You Didn't Deserve This..

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I walked out of school and started my way to the Stark Tower. May was probably working a double shift and Mr. Stark had asked me to come over to work on a few projects. I arrived shortly and smiled at the receptionist, going straight to the elevator. 
"Hey kid, how was school?" Mr. Stark questioned as I entered his lab and I tried to hold back a laugh.
"Uh, what are you doing?" 
"Recalibrating my suit, what else?" He raised an eyebrow, just as his back piece hit him straight on and I fell to the floor laughing. "Jarvis, in front of the kid? Really?" He groaned and I smiled walking over to the table of inventions. 
"So, what did you wanna work on today?" I questioned and just as he went to answer, Friday cut him off.
"Sir, a fire has broken out at the Queen's Hospital." My eyes widened as I turned to my mentor and he got the rest of his suit on. 
He took off and I pressed my watch, my suit immediately engulfing me. I took off to the hospital and arrived to see that half of the building was already burnt down. I looked around the faces for a familiar one and saw Aunt May's best friend with ash all over her. I rushed over and stopped in front of her.
"Have you seen May Parker?" I asked and she looked down, tears welling in her eyes.
"Sh-she was on the other side of the building when the fire broke out-" I took off through the building and searched rooms frantically. 
I looked through the fire and felt my suit catch flames. I didn't care, I had to find her and that was when a beam decided to fall. I tried to jump out of the way, but at this point; the smoke had gotten to be too much for my lungs. I collapsed underneath the beam and felt warm liquid around my heart. I looked down with blurred eyes and saw a machine underneath me, pieces broken off. I looked up and saw a white light above me. 

□□□□ Tony □□□□□

I looked down and frowned when I saw a woman half burned. I got a closer look and concern took over when I saw Peter's Aunt May unconscious. I lifted her into my arms and flew to the ambulance outside of the building. I went to talk to the paramedics from the hospital in Brooklyn and was stopped in my tracks when I heard Friday's words. 
"Boss, Spiderman's heartbeat is dropping below levels and his thermal temperature is getting too high. His tracker places him in the hospital building." I turned to the building and saw more of it crumble in the flames. I flew over in a rush and tried to search, but the smoke blocked my vision. 
"Friday, I'm going to need my ice suit." I spoke and continued to try searching. 
My suit arrived shortly and I got in. I froze the area around me and the smoke sizzles down with the flames. I flew above and chilled the rest of the building. The fire died out and the building was barely standing. I flew down and looked around.
"Kid, are you around here?" I asked and didn't receive a response. "Peter, are you in here?" I asked again, but still didn't get an answer.
"Boss, his systems have shut off. I don't have a track on him." Friday announced and my eyes widened. 
I climbed out of my suit and ran through the burnt building. I looked everywhere I could, not spotting the brown hair, doe eyed, genius I care for. I walked towards the part that was completely burnt down and nearly fell to my knees in tears. He was possibly in there, burnt to a crisp because of me. I stood to leave and out of the corner of my eyes a reflective red was spotted. I ran as fast as my legs could go and soon reached Spiderman. I put my suit around me and lifted the broken beam off of him, throwing the wreckage to the side.
"Peter? Peter, are you okay ki-" I stopped when I saw his leg down to a peg, probably burned off and metal around his heart. This is just like when I was kidnapped. I-I need to get him to help quickly. 
"Friday, take us to Stark Tower and run a scan on Peter." 

