Tony's Sudden Realization..

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Warning: It kinda gets really descriptive and if you're someone who can imagine what you read, don't read if you get squeamish.

"Are you sure about this?" Fury asked and I nodded.

"Fury, I have to. This is my great grandchild we're talking about. I need to do something." I stressed and felt Bucky's hand on my shoulder.

"What makes you so sure he'll help you?" He raised an eyebrow and I sighed.

"I'm not sure. He might say no, but it doesn't hurt to ask." I said as I left the room and walked to the edge of the ship. I got my parachute on and free fell for a bit in the air, before I pulled the strings. The chute came out and I carefully landed on the pier. I pulled the chute off and ran to the tower. I got upstairs and went in search of Tony, only to find him in his lab with his son.

"You know Cap. I know you have access to my lab and you're obsessed with me, but as you can see, I'm spending time with my so-"

"Tony, please. It's important." I guess he heard how desperate I was, because he shut up and nodded. He told Harley he would be back and left with me out the door.

"What is it Steve?" He asked as soon as we were in only the presence of each other.

"The kid-"

"I already told you. He means nothing to-"

"He's my last living relative of mine and Peggy's." I expressed and his hand stopped on the door handle.

"How? You told me you didn't have kids." Tony crossed his arms and turned to me with a raised eyebrow.

"I thought I didn't, but Bucky-"

"The guy with the metal arm who is also controlled by HYDRA? Yea, like I'd believe him." He laughed and turned back around.


"Look capsicles, I would love to help. Not really, but you understand what I mean. That kid is probably better off dead. He's nothing more than-" I punched him in the face before he continued and clenched my now bleeding knuckles.

"I was wrong to come to you for help in the first place. You obviously care for no one else, but yourself. Go screw yourself Tony." I spat and walked away. I made my way back to the SHIELD's Hellicarrier and walked to the meeting room.

"I'm going in alone." I spoke and everyone went silent.


"No, I've put all of your lives in danger too much and you just came back from a dangerous fight. I'm not risking your lives again." I turned around, but was stopped by Bucky.

"I'm going with you. Someone has to make sure your dumbass doesn't get killed." I grinned and nodded. Natasha joined and Clint did as well. Sam quickly joined in as well, despite the hateful glares from Bucky directed at him. We moved out and were on our way to the new base in no time. We did the same formation as last time, however this time we had Bucky. A battle quickly engaged and we were surely outnumbered. The kid was nowhere to be seen and I was starting to become worried as we were all backed into a corner.

"You go without me on two missions and here you are, backed against the wall? Shameful. Need a hand?" Tony's voice broke out through the coms and I smirked.

"I knew you'd show up. Glad you joined in." I responded back as he shot at the surrounding opposers.

"Well, I left you alone the last mission and you lost to a kid. Let's face it, the team is hopeless without me." I could hear the smirk in his voice and chuckled shaking my head.

"Thanks." We all defeated them and proceeded forward inside the building. We all split up in groups of two and searched for my great grand kid. I opened the last door in the hallway and was shocked at what I saw. I ran to the bed and looked down at the kid.

"I-I found him. North side of the building, last room down the hallway on the left. Bruce, you ready on the quinjet?" I asked as I knew the kid needed to be checked by Bruce and possibly Tony as well.

"Yea, bring him in." I got my response and waited for Tony to show up, before touching anything. A few minutes later, a tin can came through the door and I gestured to the bed.

"Tony, you should take a look at this." He walked up and his face fell in shock.

"Wha- h-how?" He muttered and looked further at the kid's chest where the tissue showed and a smaller form of Tony's machine was in his chest, glowing. He carefully undid whatever the kid was hooked up to and we rushed out to the quinjet. He placed the kid on the table and Bruce stepped forward. The rest of the team piled on and I sat with Bucky as Bruce and Tony looked over the kid.

"What's his name?" I asked looking at my best friend and he looked at Tony while speaking.

"His name is Peter. Named by the boy's aunt, May Parker." I looked from Bucky to Tony and noticed that Tony tensed, frozen in his spot.

"H-how old is the kid?" Tony asked, voice steadily calm and I raised an eyebrow.

"8." I responded in confusion and Natasha's head snapped to us, then she smirked at Tony.

"Congratulations, Stark." 

                                                                 Word Count: 907

Guys, I have a problem. I love leaving you guys guessing way too much, but I enjoy watching you guys guess the events of the next part or suggestions. I'm also having way too much fun writing this one shot. I hope you're enjoying this so far. Who wants a part 4? Please vote and comment opinions so far. Again, thank you so fucking much to hoperaven for suggesting this prompt. It's so much fun to write and I have so so so many ideas for this. 

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