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Everyone arrived at the tower shortly after Tony and had gathered outside Bruce's lab. Peter was hesitantly strapped to a chair, unsure what HYDRA did to his mind. The scientists were taking brain scans and running tests on Peter, when the kid twitched and spasmed in his sleep. 
"Kid?" Tony spoke in fear and Peter let out a cry of pain. "What's going on, Bruce? Come on kid, you gotta calm down." Tony quickly glanced at Bruce, before he looked back at his kid worriedly.
"I-I don't know, Tony. Whatever they-"
"Har-Harley." Peter strained to say and Tony raised an eyebrow.
"I think we should get you-"
"Nope. No. I can't bring my youngest son in here and let him see his older brother strapped to a chair like this. I can't we can-"
"Arggghh!" Peter cried in pain, his spasm becoming worse as his pain increased.
"Come on, kid. You need to wake up. Open your eyes." Tony said as he stepped forward and Peter relaxed. Tony paused and stayed where he was. "Kid? Is that you?" 
"You should let me go, Iron Man. Or should I say, Tony Stark?" Peter smirked and Tony furrowed his eyebrows.
"Okay, so I take it you're not my kid right now-"
"You foolish buffoon. You always held your son back, I'm a- argh." Peter cut off with a wince and groan of pain.
"Pete, what's-" Peter broke out of the restraints and smirked.
"Hope you didn't expect that to hold me long. Now, I need to-"
"You need to stay right there in that chair, so we can figure out what they did to you, kid. Don't make me do it the-" Tony was cut off by Peter shooting a web at his mouth and shutting him up. He shot a web at his repulser and threw him into a wall across the room. Bruce stepped back and tried to stay calm.
"Come on, Pete. It's your father-"
"Dad? Are you okay?!" Harley yelled as he neared the room and Tony froze visibly, causing Peter to smirk.
"No, Harley-" Harley? "-don't-don't come in here. Its not-" 
"Pet-peter?" Harley cut Tony off as he entered the room and Peter seemed conflicted, but shook his head.
"Wow, your other son could be so much more.. but he's as pathetic as you. Let's hope he doesn't-" Peter was cut off by Harley wrapping his arms around him and he froze.
"Peter, please.. please, don't hurt dad or Uncle Bruce." Harley begged, tears falling as he tightly gripped Peter's suit.
"Harley, I- Ahhh!" Peter exclaimed, falling to his knees and Harley was instantly by his side.
"Peter! What's wrong? Dad! Uncle-"
"Protect little human." Hulk's voice announced as Harley was scooped up and taken away from Peter's side.
"No, Hulk! Let me go! Peter-" Harley was cut off by Peter standing up and webbing Hulk's feet together, causing the big green to fall. Harley crawled out his arms and watched as Peter took out a knife. Hulk tried to get back up, but Peter managed to knock the big guy out and held the knife up.
"Nothing, but a giant-"
"Back away from the green guy and do as I say, kid. I don't wanna hurt you, but you are posing a threat on Harley as of right now and-" 
"Da-dad?" Peter stuttered after shaking his head and Tony's arm wavered.
"Pete? What's going on-"
"I-I don't know. They-they i-" Peter cut off as he shook his head rapidly and Tony flew forward.
"Stay with me, kid. What did they do?" Tony asked, but Peter continued to shake his head and Tony gripped his shoulders. "Come on, Spiderman-" 
Tony was thrown across the room and Peter smirked. He glared at the armor and took slow steps towards his father. As he nearly reached Tony, Harley jumped in front and shook his head.
"N-no, I don't know what's wrong with you, but I can't let you hurt dad. Peter, please. You're my brother-" Harley was cut off as Peter pushed him to the side and Harley frowned.
 He watched as Peter walked closer to their father, knife in hand and jumped at Peter as a last resort. Harley gripped Peter's shoulder, or attempted to and in one quick swoop, Peter had Harley on the ground as a knife was sticking out of Harley's side. Peter's eyes widened as his vision became clear and blood covered his hands.
"Har-Harley? No. No, no, no, no, no. I-I. Oh my gosh, Harley Im- Ahhhh!" Peter cried the loudest he ever had as his head seared in pain. He fell to the floor next to Harley and gripped his head. Harley reached out, pain coming from his side and gripped Peter's hand as Peter continued to spasm out. 
"Kids!" Tony yelled as he ran over and saw the knife sticking out of Harley's side as Peter couldn't control his breathing. The two looked horrible and only Harley was conscious.
"I'm- I'll be okay, dad. But Peter. He's… Something's wrong with him." Harley spoke as he became tired and Tony frowned.
"I know, Harls. You're both gonna be okay soon, just hang in there, okay?" Tony asked as he picked Harley up carefully. 
Harley wanted to argue with him to take Peter first, but was too weak and instead tried to stay awake. Tony reached med bay and Helen Cho was quickly on the scene. They started to take action and Tony trekked back down to his lab. His eyes widened when he didn't see his spiderson anywhere and frowned.
"Kid? Are you down here?" Tony exclaimed, looking around and his eyes stopped on a black ball in the corner of the room. "Kid.." Tony trailed off and carefully walked towards his son, armor at the ready.
"I-I killed people- I stabbed Harley- I attacked you and Uncle Bruce- I took down the Hulk when all he was doing was trying to protect- stay back." Peter croaked out as he stopped his rambling and tensed. 
"It's okay, Peter. Are you-"
"I don't wanna hurt you again, please? I'm unstable and-and-" Peter was cut off by Tony wrapping his arms around the teen and Peter broke.
"It's okay, kid-"
"It's not okay. It will never be okay. Besides killing most likely innocent people, I sta-stabbed Harley. My younger brother. The one I swore to protect. I-I stabbed him, dad. What kind of brother am I? I can't-"
"Peter, it wasn't your fault. They did something to your mind-"
"It doesn't erase the guilt, or the fact that even if they di-" Peter cut off as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and Tony caught him.
"Kid!" He exclaimed and felt his pulse, letting a slight sigh escape his lips when he felt one. He carried the kid to the elevator and quickly took off to med bay. 
                  Word Count: 1,163

Um, another part? Ah, I loved this. Please vote and comment your opinions!

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