Insult My Son One More Time..

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Trigger Warning!! Don't Read if you have self doubts and problems  with people getting bullied.


I woke up to everyone surrounding me and jumped, but quickly regretted it. I held my side and held back a scream of pain. I knew my ribs were cracked and I looked to my dad, who was intently watching me with worry and fear.

"Dad?" I asked and he snapped out of his stare, hugging me lightly, so as to not hurt me more.

"What happened?" He asked and I looked down as he pulled back.

"Nothing." I muttered and saw Black Widow crossing her arms out of the corner of my eye.

"Wanna try again?" Falcon asked and I bit my lip.

"Why do you care?" I asked and he looked taken back. I glanced around the room and frowned when everyone, besides Steve looked concerned. "Why do any of you care?" I corrected myself and Steve scoffed.

"Of course we-"

"Don't even pretend. Since I've been here the only ones who didn't straight up ignore me or give me nasty looks or talk about me, are Tony, Pepper, Wanda, Happy, Vision, Bruce and Bucky. Everyone else either ignored me like Black Widow and Hawkeye, gave me nasty looks like Falcon and War Machine, or talked bad about me like Captain America does all the time. I don't know what I did to everyone for them to hate me, but I'm sorry." I ranted and was hugged by my dad. I made sure to use their titles, rather than their names to get my point across.

"Don't think you did anything wrong." He whispered and I could tell he was glaring at the others. I held him tighter as I heard the mumbling behind me.

"I'm sorry, Peter." Black Widow spoke and everyone stopped what they were doing.

"I apologize as well."

"Same with me." Falcon and War Machine stepped forward and I pulled away from my dad, staring at their faces, with a tilted head.

"Can I know why you guys disliked me so much?" Cint sighed and looked down ashamed.

"We were jealous.." He trailed off and I saw everyone looking away in shame. I looked to my dad and he looked confused like me.

"Jealous of what?"

"We all have known Tony for a few years now, and we've never been able to get close to him like you have. We would got out to eat and other stuff on occasions, but otherwise that Tony would stay in his tower or go out flying. Seeing you and him be able to have such a close relationship, made us hate you for how easily you two get along." Black Widow explained and I blushed.

"I forgive you, and I could help you guys get closer to him, if you'd like?" I asked and heard a bitter laugh come from the Cap.

"How is a useless neighborhood vigilante going to help us adults, when you couldn't even stop Thanos on Titan and almost got your 'father' killed? I know what happened from Nebula and how pathetic yo-" He was stopped short by a punch to his jaw and my dad right in front of his face.

"Don't you dare talk that way to my son, Rodgers. Did you forget the time you almost killed me intentionally over the murderer? Or do you not care? You may have heard what happened from Nebula, but that shit doesn't matter. Insult my son one more time and, super soldier or not, I will kill you." My dad spoke with venom and Steve held his soon to be bruised jaw. I got up and walked to the kitchen, grabbing an ice pack. I returned and handed it to Steve. He took it from me in surprise and I looked down.

"I'm sorry.." I muttered and saw my dad tense out of the corner of my eye. He stood frozen and soon started to shake slightly. My eyes widened as I realized what just happened.
"Dad?" I tried to get his attention, but he instead started to hyperventilate and fell to his knees. "Dad, cam down. I'm right here. Look at me." I crouched in front of him and grabbed his chin to force him to be face to face. He looked at me in fear and I smiled sightly.

"P-Peter?" He whispered and I nodded. He sighed and hugged me tightly. I looked over his shoulder and everyone was watching us in shock.

"It's okay." After that little fiasco, we all went to a shawarma joint and joked around, including Steve. Everything was okay between me and the other Avengers now and I was pretty happy.

                                                                   Word Count: 760

Okay, so that was part two of Father Son Bonding.. I hope you guys liked it. Please vote and comment your opinions. 

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