The Press Conference Of Truth...

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“Tony, you can't go to a press conference looking like that.” Pepper held in a laugh and Tony raised a perfect eyebrow.

“Why not? I look fantabulous.” Tony pretended to flip his imaginary long hair and walking on the stage. Everyone attending gasped and snapped pictures. It's not every day that you see Tony Stark with bright red hair and they were capturing every moment of it. Tony sat and everyone silenced, knowing how much Tony hated when they talked non stop. Tony called on one of the interviewers and she stood, notebook in hand.

“Mr. Stark, Talia Simmons here with New York Times, can you tell us why you have red hair?” Tony raised an eyebrow.

“Well my teammates thought it would be funny to prank me and change my hair color by switching my shampoo and conditioner with bleach and dye.” Tony replied nonchalantly and questions arose.

“Why didn't you just dye it back, before the conference?” Another one shouted.

“Because I am keeping it for two months.”

“Why? You could just dye it back.”

“I promised my son- uh, personal intern, that I'd keep it.” Tony knew he messed up the second he said ‘son’ and could feel Pepper's glare on the back of his head.

“You have a son?!”

“Where is your son and why have we not heard of him until now?”

“Is he adopted?” That last one made Tony glare.

“No, he is not adopted.” Tony gritted out and an interviewer with a mouth decided to be bold.

“So, you kept him a secret because you're ashamed of him? Like father like son I guess.” The interviewer smirked and that raised more questions. Tony had heard enough and stood, slamming his hand on the table so hard, it broke and caused a loud noise, drawing everyone's attention to the seething multi-billionaire.

“I am not ashamed of my son and I am nothing like Howard Stark. My son has not been introduced before, because I did not want people like you trying to put thoughts in my son's head that aren't true. The announcement of my son does not leave this room, unless you want all the Avengers, including two gods, showing up on your doorstep. Meeting adjourned, heed my warning.” Tony glared and walked off, back to Pepper.

“Tony, you can't just threaten the press.” Pepper scolded and Tony gave her a look.

“I can when it comes to our son. I'll do anything when it comes to our son's safety.”

                        Word Count: 417

It's really short, I know, but I promise I'll make longer ones. Vote and comment what you thought.

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