Peter's Revenge...

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"What did Clint even do that you wanted revenge?" Peter questioned after he got bits and pieces from everyone on what happened to him as a baby. He pouted a little when he realized Nat finally got her revenge on him and now all the girls have blackmail material on him, so he couldn't retaliate. Tony, however had nothing on him and Peter was silently planning revenge.

"Well, you see.." Tony sighed and hung his head low, muttering an excuse.

"Excuse me? What was that? Can you talk a little louder?" Peter pretended not to hear him and Tony glared, but sighed.

"He pranked me by painting my suit purple and adding glitter."

"That's it?" Peter raised an eyebrow and Tony shook his head.

"He painted all of them! Then he somehow hacked FRIDAY and now she randomly plays despacito." Peter burst out laughing and Tony glared once again, but it softened when he saw how happy his son was.

"Man, that's great. I have to high five Clint when I see him." Peter wiped a tear and Tony groaned, but smiled.

"So.... You love me right?" Tony asked nervously and Peter grinned.

"Of course I love you, daddio, but I'm still getting you back." Peter laughed at Tony's horrified face and walked out.

~~~~~~~~Time lapse to later that week~~~~~~

"Tony, what are you doing?" Rhodey questioned his best friend as he watched Tony looking around frantically.

"Who made this coffee?" He gazed at the coffee pot warily and Rhodey raised an eyebrow.

"I did." Bruce spoke up and Tony turned to the fellow scientist with alert.

"You-you're not conspiring with Peter, are you?" Bruce was confused, but then chuckled as he came to the realization.

"He still hasn't gotten you back? Oh, this is gonna be great." Bruce chuckled and shook his head. He grabbed his mug and left to the lab, while Tony cautiously poured the coffee.

"Peter's planning revenge?" Rhodey questioned and Tony sighed.

"He hasn't done anything yet and that makes me even more terrified." Tony admitted and Rhodey nodded, a big grin on his face.

"Good luck my friend." Tony sighed and slightly relaxed as he sat on the chair. Rhodey left and he was starting to feel tired. I thought coffee was supposed to make you feel more energized?

Tony stood and walked to his room, barely making it and crashing on his bed. Once his eyes closed, he was out like a light. Peter was secretly watching from the vents and grinned when his plan was set into action. Step one was done, now time for step two. He climbed out of the vents silently and motioned for Clint, Nat, and Wanda to bring in the tiny plastic balls. They got to work immediately and placed balls all over the room till it was filled. They had shut the door completely and filled the room up to his bed. While the two spies and the witch got that done, Peter snuck into the bathroom and pulled out the supplies in the vents.

No one knew this part of the plan and Peter was grinning like a mad man. He put the bleach in the shampoo bottle and red hair coloring in the conditioner. He walked out of the bathroom, quietly shutting the door and noticed everyone was now in the vents waiting for the young spider. Peter's grin got impossibly wider and he shot up as well. They sprayed shit all over the balls and left whip cream on the floor beneath the balls for when Tony fell. They high fived and climbed to their designated rooms, before exiting to the living room.

"Fri, activate the alarms till my dad wakes up." Peter commanded and F.R.I.D.A.Y did just that. The alarm went off for a few minutes, before they shut off and a scream went off from Tony's room. The group laughed and fell to the floor once they heard the thud of Tony falling. A door was slammed open and Tony marched to the living room, glaring at the culprits. The group did nothing to sober up and Tony huffed, storming back to his room.

"Fri, get someone to clean my room." Tony commanded and got a 'yes sir' in response. A maid came immediately as Tony went to take a shower. The maid worked quickly and was finished within the hour it took Tony to get done in the shower. Tony smiled as he walked out to his clean room and discarded his dirty clothing. He walked out to the living room and was confused when he got weird looks.

"Um, Tony? Trying something new?" Bruce asked, holding back a laugh and Tony was confused.

"What do you mean, Bruce? I didn't- PETER!!" Tony exclaimed as Bruce held the mirror up and Tony saw his hair. It was surprisingly a cherry bright red and it now matched Tony's face. Peter ran to the living room and smirked.

"Yes father?" Tony glared at his kid and everyone started laughing when they walked to where the scream came from.

"Why is my hair red?" Peter laughed and Tony glared at everyone laughing, causing them to laugh more.

"You look like a middle aged man who is going through a midlife crisis." Clint chuckled.

"That is payback, dear father. Your hair will be red for 2 months, just like how I was a baby for two months." Peter smirked and Tony looked at him with a frown.

"Peter, I have a press conference tomorrow." Tony deadpanned and Peter raised an eyebrow.

"I missed two months of school. I'm sure it won't be that bad." Peter argued.

"You know what, I'll rock this hair." Tony was determined and everyone was shocked. This was not going to end well...

Word Count: 968

Okay, so sorry if there are any errors or mistakes, but I'm typing on my phone. Anyway, who wants a one shot of how Tony goes to the press conference with red hair??? Hope y'all liked this one, comment your opinions.

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