A Slight Cure To End Game Depression...

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Warning; major spoiler alerts. Read with caution and do not read if you haven't watched EndGame yet. This is an alternative happy ending. Enjoy 😉

I woke up and yawned. I looked around and was confused. Where's Mr. Stark? I was still on the planet we traveled to, to try and beat Thanos. The place was a wreck and looking around, I saw everyone else waking up. Dr. Strange was already awake and I walked over slowly, so as to not startle the wizard.

"Um, Dr. Strange, what happened?" I asked and the others crowded around as well.

"Thanos won." He responded, standing and his Cape wrapped around him. My face fell and I looked to the others, before looking back at him.

"What do you mean 'Thanos won'?" Star Lord asked the question on everyone's mind.

"It's been five years, come on. They need us." Strange opened a portal and we were all greeted with a sickening scene. The battle field was dark and completely destroyed. Thanos stood in the middle of his army and I recognized the battle field as the place that once held the Avengers Compound.

Mr. Stark and everyone else, besides Black Widow and Mr. Loki were standing in the middle of the field. More portals opened around us and we all got ready to go out. The other army began to charge and we all followed suit. I ran over to Mr. Stark as Ant-Man stepped on an enemy and started to ramble.

"Hey." My mask pulled back and I grabbed onto Mr. Stark, helping him up. "Holy cow. You won't believe what's been going on. You remember when we were in space and I got all dusty? I must've passed out, cause I woke up and you were gone, but Dr. Strange was there right and he was like 'it's been five years, come on they need us' and he started doing the yellow sparkly thingy he does all the time-" he started moving forward as I got heated in my explanation.

"Uhm hm."

"What are you doing?" I gasped out as he hugged me slowly. His grip got slightly tighter and I closed my eyes, hugging him back. "Huh, this is nice." I muttered and hugged him tightly. We pulled back and got back into the battle.

The battle for the stones was on when Hawkeye ran on the field with the glove and stones in hand. It got passed to King T'Challa and then it fell into the field when Thanos threw his weapon at him. I flew in and grabbed the gauntlet as T'Challa was being engulfed by the concrete due to one of Thanos' goons. I hit the ground and was surrounded.

"Activate instant kill." The suit acted on it's own, taking down everything within my proximity. More and more came and I was covered in them. "I got this. I got this. Okay, I don't got this. Help! Somebody help!" I shouted in a plea as I was overcome with the beings.

"Hey Queens, heads up." Cap spoke, throwing Uncle Thor's hammer. I shot a web at it and was flying above. Glove still in hand. I was shot down by a beam and started free falling. Pepper came and grabbed me before I plummeted to my death.

"Hang on, I got ya kid." She flung me and I landed on a Pegasus being flown by the Valkyrie.

"Hey, nice to meet you- Oh my god!" I exclaimed. Beams were being shot from the hovering ship and the Valkyrie expertly dodged them all, except one.We were hit and I again went plummeting to the ground.

The glove was free falling for a bit until I caught it and fell on my back, rolling to my feet. I started to run and dodge the beams as best as I could. A sudden beam shot down and I flew back. My mask came up and I tumbled a bit, before coming to a stop. A beam went off a few feet in front of me and I covered my head. Beams kept firing and I tried my best to keep my head covered. Suddenly, the beams shot to the sky and the ship was being destroyed by an unknown light source. The light force appeared before me and revealed a short blonde haired woman.

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