A baby?

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Peter and MJ are 21 and have been together since they were 15. They bought a house together just outside the city and MJ had a big surprise today. Tony, Pepper, May and the Avengers were coming over to hear the announcement, but Peter didn't have a clue since MJ wanted to announce it to everyone at the same time.

MJ walked out to the kitchen with one of Peter's T-shirts on and a pair of shorts underneath. She glanced around the room, but didn't see Peter anywhere. Suddenly, the front door opened and Peter walked in with a grin.


"Hey MJ, it's really muggy out today." Peter said as he walked into the kitchen and I raised an eyebrow. 

"If I go outside and our mugs are all on the front lawn, I'm leaving you." I threatened as he poured coffee into a bowl.

He held the bowl up and sipped from it, smiling. I walked to the front door and opened it to see mugs all over the lawn. Everyone pulled up and gave me a weird look.

"Peter?" They questioned and I nodded, soundlessly walking back in. I walked behind Peter who was still sipping coffee from a bowl, and back handed him. 

"It is very muggy out, it's also very stupid in here." I said as he looked confused, then finally caught on and it seemed so did the other ones, who were still snickering.

"HEY!!" Peter exclaimed as I laughed and walked into the living room with my cup of water in hand. Everyone followed and I motioned for them to sit down.

"So what is everyone doing here?" Peter questioned as he looked around, happy to see everyone. They all looked confused and looked at me, as I took a sip of my drink.

"MJ said you two have an announcement to make?" Clint said as if it was a question. Peter turned to me concerned, and confused.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, I wanted to ask what you all thought if I added on to the family?" I asked and it clicked to May, Nat, Pepper and Wanda who all squealed jumping up and hugging me.

"Um, what do you mean 'add on to the family'?" Peter asked and Tony seemed to understand as he smirked at his son.

"Congrats underroos." Everyone else seemed to catch on and Peter smiled widely at me.

"Really? I'm going to be a dad?!" Peter exclaimed and I nodded my head, smiling.

The girls moved away and Peter picked me up, causing me to giggle as he spun me around. He put me down, but kept his hands around my waist. We were face to face and he rested his forehead against mine.

"I love you Michelle Jones." He whispered.

"I love you too Peter Parker." I whispered back and we kissed as the people in back 'Awed'.

                                                            Word Count:483

Cute one shot of spideymichelle having a baby. ;)

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