Every (Wo)Man for themselves!!

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Tony walked into the kitchen and shook his head. There was a mess everywhere and half eaten cookies on the ground. Tony sighed as he called a maid and walked to the living room. Sitting on the couch was the culprits and Tony was not impressed.
"Oh, hey daddio." Peter smiled awkwardly as he scratched the back of his neck and Tony raised an eyebrow, before glancing at the other person in the room.

"Hi, dad!" Penny exclaimed and Tony sighed.
"You two are how old again?"

"16." They answered together and Penny giggled.

"I'm older though." Peter chuckled and Penny frowned as he ruffled her hair.

"You're only older by like 5 minutes!" She exclaimed in a huff and he chuckled more, sticking his tongue out.

"Still older."

"Yea, well-"

"Cut it out you two. I wasn't asking to start an argument, I was asking because I wanted to know why two sixteen year olds left a huge mess in the kitchen, with half eaten cookies?" Tony asked, having enough of their arguing and they smiled sheepishly.


"We were making cookies-"

"But we made too many-"

"So we tried to have a cookie eating contest-"

"But then we ate too much-"

"And now we have too many cookies to eat-"

"And we made too much batter-"

"So we had a food fight!" They bother ended together, continuously cutting each other off without missing a beat and smiled innocently. Tony dragged his hand down his face and groaned.

"What am I going to do with you two?" He groaned and they grinned. See they're not only twins, they both also have special abilities so their metabolisms run really fast. Which is why, Tony was mainly trying to hold back a laugh at the two. That is until Pepper saw the kitchen and yelled at the twins.

"Penny! Peter! What did you do to my kitchen?!" Pepper was heard from the kitchen and all three shared a look.



"Save yourselves!" Tony yelled at the same time as the twins and each went in different directions to avoid Pepper's anger.

                     Word Count: 350

Sorry it's short, but I thought this was cute enough to make up for the lack of words. Idea given to me by NEMOLOVER5674 I hope y'all enjoyed. Please leave a vote and comment your opinions.

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