Bitch, I'm Fabulous!

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"I hate all of you." I said pouting as Michelle, Natasha, Pepper, Shuri and Wanda tried to contain their laughter.

"No you don't." Wanda teased.

"You girls are evil. If you girls joined forces, you all could take over the world. That's a scary thought." I visibly shuddered and they laughed harder.

"How does us doing your makeup, make us evil?" Michelle questioned with sass.

"You guys forced me to let you do it!" I exclaimed.

"Well you should be grateful. At least now you look a little less ugly." She snapped back and the girls looked like they had to fight not to laugh. They looked at each other and a few giggles escaped.

"MJ, you look constipated." I chuckled and the others laughed while Michelle pouted. "But you're still cute though." I winked and she smiled, blushing.

"Awe." The girls gushed and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey kid, you ready to-" Tony cut off as he walked into the room and looked up from his Stark tablet. "What happened to you?" He asked holding in a laugh and I rolled my eyes pointing towards the girls in the room. They smiled evilly looking at their new victim and Tony's eyes widened. He turned to leave the room, but was stopped by Natasha.

I grinned as they did his make up and laughed at his horrified face when they were finished.

"Well, unlike Tony, I look fabulous." I flipped my imaginary weave and the girls giggled.

"Bitch, you THOUGHT!" Tony exclaimed and the girls lost it.

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