A New Family

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(Continuation of the last one-shot 'A Cold Night and a Sad Murder'. Hope you guys like it. I think this one-shot is fucking adorable in my opinion. Let me know what you think in the comments.)

Tony woke up to a little kid staring at him wide eyed and he rubbed his eyes, sitting up. The kid backed away, fear showing in his doe eyes. Tony, for once in his life, had no clue what to do. They had a stare off until F.R.I.D.A.Y. startled the small boy, causing him to almost fall off the bed. Fortunately, Tony caught him just in time and pulled the kid away from the edge.

"Sir, Ms. Potts has told me to inform you the clothes you ordered are in the lounge and that she went to her office. Also to let her know if you need her for anything." The AI announced and Tony sighed.

He carefully stepped out of his bed, the kid watching his every move and stretched. He turned back to the kid awkwardly and tried to smile, but it looked funny causing the child to slightly giggle at the weird man. He stopped giggling as the man extended a hand towards the 5 year old, causing the child to back up in fear. Tony sighed, his arm falling back to his side, limply.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Tony said softly and the boy still looked at him with wide eyes. Tony sighed again and kneeled in front of the kid, causing the boy to whimper. "My name is Tony, what's yours bud?" Tony tried as the kid looked down, but his eyes quickly snapped up, fearing the man, now known as Tony to him, would hurt him when he looked away.

He searched Tony's eyes, causing the man to feel uncomfortable, and didn't see any ill intentions, nor the evil he saw on the other man's face. The man who killed his mother.

"P-Peter." The child stuttered and Tony smiled.

The kid's voice was small, and Tony determined he was probably about 5 years old. But the question in the back of his mind was a question any sensible person would ask; why was a 5 year old found outside his building at 12AM with a huge gash on his forehead, a cut on his knee, and old, tattered, dirty clothes? And where were his parents?

"Well Peter, do you wanna go eat some breakfast?" Tony asked and Peter seemed to contemplate it for a moment, before nodding his head meekly.

Tony held out his hand and Peter cautiously grabbed it. He blushed as he looked at the giant t shirt on his body. They walked to the kitchen, Peter stumbling slightly halfway there and Tony finally decided to just pick up the child, not wanting him to become more injured than he already was. Peter flinched at first, then snuggled into the man, just like last night and Tony smiled.

"Hey Tony, how's the kid?" Bruce asked and Peter clung onto Tony tighter, scared of the new voice. Tony frowned and Bruce looked confused.

"Hey, it's okay little guy. It's just Bruce, the doctor that took care of your booboos last night." Tony whispered to the child who was now shaking in his arms and the boy stole a glance at the medical Avenger who was in front of him. He stopped shaking and shyly looked between Tony and Bruce.

"Mr. Tony, he won't hurt me, will he?" Tony's heart ached at the thought of someone hurting the child. It made him upset that this seemingly innocent child in his arms has only been given poor treatment by strangers, causing him to be afraid of any new person to meet him.

"No kiddo, he's a good guy like me." Tony smiled as Peter pulled away to look at Bruce and Bruce smiled at the kid.

"Hey kid, I'm Bruce." Bruce smiled and Peter smiled shyly back at the Avenger in front of him, his smile noticeably lighting up his face.

"I'm P-Peter." Peter stuttered, a light blush over his cheeks because of his stutter. Tony continued to walk to the kitchen and placed Peter down on the stool. He looked through the cabinets and turned to peter, holding a box.

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