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Trigger warning; some of the words and imagery in this one shot may cause you to be triggered. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.


"Hey, it's me again... I know this is like the 10th time I've called you today, but I just- really miss your voice. I wish you would pick up so I can hear your voice and the excitement you always seemed to have when you talked to me... Except, you didn't seem excited the last time I saw you... But I know you won't pick up this time..

"And I know it's my fault... The Avengers think I'm crazy and Pepper is worried about me.. I feel like I'm going insane without you.. Your voicemail keeps getting full, and I know it's because of me, but I promise this is the last time I call.. Pepper told me I should try to be happy and remember the good times with you.

"At first I tried to argue, but she said something I know is true. She said if you were here, you'd want me to take care of myself and be happy.. Gosh, if only you were here. I would be happy, and wouldn't have to miss you.. It's been two years and here I am, still calling." I paused with a sigh and placed down the picture I had in my hands.

"I'm not paying your bill after today so your phone will go off and I can stop calling. I miss you, but I know you're in a better place. I have to go before Pepper comes back. I love you and I'll see you again someday. Goodbye, son." I hung up the phone and wiped the tears that formed. I pulled my phone away from my ear and smiled sadly at the picture of Peter and I when we went to Disney. My angel who finally went home.


Why? Why didn't he stay? I've been pulling at my hair and closing myself off. The only people I occasionally talk to are Ned, Tony, Pepper and the Avengers. They're the only ones who understand the pain.

School hasn't been the same and our decathlon team hasn't won a single meet since Peter. He was the smartest one on our team and no one really feels like trying anymore. Flash hasn't been seen much in school, and that's because he blames himself for Peter's death.

I can't help, but be angry at him. It was his fault, and as much as I want to blame it all on Flash, I know everyone had a part in his suicide. The last recording of Peter that Karen took, was him apologizing to everyone. Nothing was his fault and I desperately wish I could've told him that. It's been two years, but it feels like just yesterday I heard the news.


I was sitting at home on a Saturday night studying for the decathlon meet taking place tomorrow. I was tempted to call Peter to make sure he was studying, but thought against it. I had a funny feeling like something bad was going to happen, but I didn't know what. My heart began to ache as I thought of Peter. My phone started ringing and Tony's caller ID popped up.

"What's up Daddy Warbucks?" I greeted him as per usual. There was silence on the other end and I heard some sniffles.

"MJ." My heart picked up as he said my name. He never addressed me as 'MJ' and my mind raced. Did something happen to Peter? Was he hurt? Did he- My thoughts were cut short as Tony spoke again. "Can you come to the compound please? And bring Ned." He asked and hung up. I jumped out of bed, my books falling to the floor and grabbed my jacket.

I called Ned and we met at the compound. We were nervous as F.R.I.D.A.Y soundlessly brought us to Tony. When the elevator opened, my heart picked up at the sight. Everyone had red teary eyes and Tony looked the worse. On the couch lay a very familiar neighborhood spider man being cradled by Tony.

"What happened?" My voice cracked as I walked closer to Tony and the seemingly lifeless body. Everyone looked at Ned and I with sad eyes. The mask was removed and I gasped, tears pooling in my eyes. Ned rushed over, while I remained frozen.

"Peter!" Ned's voice sounded muffled and I took in Peter's appearance. Blue lips, dripping wet curls, and eyes closed. The thing that shocked me the most though was the bags under his puffy red eyes.

"H-how?" I asked, but I felt I was the only one who heard. The room spun and I saw Peter's face as I fell to my knees. Him smiling and laughing was the only thing I saw and heard as the room became dark.

When I woke up, I expected it all to be a joke. I looked to Tony and got all the confirmation I needed. This is real. My Peter is gone. Never coming back. I didn't even get to tell him I love him.

"Michelle-" I jolted up and ran out of the room, out of the tower and just ran. I didn't know where I was going, I just let my feet take me wherever. I was stopped by arms wrapped around me and I collapsed. This person held me to them and I didn't even need to look to know it's Tony.

"I didn't get to tell him I love him.." I whispered, tears still falling.

"I know MJ, I know. He was my son, and I didn't even see any of this coming." Tony said guiltily.

~~~~~~End Flashback~~~~~~

I didn't realize I was crying until a drop of water hit my hand and I didn't bother to wipe them away. I skipped my next class and bolted out of the school. I ran to the graveyard and found his grave with no problem. I don't know how long I was there, and I didn't care.

"You were thinking about him too, huh?" I turned to the voice and saw Tony and Pepper.


"I haven't stopped thinking about him." Michelle whispered. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"He loved you.." I whispered and she gasped. Tears filled her eyes more and she cried on my shoulder. I gently brought us to the ground and held her. Tony joined us and I looked at the headstone. A picture of Peter's smiling face appeared in my mind and I smiled sadly. My baby boy is gone. May he rest in peace.

Word Count: 1065

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