulling away from my father. Uncle Thor saw my father and was shocked. "Brother?! You're alive!" He shouted and hugged my father.

"Indeed I am brother. I told you, the sun will shine on us again." They hugged and the rest of the Avengers crowded the surprisingly spacious hallway and watched the exchange in shock. I have my father back. That's all I've wanted.

                                                                       Word Count: 1268

OMFG, I still have writers block, I think, but when I saw this prompt, I had the perfect idea. I absolutely love how this turned out tbh. Hope ya'll liked it, and try not to hate me too much. I did give ya'll a happy ending after all. Please vote and comment your opinions. Also this idea was yet again from sparkle129 Thank you so much for the idea! I believe I get extra points for making Peter magical.

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