Thanks Dad!

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I walked into the Penthouse and grinned at the sight. Clint was running from Nat, the killer assassin being covered in paint and glitter, meaning he probably pranked her. Steve and Tony were arguing, probably over something stupid as usual. Rhodey was playing against Falcon aka Sam in Mario Kart, Sam yelling every so often at the colonel as he was losing and calling him a cheater.

Thor was talking to Loki about pop tarts being the most amazing food ever and Loki looking ready to stab his brother with his dagger in hand. Wanda was talking quietly with Vision and Bruce. Bucky was in the kitchen making cookies and humming.

No one noticed me standing by the door with a bloody nose, black eye and ripped clothing, which was a good thing. I could probably sneak to my lab and grab the make-up I had for times like these and cover it up before anyone noticed.

I walked quietly past my crazy family and headed towards my room. Thankfully when Happy came to pick me up, he didn't notice anything since my head was down, so no one would know. I was almost to my room, when Bucky noticed me, my head turned away from him.

"Hey Peter! I made your favorite cookies!" Bucky yelled over to me, but I didn't turn around. Suddenly the noises in the room stopped and I could feel all eyes on me.

"Hey Pete, come play a round of Mario Kart with me! Since someone likes to cheat." He grumbled, but I could him hear clearly thanks to my super hearing.

"Um, maybe later. I have a lot of homework to do!" I exclaimed and tried to continue walking, when Tony stopped me.

"C'mon kid, it's the weekend." He announced and I silently cursed.

"Language!" Steve yelled from behind me and I slightly jumped, since when did he get behind me? I flinched slightly as he put his hand on my shoulder. "Pete, are you- what happened to your clothes?" He questioned shocked and I held back a groan.

I went rigid as I heard Tony stand.

"What are you talking about Steve?" He asked stepping forward. "Peter turn around." I sighed as I knew there was no point trying to get away. I turned to face him and everyone gasped, rushing over to me.

"Who am I killing?" Nat asked.

"What happened?" Sam, Rhodey, Steve, and Vision asked. (The only sensible ones, obviously)

"Where's my suit?"

"Who wants cookies?" All murderous glares were replaced with confusion as Bucky asked that question, obviously not seeing my appearance yet. "What's going on? Why is everyone crowded around Peter?" He asked concerned and pushed his way to the front. He gasped and glared.

"Um, I'll have a cookie." I laughed nervously and saw Bruce come in with a first aid kit. I was ushered to sit on the couch and Bruce started to treat my wounds. I felt the stares and glares on me and cleared my throat. "So uh-"

"What happened?" Tony asked with a glare and I rubbed the back of my neck, refusing to meet anyone's eyes. Even though Flash totally deserves it, I didn't want him to die.

"It's unimportant.." I muttered and looked up at Tony. His eyes softened and he sighed.

"I'll call the school tomorrow. Don't think I won't find out." He gave me a stern look and I gave a slight smile.

"Thanks dad." I smiled, then my mouth fell open as he froze. Shit. He shrugged it off and walked away, but I caught the smile that crawled its way onto his face.

                                                                                        Word Count: 594

Just a small stupid one 

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