Meeting MJ's Parents

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The secret was out. Now everyone knew and there was no going back. Paps were all after one person in specific and the papers/magazines were solely filled with his pictures. Tony Stark's son was every headline and pictures filled the covers. It all came out when Tony held a press conference.

¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ Flashback Brought To You By A One Shot No One's Made Yet, At Least I Don't Think Anyone Has¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿

"Mr. Stark, are the rumors true?" An interviewer asked and the billionaire raised an eyebrow, lowering his sunglasses.

"What rumors?" 

"You have a son named Peter?" Peter perked up behind stage and his eyes widened. How did they know his name? 

"No, no, no. I have no kids." Tony replied casually and Peter was on edge. Whispers filled the room and a lot of them were relatively alike.

"Stark, have a son? Funny." A girl chuckled while her friend shook her head.

"He's too selfish."

"He doesn't care about anyone, but himself."

"Everyone knows he only uses people."

"Even if he did have a son, it'd probably be adopted only for publicity. I mean why else would it take this long for us to know about the billionaire's son?" That was the last straw. Peter couldn't keep himself quiet as his ears heard the crudest things being said about his father. His blood father, the one who's been raising him, the one who puts Peter before his own self. As long as Peter was okay, Tony was as well. Peter stormed out from behind the curtain and presented himself to everyone without thinking.

"Stop!" He exclaimed as he burst through the curtain and everyone went silent. Tony turned to his son with wide eyes and someone decided to be bold.

"Excuse me, but who are you and why are you interrupting this private press conference?" One of the interviewers asked rudely and Peter turned to him.

"My name is Peter Stark." This caused an uproar in the crowd and people all started to talk at once, flashes going off all throughout the room. 

"Why have you been a secret for so long?!"

"Why does no one else know of your existence?!" 

"Are you just a cover up?!"

"Are you just being used for publicity?!" That last comment got to Tony as he clenched his fist. He went to open his mouth, but Peter beat him to it.

"Everyone quiet!" Peter yelled, already having a headache from his enhanced hearing. Everyone went silent and waited for the mini billionaire to speak. "I am Tony Stark's blood son- I'm not finished yet." Peter glared at the eager paps, daring them to speak. After waiting a minute or two, Peter continued. "My father kept me a secret from the press for this exact reason. You all are quick to assume things and aren't afraid to tarnish someone's name, just to make a quick buck. As soon as the question of me arose, I've heard all of your comments. My father is far from selfish, he's the most caring man I know. Yes, he has made some mistakes in the past, but that's what makes him human.

No one is perfect. I'm not being used for publicity and no, I am not a cover up for anything. My father kept me out of the public view for my own safety." Peter spoke every word with truth and passion. He hated hearing them bad talk his father and will do anything to prevent further tarnishment on his father's name. 

"Peter.." Tony whispered. He knows how much Peter hates crowds and anything to do with the press. Peter wasn't going to be revealed until he was ready, but Tony knew why he did this. Peter turned to Tony with pleading eyes. He didn't want to be here any longer and wanted to leave with Tony. Tony nodded and stood.

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