££££££ Time Skip Because This Is An Overused Idea ££££££££

"Sir, Mrs. Parker- I'm afraid the burns were too severe to bear. We tried everything we could, but she's gone. I apologize. " Dr. Huong apologized as I looked at her from my chair. I had been sitting next to Peter in the hospital bed for a week and had been waiting for him to wake up.
"Peter.. I'm sorry." I whispered even though he was asleep and looked to the doctor.
"And what about Peter?" I questioned and she smiled sadly.
"Thankfully he should be okay, we were able to save him just in time- thanks to your help. Unfortunately, we can't say when he'll wake up. He took in a lot of smoke and lost a lot of blood when his leg was burned off." She explained and I looked down. She walked away and I took Peter's hand in mine, looking over at him.
"Friday, find relatives of Peter Benjamin Parker." I sighed, already knowing I would probably lose him to his relative. 
"No living relatives are found for Peter Benjamin Parker." 
"What do you mean? Where are his parents or uncle or-"
"Th-that was all I had." Peter managed to get out and my eyes widened. He tried to sit up and I pushed him back slowly.
"Easy, kid. You just woke up from-"
"Where's May?" 
"Did you need water or-"
"Mr. Stark, where is my aunt?" He asked, looking concerned and I frowned, looking away.
"She-she didn't make it, kid." I responded with a heavy heart and I heard the heart monitor hooked up to Peter go off. "You need to-"
"She's- May is gone? No." He shook his head and I gripped his hand, telling him gently to calm down. "No. Why her? Why May? She's never done anything wrong! She was all I had left. What will I do now?" He panicked and I pressed the nurse button. 
Nurses ran in as he started to flatline and I felt a panic attack come on. I was rushed out of the room and could only watch from the window as the kid I cared for was hanging by a thread. I looked down at the floor and glared at the tears in my eyes. After finding out Peter would be okay, I walked to the elevator and got off on the penthouse floor. 
"Pepper, I need you to send out a form to adopt Peter." I spoke as soon as I saw her and she put her drink down on the table. Everyone around looked down and Pepper walked closer to me.
"What do you mean Tony?" 
"I want to adopt Peter." 
"Tony, you can't even look after yourself. How do you expect-"
"Pepper, his aunt just died and he has no other living relatives. I'll be damned if I fuckin let him go to a foster home or an orphanage if we have plenty of room for him here."  I crossed my arms and her eyes saddened.
"I-I'll get the papers started right now." Pepper nodded and walked away, probably to her office and I turned to the elevator.
"If any of you have something against Peter living here, go to hell." I spoke before stepping into the elevator and going to Medbay. I got off and walked briskly to Peter's room. I walked in to see more tubes sticking out of his body and sighed. "You didn't deserve this, kid.." I whispered and held his hand.

₩₩₩ Time Skip Brought To You By The Loss Of Aunt Hottie ₩₩₩

"May!" Peter exclaimed as he sat up quickly and I gently tried to push him back down. He hissed in pain and looked down.
"Kid, calm down. You're not-"
"She's gone isn't she?" He asked sadly and I nodded slowly.
"I'm afraid she is-"
"And now I'm a freak." He spoke as he tightened his fist and I shook my head.
"You're the same Peter-"
"Look at me! I have a metal leg and an arc in my chest! I'm going to be the laughing stalk of midtown." I looked down and felt a tear trickle it's way down my face, landing on my hand. "Where am I gonna go now?" 
"I already got approval to adopt you." I answered and he huffed.
"Why? So you can show off your new project?" 
"You were going to die, Peter! It was the only way to-"
"Keep me alive?" He asked and I nodded as he laughed dryly. "For what? Everyone in my family is dead! I'm now a freak and don't have anyon-" I cut him him off with a hug and hugged tightly.
"You're not alone. You have Pepper, the Avengers and me. We're your family now." I spoke sincerely and felt him sob on my shoulder. I held him tighter to me and sighed. You didn't deserve this. 

€€€€€€€ Time Skip Because Peter Feels Alone €€€€€€

♡♡♡♡ Peter ♡♡♡♡

"Hey Loser, what's up with your leg?" MJ asked and my eyes widened.
"Wh-what do you-" I was cut off by MJ pushing me into an empty classroom and she locked the door behind us.
"Peter.. I know something happened to you in that fire." She spoke softly and tears welled in my eyes.
"I'm a freak, M.." A tear fell and she took a step forward, wiping the tear away. I hated that Mr. Stark put the arc in my chest without even asking and the metal leg added onto the freak look. I didn't mean to say I was a freak because of it, but I was just upset he did without asking. How could I ever trust him or everyone again?
"What happened, baby?" She asked concerned and I looked down.
"I-I don't remember everything, but.. I went looking for Aunt May and a beam fell down, crushing me to the ground in the fire. When I woke up, I-I had an arc in my chest and a metal leg. He should've let me die-" I was cut off by a slap to my cheek and I saw MJ in tears.
"Don't even say that. I couldn't bare to lose you. Do you really think your Aunt would want you to die when you could be saved?" She spoke in anger and I looked down. She put her hand to my cheek and I looked into her teary eyes.
"I'm sorry, M.." I apologized and she gave me a sad smile.
"Can-can I see?" I nodded and pulled up my pant leg, then my shirt. Her soft fingers traced over my arc and I tensed at the touch. She stopped and looked at me. "Did that hurt?" She asked and I blushed, shaking my head.
"N-no, it was- just unexpected, that's all." She smiled and pulled me in a hug.
"I don't think you look like a freak at all." She whispered and I smiled, closing my eyes. I let out a relieved sigh and hugged her tighter.
"I love you, MJ.." 
"I love you too, Spidey." 
                     Word Count: 1,923

This is part 2(1?) Of 'We're All Perverts!' I hope y'all liked it, please vote and comment your opinions.

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