Swallow Your Pride..

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I was stumped. How do I show Pepper I'm sorry and only want her, when I can't even think of what to do? Do I make a sweet gesture? Do I buy her something? I hung my head, knowing what I had to do and I didn't necessarily want to. I walked to the one person's room who would know what to do. The one person I was dreading to ask and I knew this would never be let down, but in my defense I'm desperate. I got to the door and hesitantly knocked, waiting for an answer. When the door swung open I frowned at the sight.

"Why is your room such a mess?" I asked and he put a hand on his hip.

"Why is your life such a mess?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow. Someone has obviously been hanging around Pepper, Nat and Wanda too much lately. I sighed and shook my head.

"Anyway... I need your help with-"

"Finding a way to show Pepper how sorry you are and how much she means to you?" He asked and I sighed.

"Yea- Wait, how did you-" I started, astonished at my kid's intelligence.

"Because it's obvious and let's face it, you're more of a child than I am sometimes." He replied and I frowned.

"Hey- what's that supposed to mean?!" I exclaimed, but he ignored me, walking out of his room and to the kitchen.

"Let's see. Do you remember her favorite flowers?" He asked and I thought for a second.


"Tiger lillies." He interrupted with a sigh and I frowned. "What about her favorite candy?" I opened my mouth to respond, but he cut me off. "Please don't say chocolate." I shut my mouth and he grabbed the bridge of his nose, sighing. "Alright, you're obviously hopeless."

"Since when did you become so... Demanding and mature? What happened to my cute innocent Peter? The one who's adorably clumsy?" I asked suddenly missing my naive little boy and he blushed.

"Well, when my father fudges up with someone who's like a second mom to me, I have to be how I am now." He replied, giving me a look and I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly.

"Why don't you just call her mom?" I asked and then realized my mistake when he looked down.

"I can't call her mom. I don't want mommy to think I'm replacing her with a new mom." He whispered continuing to look down. My vulnerable adorable baby boy returning to normal for a split second and I gave a soft smile, pulling him to me.

"Kid, your mom will always be your mom, but I think Pep would love for you to call her mom. Just think about it." I responded and he nodded into my stomach, given his short height at 7. He pulled back and went back to being serious.

"Okay, so I think we should go to the farmer's market." He announced, grabbing a backpack and dragging me to the garage. We pulled up to the closest farmer's market via gps and got out. While we were walking around we passed some strawberries and I stopped.

"How about some-"

"Deadly fruit that she's allergic to? Do you seriously not know her?" My son face palmed and dragged me to the watermelons. "She loves watermelon. It's her favorite fruit." Peter spoke and I nodded, picking up the biggest one, then was dragged to the flowers. Peter picked out a bunch of Tiger lillies, I'm guessing and some others. After we got the items, I paid and we went home. When we got there, I carried everything upstairs, letting Peter carry the flowers as he was arranging them.

"How are you so good at that?" I questioned as he finished wrapping the bouquet and he shrugged.

"When I live on the streets with my mom-" I shuddered at that thought and he gave me a sad smile. "- There was an elderly woman who helped me and my mom sometimes. She owned a flower shop and would sometimes teach me how to be a florist." Peter smiled as he finished tying the bow around the cellophane and flowers. He handed them to me and I put them on the counter while I attempted to cut the watermelon, smiling in victory as the pieces were cut correctly.

"Okay, so what else?" I asked and Peter groaned throwing his hands up in the air.

"Do I have to instruct you on everything?!" He sounded annoyed and I sighed. He looked at me and sighed as well, before instructing me further. After I set everything up, the only thing left to do was get Pepper to show up. "She's already on her way. I told her I needed her help with something." Peter announced and I smiled, before rushing to get ready.

"Thanks son!" I yelled and he brushed me off, walking back to his room. The elevator dinged just as I got to the living room and I smiled nervously.

"Tony, what is-"

"Please, take a seat?" I asked and she raised an eyebrow, but complied, sitting with her arms crossed. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed the food, carrying the lasagna I attempted to make out to the table along with the watermelon.
"I made lasagna for us, well attempted." I pulled out my chair and sat down. I served her a plate and got some myself. We dug in, and she had a disgusted face, which I probably mirrored. We spit the food out into a napkin and I chuckled. "I'm still not a good cook apparently." She gave me the look that said 'you-think?' and I laughed lightly. I pushed the lasagna aside and put the watermelon in front of us. She raised an eyebrow once more and I smiled.

"You didn't make this too, did you?" She joked and I shook my head, with a grin.

"Nope, went to the farmer's market for this." I replied and her eyes widened.

"You went to a farmer's market willingly?" She questioned and I looked at her seriously.

"I'd do anything for you." I got up and walked to the kitchen leaving her confused and walked back out with the bouquet in hand. She gasped and I smiled. "You like them?" I asked nervously and she smiled, standing and placing the bouquet on the table. She wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my cheek.

"I love them." She smiled and I grinned, making a mental note to pay Peter back later. "Peter helped you with this, didn't he?" She asked and I sighed.

"How'd you know?" I asked and she giggled.

"Because you probably would've gotten strawberries instead of watermelon, and roses instead of lillies." She laughed and I chuckled awkwardly, that was exactly what I would've done and almost did. "Still, it was really sweet of you to ask him. Considering you don't normally ask anyone for help, this must've been hard to do. Swallowing your pride is a huge move." She laughed and I chuckled.

"I love you Pep. Nothing happened between me and Whitney. She kissed me out of the blue, but I pushed her off as soon as I could, but I guess it was too late." She pulled back and smiled at me.

"I know, Rhodey and Peter explained everything to me. I love you too." She kissed me and our night ended looking out of the window at the busy streets of New York. All was happy and content.

                                                                   Word Count: 1260

There we go! So, Tony had help yet again from his 7 year old. *Le gasp* Tony, is your ego okay? (Tony: Shush.) Anyway, how did you all like it? (Tony: I hated that you made my little boy act grown up -.-) Comment below and maybe I wont kill Tony in the next one shot. -.- (Tony: Please comment so I don't die. She sadistic and will kill me.) *Laughs evilly*

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