MJ Against Tony... Who'll Win?

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MJ was of course at the tower visiting baby Peter and she was not in the best mood. Flash had been talking shit about Peter and MJ had to hold back everything in her to not go punch Flash into next week. She walked off the elevator and carried on till she reached Peter's room. Tony was on the floor playing with his son and MJ grabbed the baby.

“Give me back my son Rae Jay.” MJ gave a cold glare to the billionaire and walked away with baby Peter in her arms. Once she got to the living room, she sat on the couch and smiled down at the two year old.

“Hi Peter.” Peter giggled and clapped his small hands. MJ continued to play with the baby, until Tony walked out.

“Can I have my son back?” He asked and MJ once again gave him a cold glare. “How about we spar for my son?” At that moment, the elevator doors opened and out walked everyone who lives in the tower, including Pepper, Rhodey, Thor and Loki. MJ smirked and turned to the elevator, Peter still in her arms.

“Hope you're ready to lose Stark.” With that, MJ was on her way to the gym, while Tony was explaining to everyone what was going.

Everyone started placing bets on who would win and the bets were pretty even. Wanda, Pepper, Natasha, Clint, Bucky, and Loki bet that Mj would win, while Steve, Thor, Sam, Rhodey, Bruce and Vision bet that Tony would win. They reached the gym and MJ was standing in the middle of the mat, Peter giggling and smiling in her arms. She had removed her leather jacket and was wearing a tank top with leggings. She handed Peter to Pepper and got into a stance, while Tony did the same. Once Cap said go, it began and the girls smirked when they realized MJ was just toying with him.

“Just put him out of his misery!” Nat shouted and MJ smirked. She side swept his legs and he fell to his knees. She quickly maneuvered her way behind him and held a knife to his throat.

“Give up, you lost.” Tony was shocked, but tapped out and the people rooting for the billionaire was shocked. How had she won? Tony has been a superhero for years now, and has basic training in martial arts since he is a billionaire.

Everyone who was rooting for MJ held out their hands for the money owed and congratulated the teen. Pepper handed Peter over to MJ and MJ smiled, with a thanks. No man would dare go against MJ, except maybe Loki, but you've seen what happened to him.
                 Word Count: 451

I know this is short, but it's just explaining why Rhodey gave MJ Peter with no arguement. Hope y'all liked it. Next one shot: Tony doing press conferences with red hair. Vote and comment what you think

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